• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Can you put your computer in a bear proof garbage can?

I have a plugin in VSCode to remind me not to forget the semicolons

I just use the Konami code as a secret password.

And the ones you leave for yourself to check during development and forgotten to close before release.

Make the pay option less shitty than pirating. That’s all it takes.

I feel like this lawsuit was a real Streisand effect for Nintendo. Now everyone know there’s a way to emulate the Switch.

I’m definitely going to wait and see which project stays up after the first sprint.

Don’t contribute to anything right now. Lay low. Keep your source backups. Don’t pay money to some rando’s patreon

Kinda similar. I remember having a file I could t delete. But I could move it to a new folder and delete that folder and the file would delete.

Author uses a free app with ads. Gets upset when he can’t remove the app for free.

Turn out you can install Ubuntu on the Opi zero2 so I did that and going with docker install following TRaSH turorial

Klipparr: To manage your STL and G-code files in an organized library. lol this would be awesome!!! It would pull models from Printable, Thingiverse, yeggy and others and store them in a personal library along with your own Fusion designs….

Something like KIUAH for 3D printing that manages install and update and configure of all dependencies would be awesome.

Simple guide to setting up Jellyfin+*arr on an OrangePi (ARMbian)
I’m looking to setup a media server with Jellyfin+*arr for my home. My LG tv has Jellyfin app already. Is there a tutorial, or script to install all the necessary tools on my SBC?

Where can I find audiobooks?
Looking for a way to get audiobooks to listen to. Preferably in a format compatible with Apple Books app.

But it works fine on MY computer.

Yes. They could have the equivalent of theatrical release exclusive and when it would normally go to DVD get a global streaming license.

Because if you convert it back to binary, you have 0x0000 and that is one extra bit you can use instead of limiting your available values.

It really turns into Naruto style ninjitsu.

0 1 10 11 100

Back in the days there was a law that movie studios couldn’t also have movie theaters to avoid this specific issue. Now they found the loophole.

This is the project I’m working on: CyberLevel. A gyro digital level for Steadicam. video

Haha! I feel you. Luckily my project only involves about 20 pixels on a high density strip (332pixels/m) to be used as a small 1D display.

I’m dealing with this right now. Making the largest embedded project for me (self taught) RP2040 in Cpp with a TFT touch screen, an IMU with fusion, a strip of “neopixels”, a 12v battery voltage reader, some Lemo connectors and custom cables, all in a 3D printed case in 3 parts. I’m so close to the end but still facing some code issues.

On small computers like Arduino there is a very small memory called eeprom that stays when powered off. It saves ultra low level data (at the bit and byte level) if you don’t “format” after changing what is being saved where it then tries to read gibberish and things go bonk.

And when the data sheet is wrong that gets fun. You start parsing I2S for each bit and record the result until you see a pattern. Or when your program crashes the USB and you can’t reupload without hitting boot or reset but they are inside the box.

I had that happen with embedded programming when you forget to flush the eeprom after changing your saved values.

I know right! Free.fr was a real disruptor. They fought the government to open telecom to private companies (it used to be France Telecom only which is gov owned) then they worked with the gov to create a fiber network that can be used my multiple ISP. So no running parallel lines from separate companies, they all create, maintain and share the same network all over the country. Before that, they started as the first free dialup internet service. You would call a number, and connect. You were paying with ads. They also were the first DSL speed, first TV over DSL, first FTTH, first VoIP, and they also have a cell phone network. And the prices are forcing all the other companies to align. We seriously need free.for in the US.

And France gets 5Gbps for €30 per month or 8Gbps for €40 per month. I’m in the US now and really miss free.fr as my ISP

And then there’s stupid Cpp with

if (true) {



void HelloWorld(string) {
  if (string == "print") {
    Serial.print("Hello World"};

Solved it.

Unplugging the Ethernet cable does the same effect lol.

uTorrent (pronounce micro torrent) and micro…. Nevermind…

“Quit printing baNaNa in your JS console!”