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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Smaller host sites are generally full of junk and difficult to use, plus can’t beat the speeds/infrastructure of something like Netflix.

Holding a reit as an investmenr and creating the ecosystem for hiking rent prices by monopolizing ownerahip are not the same thing. I, for moral reasons, do not hold reits because I see what the companies are doing and its’ effects.

That doesn’t make it good for society lmfao.

The 2008 Stock Market crash is a good lesson in this, they bundled subprime loans and turned them into securities which made it into mutual funds, pension funds and generally securities held by corporations.

Maybe they’ll reverse course with enough blowback, they did that once with ryzen already, don’t remember which Gen it was but it wasn’t going to be backwards compatible with certain type of mobos, but then they released it anyway and some mobo manufacturers did provide bios updates to support it.

Similarish situation could happen here, the biggest hangup I’d think is that the 3000 series is nearly 5 years old, and getting mobo manufacturers on board for that could be difficult.

It’s a bit different of a dynamic compared to a company that can pay and instead pays in exposure.

If it was based on desktop adoption, windows phone wouldn’t have been a failure.

I think most people are more upset about the engine being the only thing devs target now, similar to the old IE days, not as much on the chrome vs chromium aspect when it comes to this.

It’s chromium, which is basically chrome lol

This, people just being weird about terms