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Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Oh don’t even get me started. Hall effect has been known since 1879, those JoyCons didn’t use it because it was cheaper to use shitty graphite. They literally went the cheap ass route because they didn’t even care.

“Nintendo sues” oh look it’s a day that ends in Y. The only person Nintendo isn’t dead set on suing is Nintendo.

Here’s you 937th remake of Super Mario Bros 2 that you can only rent, have a nice day.

And our online service is absolute trash but you’ll pay anyway to have a legal emulator until we also discontinue that for Super other garbage online service!

“Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!”

something, something Arch BTW

Very light details from the court on this.

The application to vacate injunction presented to Justice Alito and by him referred to the Court is granted. The December 19, 2023 order of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, case No. 23-50869, is vacated.

I would be cautious to read any deeper than that. The issue for the injunction wasn’t “does Texas have a right to protect their border?” The lower court had sided with Texas that the US had waived its sovereign immunity from state tort claims seeking injunctive relief, via the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).

Quick primer for those not knowing. A bill is a purposed thing in Congress, if both chambers approve it and the President signs it, it becomes law. These laws can be something like “The Department of Transportation shall build a highway that connects Wapakoneta, OH to Indianapolis, IN” The Department of Transportation is then allowed to build a road and they have to publish all kinds of rules about how they’re going about building it (because remember the law only says build a road, not where to build it, out what material, etc…). We call this regulation. Regulation is NOT law (as Congress+President can only do that) but can carry the weight of it.

The APA is a law that sets up a procedure for regulation. Texas had argued that the Biden Administration did not check off all of the boxes required by the APA to remove the razor wire fence that Texas had erected. The Administration had indicated that, Texas was the one violating all kinds of Federal stuff, there isn’t a need to check the specific boxes that Texas indicated in Court because Texas is the one who started this whole mess. The Fifth Circuit agreed with Texas that “Hey look, I get it, Texas is being a weak ass bitch. BUT, APA says so on those check boxes”. It was a really technical win for Texas.

So it basically boiled down to a question of where those specific line items in the APA are applicable when Texas is the one being the bitch about everything? I’m doubtful SCOTUS viewed this as a larger question about State vs Federal because even the Fifth Circuit (who is very conservative) indicated that the Federal Government was mostly right, BUT, if they didn’t like them forcing that part of the APA on them (the US Government), Congress ought to go back and clarify things.

EDIT: Oh I guess I should indicate what the whole spat started over. Last October Border Patrol snipped some razor wire fence that Texas had put up. Texas sued for destruction of State Property. That’s what this whole thing is all about. Now that the fence can be fully removed with this order from SCOTUS, it’s likely that Texas will seek recompense for their property (AKA, Texas will attempt to make the US taxpayer pay for the clean up of the fence and the US government will likely want to send the clean up bill to Texas).

Absolutely this. The reason AI defaults female into “female armor mode” is the same reason Excel has January February Maruary. Our spicy autocorrect overlords cannot extrapolate data in a direction that it’s training has no knowledge of.

I mean I’ve been trying to formally request that ISO change the C API for send() to yeet() for sockets where connection reliability is not required at the network interface level.

This isn’t the slam dunk folks think it is as Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t broke per se but isn’t getting to dictate a lot of his wealth. And it’s complicated because Kyle is a pawn so trying to state things in terms of “how does this affect Kyle Rittenhouse” is missing a larger point about how Kyle is to the GOP actually useful.

First off, Kyle’s book bombed. It’s not good. Even for those from the Conservative realm, it’s not a good book. This is likely in that a lot of what was promised by the book was either culled or just never written to begin with given that Kyle is facing civil litigation now and a book giving “full account” would not help his position. But also the author, yeah it’s complicated but most people do not actually write their own biographies, Michael Quinn Sullivan isn’t a good writer. He’s one of the Republican’s think tank folks from Empower Texans which… that’s its own ball of yarn to untangle so I’ll just end it there. I’m sure guy is a great GOP strategist, he just really sucks at writing and you can really feel the “suck” level of his writing in his sci-fi book Finding the Void. But you know everyone has different taste so Sullivan is a more “specific” taste, and Kyle didn’t pick Sullivan, that’s who was suggested to him for his book. And this gets to the point.

