A lesbian transfem that likes technology, Transformers, videogames, and much more :3

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023

> Analysts have warned Windows 10 end of life plans could spark a global torrent of e-waste, with millions of devices expected to be scrapped in the coming years.  > Research from Canalys shows that up to 240 million PCs globally could be terminated as a result of the shift over to Windows 11, raising critical questions about device refreshes and the responsibility of vendors to extend life cycles.

  1. To me it isn’t acceptable that phones and tablets have that problem too, especially devices that could still have a decent performance.

  2. Windows has a lot of problems, but at least if you have Windows you will be supported for a long while, even if it gets slow due to Windows being Windows. Considering ChromeOS frames itself as a competitor of especially low end Windows, and that ChromeOS is more optimized than Windows, I would expect more.

EDIT: The article says three to six years, and that they stop functioning. That’s even worse.

EDIT2: And like most phones, you can’t flash another OS to most chromebooks.

You could do like me, play lightweight games on a normal laptop and heavy games on a desktop.

Also ASUS these days has a very bad track record, even the ROG Ally has some issues like the buttons getting stuck and the battery.

The PCBs. With pre made magnet mounts, tactile z buttons, an already available T3 Gamecube controller, and excluding all the soldering equipment (i already had most of it) and the optional stuff, it costed me about $257, $239 . However that price is not completely right because I split the bill between me and two friends, so it costed more like $85 each. If you don’t have friends interested and you don’t want to sell it might be better to buy a single one on Etsy.

Elecrow. For 5 boards i paid $130 iirc. And I’ve seen some things in the Discord regarding JLCPCB… For example, for one person they completely covered one of the mounting points.

(The one on the left is the phob) PhobGCC is an opensource PCB made to give Gamecube controllers a more consistent experience and a longer life. Excluding shipping and practice, it took me three days as my very first soldering experience. It was fun! Link for documentation here https://github.com/PhobGCC/PhobGCC-doc

I mean I really don’t like Biden but fwiw he reversed policies from Trump in areas such as inmigration and transgender people (such as excluding HRT from Medicare), and did some work with food stamps, not to mention the damage control his administration had to do for COVID-19. If Trump have been re-elected, things would’ve been very very different, and if the Senate midterms hadn’t turned out the way they did we might have had fascist federal laws by now.

Currently one party is the Fascist party and the other is the “literally anyone left from that” party. As sad as it is, Biden is probably what the DNC thinks is the best shot at having the entire party voting for him, from the social democrats to the conservatives, since he’s not LGBTphobic nor racist, and supports the current status quo. And yes, the bar is pretty fucking low but if the Republican wins it will be even worse.

I haven’t finished Spec Ops: The Line, but I recommend that. It looks like your average American propaganda third person shooter but the story is actually super interesting and thought provoking. Looking at https://howlongtobeat.com/, it’s 6 hours for the main story.

Easily one of my favorite RPGs.

Also it’s getting a remaster(and I’m not old :P) so there are and/or will be more young fans than what you realize

The only thing I feel could’ve been done better in Prime 1 is the map. I don’t think it aged well in that aspect, but you couñd argue that’s a nitpick

The Mario RPG franchise is very good actually, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga and Super Mario RPG being my favorites. I’ve heard good things about Paper Mario too.

Oh and the Earthbound series is very good too, but the Mario franchise is more beginner friendly.

Lemmy.world is getting a very big chunk, but other than that it actually seems fairly distributed.

I am pretty new to politics and I align more with social democracy, but I’ve always being curious about anarcho communism and it isn’t about losing scientific advancements or everyone for themselves. I think an anarchist would argue that these things are possible and in fact encouraged, but that they should be handled directly by the community, cutting out the middle man of the government.

Whether this could work or not is another dilemma, and one I cannot answer.

To me the one about scientific research sounds hard but not impossible to achieve. Maybe I’m just optimistic though.

  1. How do businesses today that rely on ad revenue (web search, podcasts, etc) continue to exist and pay salaries and other expenses? A. These would all require a move to direct payment models. Either a usage fee or a subscription fee.

On their own it would probably not work for everyone, but groups of paid services might work. Although I’m not sure how I would feel if everything started having a paywall…

Also I like both ideas. Would likely make consuming stuff more informative than persuasive.

Now that you say it, I don’t think advertising has made an impact for what I want to buy in a long while(other than when announcing an unknown brand or when I already am looking for that product, and even then I don’t think I have bought anything solely based on that).

Maybe, yeah. Not seeing everything through rose tinted glasses has made me realize how much I hate the current, greedy world. However I’m also very misinformed on other non-capitalist systems so I don’t think I can contribute much to that at the moment.

What would a world without advertising (as we know it) look like?
From violations of privacy, to the mainpulation or even maliciousness at its core, I think marketing at it's current state is poison to society. But I also think it might be a necessary evil. What would be a good alternative implementation of advertising look like? Or do we even need it? If the former, how would advertising look in a non-capitalist society?

![](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/aa743a8c-7c93-4403-ad96-6048955402bb.jpeg) ![](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/86d56af2-9a21-420d-99f0-aec38e0a5c22.jpeg) ![](https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/dd03f39c-bea9-403c-bd38-67fb8cf6225a.jpeg)

It’s fine, although I would’ve used a more explicit warning(something like “bigotry and racism”). Regardless, thanks.

That thread is exactly why I’ve been avoiding the fediverse until beehaw and lemmy in general showed up. It’s filled to the brim with nazis, alt right ‘statistics’ and, you guessed it, slurs. I would’ve appreciated a warning…