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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


The DLC didn’t break the game, the updates to the game to support the DLC broke the game. I don’t own the DLC but hit major game breaking bugs playing RoR2 last night. Gearbox is breaking shit 100%

Yep, I’m kinda pushing it, I know! :))

I’ll send you an email later in the day when I have a chance. Thank you for offering the evaluation.

I wouldn’t mind trying an evaluation, would be nice to see how it works with RHEL and Windows Server as well. I also work in an enterprise and would love to compare it to our current tools, but I am worried it won’t like our “PAM”.

My homelab is a bit more advanced than most as I use it for education as well as having a badassed home network. So I use security keys in it to keep up with the enterprise.

I think you’ll find security keys will be picking up steam with home users, it’s nice to have that extra layer for public facing stuff and private VPSs.

I’m going to take a look. Thanks for sharing!!

Edit: oh, I use Yubikeys for my home lab. Might not be an option for me without getting a paid license :(((

People outside of KW might not be aware of how much these parties sucked for everyone. The universities did nothing about them

Oh no, you see the water truck was part of a whatsapp group that other aid trucks who were also bombed were part off.

More evidence to support the facts that IDF is indiscriminately attacking civilians and aid workers in Gaza.

Our governments (and partners) response makes me feel like an accomplice to murder.

But don’t get me wrong, fuck Hamas. But the ends no longer justify the means or however it goes.

They’ll never finish the scenery on the coaster now :(((

My local zehrs setup those one-way gates that everyone just ignores. I’ve never stolen from them and yet I’m treated like a criminal.

Whats criminal is $9 for ground beef.

I don’t wish death on him or anyone else. That’s just a one way ticket to division.

Those one off bathrooms don’t exist everywhere. Work just moved us into a building with gendered washrooms from a building that did have the single stall gender neutral washrooms.

The option isn’t always there my dude.

Fuck this guy. What fucking washroom do I fucking use then? The one where I pass as a woman and no one notices or cares that I’m trans, or the one where I get assaulted or harassed by a man.

Guess I’ll just shit myself.

For like a week or two, yeah. But it was bottom of the barrel stuff.

I’m a bit confused, are “, ,” and “Space Pew Pew” the names of the games?

I ain’t cheap, I just don’t like my money going to billionaires who give us nothing in return. I pay for email, I don’t pay to watch a Marvel film.

I don’t think it’s that hard.

I would use embedded Lua. Cloud python sounds like a headache and won’t pass an internal security review.

The fact that specific domains and user agents are effected by this says otherwise. Take a look in the link for people discussing curling the urls and their findings.

I’ve been looking into them and two common issues I’ve heard are incorrect installation of the unit and not understanding that its not a full replacement for AC and a furnace.

In a 2019 blog post, the LBRY founder, Jeremy Kauffman, touted the protocol as “the most censorship-resistant system to ever exist for the purposes of publishing digital content”

Guess not LMAO

Put him on tour and lock him up in a pillory in each city for a day so we can all huck something at him!