Kyle is a pawn. The GOP is using him for an agenda and Kyle is just looking for a paycheck. And something people should quickly note, don’t rely on the GOP to hand you a paycheck. This shouldn’t be new knowledge, but just in case anyone is out there: You get paid by political organizations based on utility and that’s true for both of them. But there is a caveat to this seeming “both sides” and boy oh boy is it the GOP is some of the most fickle of political groups. With the GOP it can be here today, gone tomorrow like a beach house in a hurricane. Democrats do indeed back away from “troublesome” folks within their own rank, but man GOP people will drop you like you were Cobalt-60.

And this gets into Kyle’s “foundation”. Right out the door, it’s not exactly doing as well as folks might have hoped. it’s operating at -$60k with 72% of its expense being Charitable Disbursements, which is fancy talk for “someone got paid”. And that’s likely indicative that Kyle’s foundation is being used as a funnel for money for someone else. Which absolutely indicates that Kyle isn’t getting a say in the foundation but boy oh boy is he the face for it. Usually a low revenue, high disbursement means mismanagement and I’m doubting that the far-right folks that helped him set it up put a moron in charge of it. It’s likely that the person they put in charge of it is getting a pay check for (insert wild speculation here). But point being someone is being rewarded that’s not Kyle Rittenhouse.

“Now that’s what I call being a pawn!”. There’s clearly a lot of people who want to give Kyle Rittenhouse, for whatever reason, money. The thing is, that money is passing though hands that are distinctly not Kyle Rittenhouse’s hands and that’s Kyle’s actual finical issues. Not that he doesn’t have money or he’s not popular enough to rake in money, it’s that he hasn’t been promoted on the chessboard that is the GOP politics to a chess piece that gets to enjoy some of his spoils. He is very much “useful tool” but a lot of the public information about him and his finances show, he is not getting any benefits, or at least very few of them. Someone else (or perhaps the plural version of that) is raking in the cash due Kyle.

Given the GOP, I don’t think any of this comes off as shocking news to anyone that Kyle’s money is being slowly siphoned from him. Or that true endeavors of his “like his book” are only given token measures of care. That’s a lot of the GOP this day and age. The second someone becomes a nonuseful tool it’s “Phil Valentine who?” Kyle has money, he’s just not allowed to use it. Other people get to use Kyle’s money. That should be the key take away here.

Here are the answers you’re allowed to choose from:

  • I don’t want OneDrive running all the time
  • I don’t know what OneDrive is
  • I don’t use OneDrive
  • I’m trying to fix a problem with OneDrive
  • I’m trying to speed up my computer
  • I get too many notifications
  • Other

I’m going with Other and in the text box I’m telling Microsoft ' SELECT * FROM sys.database_role_members-- and going from there.

Wayland development. Tons of folks yelling “X is good enough!” Where they just ignore that no one is actively developing XOrg which is pretty much the biggest X11 implementation.

Plenty maintaining XOrg but new things aren’t coming to XOrg, there’s just no one there the XOrg devs moved to Wayland.

So all these people shouting, they’re telling you keep a piece of software that’s very fragile, in a space that hardware makers are progressing at rapid pace, has decades of hot fixes, duct tape, and cruft, and nobody is actively developing for.

Like I just don’t understand the people yelling that Wayland is raping peoples wives and setting fire to their dogs. The yelling group is screaming for people to use something that nobody wants to work on and nobody is paying enough for people to work on. The code base is horrible and it easily causes burnout in three weeks or less. No one in their right mind is picking it up for shits and giggles.

So if everyone abandons Wayland, what’s the end goal? Keep riding XOrg till hardware outpaces it completely? Like I don’t understand what the Wayland haters are trying to get at. There’s so little going on in XOrg at this point and everyone seems to universally hate the code base. And a rewrite of the base sounds a whole lot like Wayland but artificially adding in X11 restrictions that make no sense since we all aren’t using PDP-11 to run the clients.

