Small scale permaculture nursery in Maine, education enthusiast, and usually verbose.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


MH4U on the 3ds was my first introduction and I actually kinda miss being able to quickly tap the items that were up on the touch screen to use them. World on PS and Rise on the switch scratch the itch but I was visibly upset that tracking didn’t make it into Rise; it was just a great mechanic and it felt extra satisfying to build out the monster knowledge, and it added some wonderful depth to the gameplay.

I’m not really all that crazy about the fort defense mechanic in Rise, I’d genuinely skip it if I could.

As much as I enjoy the series and still play it, there’s a certain amount of ennui that I’m experiencing when it comes to hunting Jaggis and the rest of the same monsters every time. New mechanics help to make up for it by having the hunt be slightly different, but wow what I wouldn’t give for a totally new experience playing Monster Hunter.

You’re moving goalposts again, as I provided the excerpt from the article that you asked for in your prior comment.

The truth of the matter is that each of the racially motivated hurdles to voting I’ve previously noted follow a clear pattern of aiming to prevent certain groups from voting and this latest one is no different. No fluctuation of strawman arguments will change that

3rd paragraph in:

Some Democrats contend the measures could create hurdles for legal voters, are unnecessary and lead people to believe the problem of noncitizens voting is bigger than it really is.

Legislatures pass bills. Sometimes they are called resolutions, or other names, but the items that are voted on are bills. Prior to the passage of these bills, only citizens could legally vote anyway. Noncitizens face fines, jail, and deportation for an act that has no mathematical influence on these elections even if it were to happen, which it generally does not.

By changing the language from “all citizens”, it sets up opportunities to selectively disenfranchise those citizens who are able and registered to vote. This selective enforcement will fall disproportionately on those people who belong to the targeted group - in this case, those who look like the people immigrating across the southern U.S. border - similar to how poll taxes and literacy tests were used to prevent other groups from exercising their legitimate right to vote. And that’s by design, else these measures would not be coupled with fear mongering about these people.

This article is referencing new bills that will disenfranchise legitimately registered voters, and is not about bills loosening current voting laws. Current voting laws, as you yourself have stated, are clearly working.

There’s just so much hidden goodness inside! My last playthrough has me struggling less, and I found more, but apparently I just wasn’t thorough enough

Trying to actually get the good ending in Tunic, not too proud to admit I’m using a tracker this time around. And wow, I passed up SO. MUCH. last time around

Iirc the leaked internal docs and reporting showed that nvidia was downloading 81 years worth of video per day. If the pattern holds, and we “throw” the books at them, it probably looks a lot like one of those building-sized front end loaders dropping the library of Alexandria on those executives.

As an alternative, I would be fine if nvidia were no longer allowed to hold copyright or trademarks since the company believes that those don’t matter, required to share all internal documents (including any and all planning), and required to open source all their code until the company implodes

Here’s hoping the plaintiffs can bring the leaked internal docs from nvidia’s management directing engineers to violate the TOS of several sites to show a pattern of malfeasance, and that the judge has at least a modicum of understanding regarding these topics. Throw the book(s) at 'em.

I don’t go in for this framing - it employs language that diminishes substantive policy differences and discourages engagement and turnout from people that share similar moral compass bearings, which only empowers those who thrive in low turnout elections and high apathy in the periods between them. It would be far better, from my view, for folks of all progressive stripes to be encouraging everyone to vote for progress at every level of every ballot, and highlighting local candidates that will help to push the top of the ticket and national dialogue towards even more progressive ideals. Positioning all options as evil has big “the bus boycotts won’t get results and should stop” energy

Some of my closest friends are people I began interacting with online - some I’ve made trips to visit, others are so far away that we might never meet afk. I began chafing at the online/irl dichotomy more than thirty years ago when my uncle showed me Ohio State’s intranet and my parents lamented that I needed to be spending my time in “the real world”. Back then, I was floored that I could have real interactions with real people in real places I’d never been, and these days I am no less amazed by the ability to connect on a real level with people in digital spaces.

To this day, online and afk are the distinctions I use for my real life interactions - my words are just as able to bring comfort and solace or mockery and derision in either space, and I comport myself the same way in both because of thoughts like the ones in this post.

