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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 31, 2023


Await is usually there either because the performance doesn’t matter and the legibility is much higher with it, and/or because there are a series of asynchronous actions that depend on each other and await lets you write them as if they are sync because related to each other they are.

You will find yourself being that next person when you haven’t touched the code for a week and come back to add something and are like wtf.

“the 15 hours customers get free with premium equates to two audiobooks” Is the average audiobook really that short!

For eragon it would takes months to finish.

The hobbit is 10 hours.

Think most of the books I’ve listened to have been over that length, but I don’t use Spotify. Self hosting for the win. No time limits in prologue

I don’t think it even played in my country so…. How do they want me to buy it exactly…

I use playknight, though I still don’t buy from epic.

Play knight gives me an overview of all humble keys I haven’t used as well as gog, steam, epic, etc.

Just helps me make sure I don’t buy a game on sale that I own

For me it’s much easier to lock the phone by holding any volume and power then to remember the sequence needed to force power of the phone.

Clicking 5 times on power is probably faster, but I forgot that existed and if I’m trying to do something quickly essentially squeezing my phone is easier than trying to tap the correct side 5 times quickly under pressure. And much easier to me then trying to remember the force power off sequence and performing it without looking under stress.

Especially on the iPhone 15 pros there is now another button so getting the up down up power means finding the correct up button.

I’ve looked up that sequence numerous times when I’ve needed to force reboot and I still forget it half the time.

Can they force you to look at your phone though? Attention aware Face ID requires eyes ball on screen.

And as others have stated, holding volume up and power u til the iPhone vibrates locks the phone requiring the passcode.

Sure but holding volume up and power until the phone vibrates is a much faster and easier method and there is little worry you might accidentally call 911. It’s also easier to do without looking.

It has a countdown before calling with vibrations on every number.

🙄 sideloading alt store at least does not void your warranty.

Software in general won’t void your hardware warranty. That’s ridiculous.

I had this as well, it’s because the pinned version will still be pointing to the old version even after you agreed to upgrade.

You have to unpin the old version, and pin the new version.

Reallllly stupid upgrade from them.

From what I read of the portal64 project it did require owning the original (or having a copy of it) because it patches the assets from the base game.

Search, I’m a programmer and frequently need clips of text I’ve used before, especially with some sap stuff I do. I don’t need to edit that much, but I do pin, tag, and label snippets a lot.

Sap backend data has a lot of “keys” related to my test user that I need repeatedly, the key for the user, the key for their position, the department, etc. and having them all in my clipboard is very practically.

For keeping copy paste stuff, I use a clipboard manager that lets me edit and pin and search the clip board history

Laws are only as good as the enforcers are financed. The irs has been underfunded a lot.

He didn’t even manage to donate all the money they claimed to have on their tax filings from over a year ago. There is another entire indie land after that at least.

So no. He hasn’t even donated all the money. His “apology” was also pretty much a non apology. “Sorry if you felt mislead”.

Don’t know if it works for this but have you tried jdownloader 2? That’s what I use for most things. It can scrape pages and maintains a download queue

Anyone remember when Evernote added a limit to how many devices can be logged into your account on the free plan? I remember. I stopped using them immediately after that. Couldn’t be logged in on my computer, iPhone, and iPad.

Meanwhile Apple notes got much better so I just use that.

If you are unfortunate enough to code in a language where the “designers” thought EVERYTHING should be multi command structures in an English like syntax……

Then you basically need them to autocomplete how to correctly write everything 😅

I use Abap at work from sap. Its special.

They have over 3000 key word structures. It’s ridiculous.

Have you actually installed and run it? I know there were quite a few games that steam claimed couldn’t be run because of that and still did. I don’t remember if portal is one of them though.

Battleblock theater for instance says it can’t but still does.

I have the complete opposite feeling. The more I have to use windows the more irritated I am at it. It’s bloody irritating.

It has window snapping; sure that’s nice, but the default window snapping isn’t that useful for a power user and gets in the way of better window snapping from power toys. On the Mac I also have a third party (better touch tools) app to get custom snap zones that is better than even power toys fancy zones.

But the basic window snapping ends up irritating me more often than it’s useful. I’ll have a window that is on the left side and not half screen. I use window left, and instead of snapping to half it “helpfully” switches monitors.

Also I use multiple desktops. Windows couples all monitor desktops together. I can’t switch just one desktop. On a Mac I can swipe between individual desktops on each screen. This is way more useful to me.

Windows also has a better clipboard manager. But it’s to basic to be useful for me. Only saves 10 things. I install a manager that saves 1000s.