I get that Wayland has configurations that don’t work yet. All software has bugs, including X11 implementations. But Wayland is arguably a technology that is more in line with how modern hardware works than the X11 protocol will ever be. And Wayland is designed to be easy for devs to work with, not a cobble of archaic limitations due to a protocol that was designed for 1970s era computers.

That level of hate for Wayland is just this confusing Luddite cry for software that hardware that properly supports it no longer exists. The reason modern video cards do run on X at this point is because of a lot of hacks. I thought everyone understood this when we did the whole AIGLX vs XGL thing.

[On this coming Friday] Massive information and 100% evidence will be made available during the Corrupt Trials started by our Political Opponent…


Judge: Does the defense have anything to add to today’s record?

Trump’s legal counsel: No we do not your Honor.

Judge: Then the Court is adjourned until Monday at eleven o’clock in the morning.

You wouldn’t download a bridge would you?

Well now I shall drink my coffee knowing that I have angered some random person on the Internet. Not because that I have completed my task of finding someone randomly to anger, because I had no such task, but because my coffee is getting cold and it is solely what is keeping me alert enough to work and post things that anger people at the same time.

In seriousness, LOL. That does seem to be some people’s reaction to people just interjecting randomness into conversations. I think those people just need a good cup of coffee.

In France it wasn’t the wealthy who rioted over the gas tax. It was the average person

Oh absolutely. Changes in society are going to affect the marginal the most. No disagreement there.

but the guy who is just barely making it now with the supercharged fossil fuel economy?

But I would indicate that we must look at the core issue on why the guy who is just barely making it now is in such a position. The monetary resources of this planet are finite and there is a group who is holding onto the vast majority of it. If that bulk of wealth was better distributed the guy who is just barely making it would have more at their disposal to absorb the impact of the change. That isn’t to say that the change would not still be felt, but they would be better to navigate such change.

but that’s going to be a concern even with public companies with no “one percent” making the decisions.

I would say that this undervalues the amount of consolidation that has happened in most industries. Where many industries are reduced to say a few players who dictate the direction the industry goes into. We need to diversify the mixture of players in many core industries in order to find those who take risks that could benefit solutions to climate change. That or we mitigate the risks at a governmental level in order to foster those changes.

It’s no one fix and done kind of issue for sure. But the rich do hold an outsize grasp on the levers of change in government policy and industry direction. But I think we cannot just simply dismiss that they have such a position that is adverse to risk that comes with new initiatives that seek to reduce climate changing emissions and that they have incentive to be adverse to those risks. Removing them completely would absolve governments from implementing policies that cost taxpayers to mitigate those risks and free up capital locked into the hands of a few who would be adverse to take those risks.

There’s also ways we can do all of the above without removing any players from any given industry, but there (at least to me so do understand this is solely my take on the matter) seems to be too many bad faith actors within these various industries that would be so affable to such changes and would seek to shift the winds more in their favor.

The rich for the most part can afford and handle a transition

And that, I think, is the point I’m trying to make here. While they would absolutely be the ones better at handling the change, they are also the group that would seek to prevent the change in the first place. Because why have the change and potentially receive less when they can have no change and continue to receive their current amount? The road that they are on is proven to yield a known value and changing that brings about risks that can modify that yield in unknown ways. Why change to something unknown, when what is currently working has known values? It’s a kind of profit inertia that grips a lot of industries.

The general public is just mostly struggling to get by, that profit inertia is less a factor in their day-to-day life. If there is a change, that via the liquidation of one who held large amounts of locked capital, we can mitigate the impact on those struggling; there is still an impact but by an avenue that does not require taxpayer dollars we can minimize it.

It’s much like how in third world nations we were resource dumping onto these countries and preventing small players from gaining footholds. And by basically removing the ability for these rich companies to dump resources heavily subsidized onto the people of these nations we allowed smaller players to gain some traction. Yes, the cheap resources are gone and people are struggling, but allowing domestic production of these goods eventually allows for products that can be afforded by all, because the domestic production grants more liquidity to those who work the jobs, increases demand, and in turn requires expansion of those domestic industries to include even more workers. We, rich first world nations with industries that are outsized, just needed to stop dumping onto these countries to allow that to foster. A parallel of that to the rich, I believe can be made and is the point of my argument.

