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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Sep 25, 2021


You should jump right into PyAE, very great easy mod idea just trust me


Ive had to make websites on networks that block mdn but not w3schools for some reason

As a guy, I’d like to see less sexism in the field, there’s no reason why gender would affect skill

Aw yeah this site, i remember playing with it years ago

Likely either C or C++, both languages have been around for a long time and both are still used in huge projects

The rock isn’t really “flattened”, its more like being melted, turned into a crystal and sliced

I used to use a version from github actions, this is just a gplay release

Other games i know that do this are factorio (you are able to download the game as a zip, and it doesnt stop you from making as many copies as you desire)

Arch is not intended as a distro for the average user, it’s intended for a user who can use the advantages of a basic highly customizable system

If the people its addressed to can understand it, it’s fine, embrace lingusitic descriptivism

Eh, .elf is more for really low level ELF files, so a program would just be named program, a kernel would be named kernel.elf

Did you write this meme as a html page and screenshotted it?

There’s already an unofficial factorio blog called alt-f4

I don’t remember exactly what it is, all i remember is there’s a unix-like operating system written in it