• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Crowd strike is worth billions in pogs, are you?

Even if our apps used resources better the adware will just use the free space.

I have not heard of it and it sounds like what I am looking for.

What do you do for a calendar? New to selfhosting/homelab.
Hey All, I am just getting started in my journey. Part of my goals is to de-google my life and am looking to start with my calendar. I want to to sync with my laptop and my phone. I was going to start reading about nextcould because it seems like it would have the stuff I need and more. My question is what does the community use, so that I can read and research about it. No technical questions yet. --- Edit: Not sure why I cannot see the replies when signed in (visible when logged out). Will be checking out your suggestions. Thanks Self Hosted community!

I have not gotten to the point where I would want two versions of the same library, but that is good to know.

That feels like it makes way too much sense, thank you for the answer!

Never heard of it. Will add to my reading list.

Will toy around with it, thank you for the suggestion!

Thank you for your thoughtful reply, but does nix package manager need to be using NixOS?

Incus and programming
So I am not a professional programmer, but I do like to tinker with projects and just teach myself stuff (in python and now rust). I currently just install stuff on my linux distro off of the repos or anaconda for python. I've never had any particular issue or anything. I was thinking about maybe moving projects into a container just so that they are more cleanly separated from my base install. I am mostly wondering about how the community uses containers and when they are most appropriate and when they are more issue than they are worth. I think it will be good for learning, but want to hear from people who do it for a living.

How often do you back up?
I was wondering how often does one choose to make and keep back ups. I know that “It depends on your business needs”, but that is rather vague and unsatisfying, so I was hoping to hear some heuristics from the community. Like say I had a workstation/desktop that is acting as a server at a shop (taking inventory / sales receipts) and would be using something like timeshift to keep snapshots. I feel like keeping two daily and a weekly would be alright for a store, since the two most recent would not be too old or something. I also feel like using the hourly snapshots would be too taxing on a CPU and might be using to much disk space.