But that’s not to detract from what you have here as well, in that the solution is much more complex than just a single issue. Eating the rich isn’t the panacea folks believe it to be. Once those rich companies dumping on the poorer nations was gone, there still needed to be development of domestic production, that’s a non-zero cost and risk.

way bigger than any stupid obvious fix

Yes, we have a societal shift that’s required in order to address this issue. It’s going to have to be as massive if not larger in scope than the entire industrial revolution and on a timescale more accelerated than the industrial revolution. I would posit, that the rich have the most incentive to maintain the current societal paradigm and have the most access to institute policy that maintains such. And thus, in general, in order to effect such a social shift that is required to address the issues, the rich must either begin supporting policies that put their vast wealth at risk or that the rich must be eliminated.

The latter of that I would draw a parallel to a blocked river to farm fields. Removing the blockage doesn’t instantly irrigate the fields. There’s still lots of work to be done once the flow of the river is restored. BUT digging all those irrigation ditches does nothing unless flow is returned to the river. In my parallel, the rich are our blockage to the river and removing them doesn’t technically fix everything, but it’s a step required in order to get flow back.

I am just randomly tossing this into y’all’s conversation, use it as you wish. Aviation in general contributes 2.5% of the global emissions, (3.5% if you would like to read the fine print). That is ALL aviation, not just a selection of jets held by a few people. The 25% value is a real thing too but I think @VieuxQueb is misquoting it. A single private jet round trip from coast-to-coast of the United States with a party of four aboard (not counting pilots) is 25% the CO₂ value the average American will emit. There’s actually a quora that talked about this when whatever news agency said this same thing.

I distinctly remember some news organization saying this, but it was worded so confusingly, I had a feeling someone would put it back together incorrectly. I cannot blame VieuxQueb, some of this stuff that’s talked about is metrics that are hard to digest.

So. I just wanted to put that out there for you two. Thank you for your time. Hopefully that helps you all out.

WD-40 used to come in big cans before it was an aerosol. And there has been spray bottles of it for some time too.

From what I remember, WD-40 is just mineral oil plus some hydrocarbons. The aerosol version is just so that tiny target straw works well, but you can literally just spray it on the work area and “rub” it in as it’s a penetrating oil for water displacement. In fact, I’m pretty certain that’s what the WD stands for, water displacement.

Moral qualms about bringing a frivolous ambulance chasing lawsuit? Get a lumpy pillow and you’ll sleep better at night.

Let’s do both?

That’s a fine take, but it ignores that for this particular issue the consumer isn’t the one dictating the terms. I can’t roll up to the McDonald’s and ask them to put my soda into the cup I hand them. Bioplastics and green plastics aren’t a thing that I directly can fund nor can I convince my politician to prioritize research into them. And the other alternatives outside of a brand new kind of plastic or a reusable cup have massive cons, not because they are inherently bad choices, but because companies rushing to implement those changes are usually executed poorly. I mean, the BEST way to reduce this aspect that’s immediately achievable by every single consumer is to just simply stop eating out completely.

I also think that having the mindset every day to live more sustainably and reduce personal waste is valuable

Absolutely. But there’s also the aspect that our society is build with some really messed up assumptions and we really need to address those. Like a lot of energy needs to be poured into those things more so than anything else. Like I said, easiest way to do away with all of the particular plastic involved in the story is to just simply stop giving any money to fast food, take away stuff, etc. Make your own sandwich, pack your own mashed potatoes, fix your own coffee to take with you.

But there’s a lot of people who are getting the full throat IRL experience that will say, “who the fuck has time for that shit?” And it’s not their fault they are caught up in the shit tsunami that is modern society. They’re just trying to survive. So things like “just stop eating there” is surprisingly, and fucked up, a big ask for them.

It can be eye-opening and a step toward bigger steps like voting, advocacy, boycotts, and conversations with others

And yeah, it’s good to have a conversation about it. But we ought to really also talk about the details of the matter because they’re important. Why isn’t that voting working? Why is there so little advocacy? Why are boycotts doomed to fail every time? There’s reasons for these things and I would argue that those reasons are way more important than shaming people who just want to eat a lunch today.