“They’re unironically that creepy mom from Carrie

  • Walz, next week or so

From this layman’s perspective, this seems like the executives at Nvidia directed people to access computer systems in a way they were not authorized to and with methods designed to circumvent the security of the sites in question. It seems, on its face, to be a violation of the CFAA that was knowingly pushed by these executives - and I hope you’ll all join me in calling your congressional representatives to advocate for a full prosecution of them

I think Nancy was the one who had a relationship with the shooter…

The whole thing just feels a little hinky to me, but I agree with you in doubting that trump planned it. That said, keep an ear out for lines from ronnie’s speeches

Given the slant of the article, it really feels like The Register missed an opportunity for a spicier headline like “Mike Howell, Heritage Foundation executive, reportedly discloses gay furry prison sex fantasies”

Didn’t see this when I made my comment but yeah. Reeks of the reagan playbook

I’m not entirely surprised…

His first campaign was entirely cribbed from reagan too

when reached for comment, the makers of the ai tool stated that they were shocked that the tool was used for the purpose for which it was built

/s because it’s not a real quote but also:


“Your honor, my client does not possess the funds to continue this trial, so we have crafted an offer to the plaintiffs: in lieu of compensating them for the hundreds of watches that have gone missing from their inventory, we admit no wrongdoing and they will be offered stock in his watch making company should he ever start one”

Maybe there’s a word we could apply to situations where a group of people make plans to carry out an activity that is not legal for personal gain

I really enjoyed the style of the Link’s Awakening remake and I’m glad to see it return! And yeah, lots of variability and replay value with those mechanics I think is the contact point for this bot - you could reach out if they don’t respond to being tagged

Really just further clarification on which laws should protect, but not bind, their in-group.

Even here in Maine there are some large subsidies for battery backup systems. The state is even running a program for people who have them, where they can get paid for selling their stored energy during peak usage times.

I recently played through Miles Morales twice and decided to play the previous Spiderman game. Still having fun, but I’m trying to get to the sections with Miles (he’s my personal favorite). It’s interesting to see the kinds of side quests and mini games they chose to keep in retrospect.

As someone who appreciates your efforts in threads and is old enough to get this reference, I salute you

Overcoming someone’s apathy towards voting is a huge success, don’t let yourself get down about how many you convinced.

Nah you’re good, I just became a lot less fun when the Gell-Mann stopped <3

Inappropriate for a wire service/po•tah•to. Reuters has little value to me if non factual statements are not attributed as quotes.

The newly listed company warned in its initial public offering (IPO) paperwork that its unique approach to content moderation can sometimes subject it to disruptions like in 2023, when several moderators protested against its decision to charge third-party app developers

I seem to recall over 8000 subs going dark but sure, just a handful of people protested.

is not possible under the circumstances presented

Of my client’s entire history dealing with others

My nephew absolutely loves Kirby anything. We played some of the games together on an emulator during his visit last year, but it’s a few more years before I’ll introduce him to Dream Course. The 2d platformers are more his speed currently. And by that I mean “as long as he crossed the finish line he beat the level” even if I helped. It’s been fun playing through them to practice for the cool points

I picked up King of Seas on sale just to have something silly to play. It’s a fun little thing, getting to roam around as a pirate and dodging the navy and main quest alike in pursuit of a fancier ship

Hmmm… When I finished the four levels in Terra Nil it unlocked four more scenarios with different maps to play. You’re right though, more would have been fun to have.

It’s so good! I’d love to see our neighboring states make the move to it or STAR voting

I think you made the right call, and your explanation is wonderfully eloquent. Thanks for all your efforts


I tend to vote most idealistically in local races, and most strategically in top line races. With local ones I can also have an outsized impact on the folks who are voting in those races by volunteering or even just (at minimum) talking positively about a given candidate to those who are on the fence or those who vote but don’t spend the same time I do researching positions. It’s my feeling that producing a major shift in policy is most achievable by a surge in local voting, due to the brittle nature of political strategies that rely on low engagement.

AGDQ 2024 starts in less than two hours
Who else is hyped for the event, and what runs are you looking forward to? For those unfamiliar - Awesome Games Done Quick is a charity speedrunning event benefitting the Prevent Cancer Foundation which runs from today through Saturday. Any donations made to PCF will also potentially enter you into raffles for some really cool prizes. Any subs or bits cheered will *also* go towards PCF. I'm not affiliated with GDQ except as a prize donor, and being excited for their events [Update] LETS GOOOOO