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Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


Android already does that, no AI required. Some fairly simple math is enough.

The device first charges to 80% and holds there. It also calculates how long it will need to charge from there to full and when it will need to resume charging so that it will hit 100% just before the next alarm goes off. Then it does that.

True. It’s just the automated transfer that doesn’t work.

I didn’t bring up F-Droid’s very existence as an argument because iOS also allows a form of sideloading these days. Android still makes it a lot easier but Apple isn’t entirely out of the loop anymore. Baby steps, I guess.

I’m the spirit of fairness I will nitpick you.

Firstly, porting apps over between Android devices works seamlessly only if those apps come from the Play Store. Android has no provisions for auto-transferring e.g. F-Droid and its apps. So it’s no wonder you can’t transfer your iOS apps (which might not even have Android versions). But it is true that auto-transfers of Play Store apps between different Android spins is seamless.

Secondly, whether and how easily you can modify or replace your Android is dependent on the phone’s manufacturer. A Pixel is a very different beast from an Xperia in that regard. Still, Google do provide AOSP and are very mod-friendly on their own devices. Apple very much aren’t.

Soon they will launch their new product, Copy of New Teams Classic (work or school) (2).

True, but those are not the people the men’s is making fun of. It makes fun of perfectly healthy people who decide they need gluten free everything because they heard that gluten is bad and they can’t do any research on how and why. Same with vegans who are only vegan because it’s trendy (and who probably cheat every other meal because a vegan lifestyle actually requires a fair amount of effort and learning about nutrition).

Compared to other languages it’s still very barebones – but admittedly some of the bloat is also because the JS world is kinda set in its ways. I still see people use jQuery for basic selector queries and SASS for basic CSS variables.

Another factor is that developers these days assume that users have fast unmetered connections. Loading 800 kB of minified gzipped JS from ten different domains is seen as no big deal. When the cost of adding piles of dependencies is considered nil there’s no impetus to avoid them.

The lack of a standard library is really the worst offender. Most of a given node_modules directory is filled with middleware to handle JS’s lack of everything.

And it’s matched by .+@.+ as it contains an @.

Remember, we’re taking about regular expressions here so .+ means “a sequence of one or more arbitrary characters”. It does not imply that an actual dot is present.

(And I overlooked the edit. Oops.)

Which ones? In RFC 5322 every address contains an addr-spec at some point, which in turn must include an @. RFC 6854 does not seem to change this. Or did I misread something?

You can use a regex to do basic validation. That regex is .+@.+. Anything beyond that is a waste of time.

Can’t confirm. My default browser and web view are Firefox on both Sony and Samsung devices.

People are using their smartphones instead of their PCs. That hurts sales. So PCs need to behave more like smartphones, e.g. by being able to notify you of new messages at all times. Then people will surely ditch their smartphones again and buy laptops.

Intel, Microsoft et al never considered that that’s fundamentally not how PCs should work.

Mind you, other religions can sustain genocide as well. As can atheism. In the end it’s just plain old tribalism with a different coat of paint.

As does C#. The Windows-specific parts are not the parts most developers will use these days.

Well, and them replacing the rotting husk of MacOS 9 with a bastardized version of NeXTSTEP. That kinda helped, too.

And that’s why comparing different people’s ratings is so difficult. 10/10 can mean “absolutely perfect and impossible to ever improve upon”, it can mean “the best possible execution right now”, it can mean “the best expected result with no major flaws”, it can mean “I had a good time and would recommend this to anyone”, and so on. All of these definitions are valid.

Aggregate scores paper over those differences. That automatically makes them less accurate.

The Pandora was pretty cool even if it took so long to get manufactured that the SoC was outdated by the time I got mine. I do have vivid memories of playing Kolf on it during a long and boring speech.

Same here. There’s really no reason why I should have to throw away the whole machine if the keyboard goes marginal after a few years or I decide I want a faster CPU.

By the end of the year Steve Wozniak will be the CEO of Microsoft, YouTube will no longer allow videos in French, and the UN will recognize Mastodon as a weapon of war after it’s somehow the deciding factor in Ukraine. And then in 2024 the weird stuff will happen