I would rather do something infinitesimally small than nothing

And I agree, but it needs to not stop there. And in fact the bigger picture items, the finer detail things, those things should be what lead the conversation and the stopping of plastic cups would be an outcome of that. Instead we have here a story that starts out with “you’re a bad person for using plastic cups” and goes absolutely nowhere with “why it be like that?” It’s just pure “you’re a bad person. End of story.” That’s not incredibly helpful to convince people that they should be mindful. People should indeed be mindful, but the shirt that a lot of us are currently wearing has a lot more contribution to the issue than the cup some person just received at the McDonald’s.

It’s literally the plastic straw thing again. And changing that didn’t really change much of the calculus then, because the straw thing contributes so little to the actual issue.

Are we doing this shit again? Look the straws and disposable cups consumers use pale in comparison to the largest contributors of plastics.

The fishing industry accounts for 70% of all plastic that makes it into the ocean. Textiles and shitty tire disposal combine to contribute about 65% of the plastic you will drink.

All of these things are things politicians can “do things” about but just simply don’t. Instead we get story after story about how you dear consumer are the shitty one who is at fault for the fucked up world you live in, not these hard working captains of capitalism who are just doing their best to keep shareholders happy while trying to buy that $50M mansion.

Yes, disposable cups are a problem. Solving that problem will do zero to change the calculus on the amount of plastic you’re actively putting into your body. This whole, “it’s not the fucked up systemic pollution our society relies on that’s the issue, it you to average person who is at fault for every problem in this world” Stockholm-esque bullshit type of journalism needs to stop.

Yes the scientific paper is indeed an interesting read. But what Wired has done is take this pretty innocuous study and turned it into some green washing flagellant bullshit that literally helps the core issue zero percent. Yes, we should be better stewards of the planet. No, telling everyone they’re pieces of shit for existing does not help the cause.

All I needed to read was in the first paragraph.

Brave Software, the company behind the browser of the same name, was founded by Brendan Eich. He’s best known as the creator of JavaScript from his days at Netscape Communications

I mean, JS is his baby that’s all there needs to be said about the person’s motivations.

Man. Fuck those guys!

— Zoom Video Communications, Inc CEO Eric Yuan (about Zoom Video Communications, Inc)

Have you ever micromanaged so hard that you micromanaged your way out of micromanaging?

I have not read through everything, because I don’t have a legal mind. I can’t decipher all that.

I love this part because it so accurately explains why Trump still has this major following despite the overwhelming indictments and evidence. It isn’t just that they lack the ability to understand what’s going on. It’s that they lack the ability to understand what’s going on and in that ignorance have come to a conclusion contrary to all the presented facts.

It’s literally like someone on a commercial flight getting tired of the random turbulence to the point that they kick the pilots out of the cockpit, and begin to fly a 747 knowing absolutely nothing about even basic aviation.

Correction. Excel DOES NOT HAVE PYTHON. Your python is sent to Microsoft’s cloud instance of Python and the result there is sent back to your Excel sheet. No actual python is being executed on your machine.

When you buy a Bored Ape, you’re not simply buying an avatar or a provably rare piece of art, you are gaining membership access to a club whose benefits and offerings will increase over time. Your Bored Ape can serve as your digital identity, and open digital doors for you.

Excuse me, I’m going to go vomit and then drink kerosene.

Yeah the Florida law is still in effect until it’s been fully reviewed by the courts. There is not a moving on so long as the underlying law remains. In this whole thing DeSantis is attempting to place himself as having this outsized role.

The reality is that the legislative branch of Florida feels a need to target companies at the behest of the governor. And the matter of law is that, no you can’t just pick on companies for saying your law is shit.

Since our skirmish last year, Disney has not been involved in any of those issues. They have not made a peep. That, ultimately, is the most important, that Disney is not allowed to pervert the system to the detriment of Floridians.

