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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


Oh man, I remember 7th Guest that game was so cool - a video game with live action cut scenes! That was the same genre as Rama (1996)

I wonder if it’s the point so much as an ‘unfortunate’ byproduct. I think it’s more of a take a win at any cost because “fuck the libs”

I want her and MTG out but honestly I really want to see a CSPAN event of them boxing first. I’ll take no boxing and then both out with no fight tho.

Unrelated to the artical, but years ago I bought a Corsair k95 and got a box of them (4x). Gave away 2 of them but I still have one new in box if mine ever gives out.

Fwiw I generally don’t think Biden is a Fascist per se. I think he is a corporatist and a neolib which can quickly lead to fascism. We need a different voting system besides first past to post so we can get some of these ghouls out of office.

“‘If they didn’t vote for a lizard’, said Ford, ‘the wrong lizard might get in.’” - Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Oh, I was replying @DesertRose and I only saw your comment immediately before it. I’m not a ‘both sides’ kinda person but they are both quite guilty - Republicans do seem to be more mask-off tho.

That being said, I don’t disagree with your response to @DesertRose.

My comment was more tongue-in-cheek and not meant to be taken too seriously, thus the “/s”

My parents kept Easyrider Magazine on the back of the toilet since my mom worked there (accounting or collections or something). Sure as a teen you’re a horn ball, but since it had been there for most of my life boobs kinda didn’t hold the magic (kinda).

Edit for clarification: it was mostly a biker lifestyle magazine. It had pictures of boobs but it was mostly about Harleys and biking.


Democrat = Liberal = Socialist = Communist = Fascist = Nazi. Therefore all Democrats are literally Nazi Fascists


Not surprised, I vaguely recall the CEO turning into a fine patê under the pressure of his own hubris