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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I use Chromecast to watch jellyfin on my TV. My host PC is hardwired, and obviously the Chromecast is through WiFi

I’ve never considered a pi for this purpose. Assuming you have either one large or multiple smaller hard drives, physically how do you connect all that to your pi? Thanks!

I mean, just voting for Trump doesn’t objectively make you a bad person… That’s the definition of being subjective. Also, I’m confident in my intelligence, please don’t make lemmy the dumpster fire that is Reddit.

I’m not saying that Trump is a good person, again this is a discussion of Peterson, but one could argue that aside from Trump’s character he wasn’t the worst president the US has had.

It’s a wild statement to insinuate that your family voting for Trump somehow makes them bad people. Likewise, Peterson has some decent advice that I think should not fully be written off due to his personal life.

I haven’t really seen anyone in this thread disqualify his argument based on merits and only using their own feelings to say he’s wrong.

In all honesty, I don’t have a horse in this race, but I don’t think Peterson is a terrible as everyone seems to think. Maybe I’m crazy