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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


They are. As an American I don’t get why my Canadian friends are so engaged. It’s not right.

It is quite interesting that American corporations harass everyone, not just us Americans.

I got together with the other Americans, and we’re cool of you all want to do something about them.

In my experience, ChatGPT has been wrong so many times that it’s wasted more of my time than saved it.

I just use homemade integrated circuits on a huge self-built circuit board, myself. I guess some of you need a lot of hand holding.

Wtf, don’t tell the plebs how it works!! They’re going to figure out how easy it is!

And it was one they bought, just to kill it… Google: the sadist of the tech world.

This is not true. Literally all of apples computers lack the touch feature on their primary screens.

It’s not. Reddit is a cesspool full of shills, brigading, shitty mods, and bootlicking idiots. I appreciate your use of revanced, though!

When did they give up on the trash can? I miss the trash can. It was easier to call it overpriced garbage when it looked like an actual garbage receptical.

Lol, you’re not wrong. There will always be idiots trying to gaslight here, though.

It’s not evil to eat meat - - erm, I mean… Use windows! I don’t even fucking like windows, but like… Yeah, I like to game and that’s the easiest platform to game on.

It’s more than that. Would you devote 1-5% of your PC resources to others while you watch a video, if you could watch a video without ads? Yes. I bet so.

We are able to easily shoulder the burdens of hosting, yet Google wants to dominate us and force us to use their hosting at the psychological cost of being their sponge for anyone’s paid information campaign. YouTube in 2016 was non-stop Trump ads. Non fucking stop.

FUCK Google.

Oh, good.


Yeah, but I do think a lot of clueless folks won’t leave. Honestly, I wonder if reddit is undergoing a massive brain-drain right now. I rather hope so, because it would mean Lemmy is getting some high-grade folks.

This is pretty much why I’m here… It feels like the folks who left are going to be good company.

Yeah, but I do think a lot of clueless folks won’t leave. Honestly, I wonder if reddit is undergoing a massive brain-drain right now. I rather hope so, because it would mean Lemmy is getting some high-grade folks.

This is pretty much why I’m here… It feels like the folks who left are going to be good company.

Now for Reddit also still works, though I’ve only launched it long enough to check a few times today… It’s best to give reddit as little traffic as we can right now. That insufferable douch-weasle Spez needs to see Reddit’s Fidelity value drop again.

A fall in traffic and engagement will at least alarm Reddit’s internal staff. All the bad press may help as well, though… And enough people dropping off will also be noticeable.

Who knows, though… I like Lemmy better, so far. I’m not sure I’m even protesting at this point. I didn’t even plan to actually fully leave reddit, but at this stage… This is nice.

Just an FYI - some apps are still working as of this moment… But yeah, most of us know it’s only a matter of time.

Honestly, the content seems higher quality here. Perhaps the cesspools of Reddit were hard to spot for those of us who lurked there for over a decade.

Quality over quantity. Cheers to a new horizon, everyone.