I mean I was being sarcastic. He’s gonna be just fine. He will live better than 95% of the population. He was the head of a company valued at 50+ billion. This guy is not being paid less than 300k. Him being fired isn’t going to change his life style in any dramatic fashion like it would an average person.
It’s not cheap but building a nas from scratch is loads cheaper. Looking up NAS killer 6 on serverbuilds.net have some great guides and support
Counter point. I would wager people are more productive scrolling 5 minutes through a Facebook post then taking a 30 minute coffee break talking to various coworkers. I would hate this. Also if you’re a developer how would you research something? No stack overflow? No access to forums to solve particular problems? Not sure this is sustainable.
You should look into hard linking: https://trash-guides.info/Hardlinks/Hardlinks-and-Instant-Moves/. Remaining and no double storage
As for trakt isn’t that what you want? If you haven’t watched it and it’s on your watch list why filter things out?