Opensource advocate with love for selfhosting and going broke building my homelab.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023

Can anyone recommend an easy way to install [#invidious]( on [#unraid]( using docker? [@selfhosted](

Backup truecharts apps on TrueNAS scale.
Backup truecharts apps on TrueNAS scale. Could someone please tell me if there is a way to backup Truecharts apps that I have installed on TrueNAS Scale? [@selfhosted]( [@OpenSource]( [@selfhost]( [@truenas](

Need assistance with Rocket chat. I have my rocket chat running in my internal network using cloudflare tunnels. I have a VPS configured as coturn. When I set my coturn info in Rocket chat, I still do
Need assistance with Rocket chat. I have my rocket chat running in my internal network using cloudflare tunnels. I have a VPS configured as coturn. When I set my coturn info in Rocket chat, I still don't see an audio or video call option. Using call just starts a Jitsi call instead of using my coturn server for audio/video call in direct messages. Can someone assist and let me know what I am doing wrong? Thank you. []( []( []( [](

Selfhosted coturn server Rocket chat Configuration.
Selfhosted coturn server Rocket chat Configuration. I spun up a coturn VPS server and configured the turn server in rocket chat WEBRTC configuration. However, when I try a call button to have a private audio call, it still starts up jitsi instead of doing a direct call using my turn server. Can someone tell me the right configuration to make it work like a regular voice or video chat/call? Thanks. [@RocketChat]( [@selfhosted]( []( [](

@Dirk thanks. That’s how I did it but I am not sure if updating using docker compose would overwrite it. Portainer is running on a VM so I will make sure to snapshot it and try so I can restore it if needed.

@Catsrules Thanks. This specific to Immich. The upload location in the docker-compose is picked from .env file. I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how to mount the portainer SMB volume in the .env file. What I ended up doing was to select the containers using the upload location and edit the volume to attach the SMB share volume from portainer. I hope what I said makes sense. I am just a newbie learning docker right now.

@fedonr Vaultwarden also has 2FA option. You can use that if it fits in their workflow.

@hungover_pilot Way more than I would like but the way I see it, it’s cheaper than drinking and I learn in the process so I take it as a cost of entertainment :)

@AlecSadler @seafootball Or seasoccer depending on what side if the pond you are from 🤣

I use both Seafile and Nextcloud. I use nextcloud for exactly your use case. File sharing, contact Sync and Calendar Sync. I backup my nextcloud files to seafile. It works perfectly for my use case.

@XTornado What are you Synching with? In my case, I self host my Joplin server and on my local network, it took around a minute to Sync a few thousand notes on my Android phone.

@XTornado @xaxl You can set the Sync interval on Joplin. I have mine set to 5 mins so it Sync every 5 mins and the first sync when I start the app takes a few seconds.

@JustEnoughDucks I started with this setup. Proxmox on my laptop with an external 1 TB USB 3 drive added to proxmox as storage. It would work great for getting started and learning. I/O via USB 3 could be an issue so make sure you don’t use this setup for intensive Read/Write operations. But use it as a lab setup and it would work great.
PS: Once I moved to bigger servers, I still use my laptop proxmox for testing services before I roll them out to my production servers.

@knaak I have an excel sheet with all the IP addresses in my homelab.

@hello_world I would be using it in a VM or bare metal if I could. I have heard good things about Nextcloud in docker but we are power users on Nextcloud in my house so not sure if docker instance of nextcloud could handle the load.

@hello_world Sorry, my reply was meant for @encode8062 . Not sure how you got tagged.
If the question was for me, I am stuck with using it in snap as my family and I have too much invested in Nextcloud to try to attempt a migration to a non snap instance.

@encode8062 @hello_world Please try to avoid using nextcloud in snap. I started with nextcloud in snap and came a long way before I realized the performance and upgrade issues when using snap version of nextcloud. For me it was too late but now I try to ask people to avoid it at all costs.

@binwiederhier I love the idea. I am always on call for my work so this would fit right in with my schedule 🤣