An Australian Reddit Refugee.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Not Sandisk. Had several just die with no recovery possible.
Kingston had a few failures but probably OK as a cheap one.
Only had one Samsung crash, so mostly sell those despite the premium these days.

Magnifying Glass + Ant = unhappy ant.
Eyeball + Sun = Magnifying Glass + Ant
= unhappy ant.

Sun to the power of ant = magnifying glass.
Ant to the power of sun = unhappy ant.
Error: Used ant twice.

MP3DirectCut - - might also suit. I use it a lot for community radio stuff as it doesn’t have to pre-load the entire file, making extracting interviews from the MP3 log files a very quick process. Cue the file, B for begin, N for end, File, Save selection, done.

This might be a bit annoying. On my Realme phone, no amount of setting changes stops it from killing Messenger randomly. It didn’t kill Lite so I could trust it, and put up with it despite its issues.

Yes and it’s fun getting Windows Live Mail 2012 to keep working at the best of times.

Every year or so, have to add these registry entries to revive it

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail]

They’d prefer Outlook Express.

I doubt these use much power compared to their spinning rust anticedents.

I second that. Have been migrating devices over to eneloop batteries successfully. (other NiMH batteries go flat after a month even if not used.)

Nor was the one I found - at least not after I lugged the second VCR out of my room to make a copy.

Is that even possible with older iPads etc? Seems like once they go out of support there’s nothing you can do.

30 watts average for Starlink
Estimating 15 watts for the two Deco units plus the Netgear range extender (acting as Ethernet bridge to protect from lightning.)
About 100 watts for the HTPC with three usb tuners.
Between 70 watts (black) and 380 watts (white) on the old Plasma.
All running on four AGM batteries charged by solar, falling back to mains when battery drops to 20%

(Windows) Resource Monitor, disk tab, tick the process, see what files it opens and closes.

Also the usual %programdata% and the two %appdata% find most things.

They don’t exist in Australia, but they sponsor TWiT (this week in tech) so that gives them some good rep in my view.

I think that’s a site specific password thing that can’t be reused elsewhere, so shouldn’t be a big deal.

How do people even know what’s been stolen? I know if someone logged into my server and copied stuff, they only way I’d know would be higher data usage.