• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


Self hosting has the advantage of keeping your encrypted vault local and under your control.

Self-boting is against ToS. You have to be careful when interacting with the Discord API. Maybe there is a way to run the discord website to fetch text messages.

It isn’t that artists are “less creative” and that is why they are being out-competed. What I was saying is AI can do it so much quicker and at such a low cost to companies. Music making is a long and (often) tedious processes.

What about when a style IS the copyright holder’s (the artist’s) personal style and voice likeness?

I see this as a major loss and just another way for capitalists to cheat artists and outcompete out them using their effectively free labor. It is disgusting and I hate copyright because it only works to benefit the rich and powerful, and never protects smaller artists.

Generally, I think it is better to use a general server OS like Debian or Fedora instead of something specialized like Proxmox or Unraid. That way you can always choose the way you want to use your server instead of being channeled into running it a specific way (especially if you ever change your mind).

That is not how security works. You must protect against known and unknown attack vectors. I am only pointing out weaknesses of Docker and other linux containers that share the kernel with the host or/and run with Root. I’m not saying anything original or crazy, just read up on the security of these technologies and their limits. I am not a malware designer, I am a security researcher.

Look into gVisor and Kata Containers for info on how to improve the security of containers.

Here are some readings for you:


It is not speculation, it is reducing attack surface. Security is preemptive. Docker/Podman are not strong isolation solutions. Rare does not mean we shouldn’t protect against the chance of kernel vulnerabilities. The linux kernel around 30 million lines of code long and written in a memory unsafe language. Code isn’t safe just because we dont know the vulnerabilities, this is basic cybersec reasoning.

Docker/Podman and LXC linux containers share the same kernel with the host machine. Root in the container is root period (in the case of rootfull containers). Even without root, much of the data on your machine is readable from any user. With a exploit to escape the container (which are common) the malicious program has root on the machine. This is a known attack vector against linux containers. VMs are much better for isolating untrusted software from the host OS.

Idk how to decide what is safe or not, but as a warning, Docker containers can escape trivially and have access to the kernel.

Unrelated from the prompt:
This may effect the sandboxing of Firefox and change the fingerprint of your browser.

Sorry, misunderstood. Proxmox Free broke my containers on updating a while ago.

Now I use Docker-style application containerizing, but I think LXC (the base technology powering Incus/LXD) is useful in a number of situations and perfectly viable for use. I think Incus-containerized applications are easier to upgrade individually (like software updates of your apps, no need to recreate the container image) and gives a closer to native experience of managing. You do lose out on automated deployment of applications from widely available image sources like docker.io, but the convenience-loss is minimal.

If incus works for yoy, use it. Proxmox locks you out of the option to choose your base server distros.

I remember updating (maybe a year ago now) and it making all my containers unaccessable.

If they want proper anonymity, the user needs to protect against fingerprinting from the duckduckgo website (Tor or Mullvad). If by anonymity you are meaning from OpenAI, then duckduckgo needs to be running user’s text prompts through a paraphrasing LLM to normalize text and avoid deanonimization using writing-style Fingerprinting.

Many mechanics, and bugs, and features. Redstone is very different because the bug/exploit parity doesn’t exist and even obvious features are different (Redstone attaches to pistons). When they add a new mechanic, the bugs are different and unique to each game. Like because cauldrons can hold potions in bedrock, you can (idk if its changed) use the newish block dripstone to increment the potion fullness, duplicating it.

And install it as a PWA (it might just be a shortcut idk) on Android

And I’d add Celeste to the category of “I’d feel bad for pirating it”.

Jesus. Kinda overkill depending on how many parameters the model is and the float precision

$10/month, right? Not terrible but expensive nonetheless

Installing Sherpa Onnx TTS makes it an option to use as your system TTS voice

Librera FD as your reader app: https://www.f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
Sherpa Onnx as your TTS engine: https://github.com/k2-fsa/sherpa-onnx

I recommend the piper TTS pretrained models, either Lessac medium or Kusal high/medium

You can get USB-C to 2.5 mm jack. I assume your phone is USB-C if it is modern enough to have that specific missing feature.

For security, yes, your word is not enough. This would be confidentiality in the CIA triad. I still understand your disappointment seeing probably many dozens of drives get destroyed. I get the majority of drives by scrapping old PC and it pains me to see what people will throw out.

It makes you look more sus by posting this so many times

I don’t fetch from google. Also a VPN does wonders for that.

Custom default settings, speed, and reliability (not IP blacklisted)

  • Stirling PDF
  • IT Tools
  • SearXNG
  • Dashy
  • PiHole or Adguard home

It looks clean, maybe not very original but better than a early 2000s looking-ass website

If the goal is to make a similar experience to discord, we should make a desktop/android client which changes the way the info is shown. I boil down discords main features this: 1-to-1 call/text, modern messenger features (emojis, text, audio, video, link embeds), servers with the option for channels and always on voice chats, group chats (weird overlap with servers). Always on voice chats should be as simple as disabling notifying or dialing members. Is it not just that simple to get a heavily reduced version of discord? Maybe noisetorch for noise cancelation.

Like hosting it from a local server that routes all internet traffic through the VPN to avoid exposing the source of the server’s IP to the unprivate service.

To add to the question, what about using a selfhosted privacy frontend behind a VPN. Does this shrink the need for a crowd.

I want to bring some attention to Slidge XMPP Bridges
It seems like an awesome project that fulfills a lot of the requirements for bridging many popular messaging platforms (like FB messenger, WhatsApp, discord, signal, and more). I wanted to share because I know a lot of us have friends and family who still use antiquated/proprietary communication platforms. Fair warning, I have not tried self hosting it myself yet since my server is kinda of a mess right now. Lmk what y'all think.

Not to be that guy
Are y'all actually torrenting Linux ISOs. Cus I recommend. Its way faster and fun to have a collection of like 30 distros and try and new branch of the larger Linux tree. I just assume its a joke but I only started torrenting Linux ISO because of seeing it replied so much lol.

Thoughts/Experience with OpenSUSE Micro-OS?
As the title says, I wanted to hear what since other (more experience) self hosters think of Micro-OS.