— Governor DeSantis

And Disney would be fucking stupid to just stop now especially after that kind of comment that is quite literally a confession to a violation of their first amendment right. If this is the rationale for the law against Disney then, yes, there’s zero ways the law is Constitutional.

The guy has fucked himself in terms of running for president and this lawsuit will absolutely decimate any legacy for his Governorship of Florida. The GOP has a tendency to only put up with useful idiots, and this man’s utility is about to have run its course. I’ll credit DeSantis in that at least he’s smart enough to know he’s about to receive a swift boot to his ass from his political party. Combine with him making himself a pariah in pretty much every other political circle, he better hope that savings nest egg lasts him long enough for his mea culpa to play out and perhaps get him some low level job commenting on Fox.

Next year. Should have combo shots next year. The hope was to have them ready this year, but we’ll be in the middle of flu season this year when they’re expected to be approved.

Of course with anything, unexpected things can derail that plan, but everything stay the course, one shot should be next year.

Various factors can play on if the place you go to will have the combo shot though, so there’s that too.

Doesn’t matter the reviews or review bombing to Blizzard. The fact remains that no matter how actually shitty the game is Blizzard is making record profits off of the game.

That’s all Blizzard looks at these days. Is it making them money? And the answer is an abundant yes. So for whatever hate there is, the fact that players are still handing them fistfuls of cash indicates full success to them.

Every time I hear someone say “the world is over populated” I always toss in “for the current economic system we are using.”

Like the whole thing with AI. AI taking jobs isn’t the problem, it’s that jobs are pretty much the sole determining factor on who gets to eat and who doesn’t with our current system.

US FTC’s statement about Google and antitrust investigation back in 2013.

We nonetheless recognize that some of Google’s algorithm and design changes resulted
in the demotion of websites that could, collectively, be considered threats to Google’s search
business… On the other hand, these changes to Google’s search algorithm could reasonably be
viewed as improving the overall quality of Google’s search results because the first search page
now presented the user with a greater diversity of websites.

Rather, we conclude that Google’s display of its own content could plausibly be viewed as an improvement
in the overall quality of Google’s search product

Yeah. FTC is going to do jack-crap about the situation given the tools that they currently have. The FTC is on purpose weak, the US Congress has sought to weaken it over the last three decades. People can go leave a comment on the FTC’s website, but don’t forget, US citizens, to stop by the House and the Senate. And if you need some background, here and here.

Now all that said, this isn’t posted to discourage, it’s posted to get you focused on what hinders the FTC.

Something…Something…a hero. Something…Something…become the villain.

— Harvey Dent

Next hardware reset and automatic reorientation for Voyager 2 is October 15th. Yes the device automatically resets itself about four to five times a year. Communications are expected to be reestablished then.

So the thing is the case has four parts, three out of four are basically (and I quote from the filing):

[X/Twitter] not only rejects all claims made by the CCDH, but, through our own investigation, we have identified several ways in which the CCDH is actively working to prevent free expression.

Which pretty much the vast majority of the filing is this. Which is basically"Nuh-uh YOUR mama so fat!" So yeah, it’s going to go nowhere. The inducing folks to break contract, etc. Yeah, there’s next to nothing there. CCDH has tweets showing the very things they indicated and it’s a semantic argument on what “flourished” may or may not mean to a hypothetical person who wants to buy ads on your network. Basically if you’ve got demonstrable garbage on your network, don’t be surprised if someone points it out.

The fourth part does touch on something to which we don’t have clear guidance on. And that is how CCDH accessed the site to obtain the data. Scraping a website is mostly free, unless you’re doing it for the explicit purpose of profiting. However, CCDH is a non-profit so this is going to be an uphill thing for Musk.

Except in the case where the court decides to toss a curve-ball. See, the various US courts don’t have any actual legal framework to work from for web scraping. Congress keeps kicking the can on the issue. And that’s the thing that’s got CCDH awake at night, a Judge literally can just invent their own rationale on why scraping is wrong or a protected right. It could literally go either way given a wild enough judge.

Anyway, the entire point is that no one should be using X or Twitter or whatever the fuck it is now.

Clearly the original was Mythos Games when they produced XCOM. Musk just added a fucking dot and thought that made it “original”.