Windows power shell is awful. And worse is googling for how to do anything with a “command line” on Windows because you have to not only figure out what command line they mean but also what damn version.

I’ve had very little trouble switching between Linux and Mac with home brew installed.

Also Windows has a wierd file system. If I use the keyboard command to make a link to a folder it makes a bloody shortcut which a lot of programs ignore.

So instead I get to google what the windows equivalent is of a hard link and how to make one. It’s a junction link and you use the command line. Yay. The command line isnt nearly as helpful. It’s very different from Linux. So very little transfers.

And it doesn’t have history between sessions. “Power” doesn’t have history between sessions.

Mac at least has the decency to use a decent shell in zsh. Zsh is fantastic.

Also on the file system. When you get a select file for upload dialog, if you drag a file you already found in a file window to the dialog, it MOVES the file! Why! No instead you should apparently find the file again in the dialog or copy and paste the path which is way more steps.

On Mac I just drag a file to the select dialog and it auto switches to the location and selects the file. The thing I wanted to do.

To semi automate downloading all the pages, try jdownloader 2. You probably need to paste the url into jdownloader manually for jdownloader to load all the downloadable bits it finds on the page.

If you want to learn vim, try the command vimtutor in a terminal

But that is a typing weakness of that language. I just prefer using languages where the compiler actually does know what the types are at all time and thus can inform me instead of me trying to make sure that types align correctly.

That is tedious work that has been proven to be a terrible idea to shift onto humans. Strong type systems make much more robust code.

Abap only has one collection type, and its tables. Contextually it’s not hard to read what a collection of things are and what a single thing is.

If I am looping through comments and do something with comment, it’s contextually clear what ma going on. The exact type can be easily checked for when it’s actually needed.

Naming a count of something the plural seems like a much less intuitive thing. Especially sense generally the count is gotten from the collection.

This isn’t even like the worst of it. It’s an old enough language they still thought the compiler shouldn’t have to do more work.

So you have to declare all variables, types, and methods in the top section of the class, and the method implementation in its own section. That means while working on a method, the method signature is a long way away. And because abap developers are allergic to splitting up code into reasonable classes, that can be a couple thousand lines away.

Oh and all classes are in the global namespace. So all the classes you make must start with the letter z because SAP reserves any and all names that don’t start with z.

Oh and they didn’t feel like making library code to do a lot of basic stuff, oh no, they thought that 3000+ keywords was a much better system. Especially sense hovering over a keyword gives no documentation and discoverable is therefore pretty terrible.

Also they wanted everything to be sentenced like so keyword structures are often many special words in specific orders and hopefully you can write enough of it to get a prompt to fill in the rest.

Character limits and a stupid badly used Hungarian notation to waste limited characters to tell use what the ide already knows.

If you have a table, (that’s an array for sane programmers) name the variable as a plural and we will know it’s a table.

Don’t name two variables the same stupid abbreviation with different Hungarian notation characters stuck to the front

And m.2 drives at gen four are at like 7000MB/s for reads. And those drives have gotten significantly cheaper over the last half year or so. Gen 5 hits speeds of like 12000MB/s

I got a 2tb gen 4 for 100 recently so my computer now has 3tb of m.2 drives for total of 170 euros spent.

M2 pcie 4 drives are getting pretty cheap recently. I got a 2tb one for 100 with a heat sink on sale. My main from Kingston was 70 with 1tb

I’m not a windows fan. Far from it.

If you want to accuse me of being Stockholmed at least get the ecosystem correct. I’m stockholmed by apple thank you very much 😂

I disable telemetry, block telemetry, ads and trackers at a dns level; which I do no matter what OS I use and don’t worry about which games are supported on my system.

I have a local account on windows and I use that computer for nothing but gaming.

I still haven’t signed up my local windows account Into my Microsoft account, despite the nagging. I’ve opted out of everything I can and I have a encrypted, filtered dns to block tracking and ads system wide.

Just because some people use windows doesn’t mean they are ok with being tracked everywhere.

Unfortunately gaming is still just mostly easier on windows though Linux is making gains.

It supports attempting to convert them to their own format, it doesn’t natively actually read the file as is so sometimes still easier and less opaquely buggy to locally convert, where you can easily check the output then riffle through the depths of amazons website to find out why a auto conversion failed.

With Calibre you can set it up to email your kindle email address as well and have it auto convert anything that isn’t kindle format to kindle format

On projects I setup I have prettier run as part of a commit hook. All files will be formatted at all times

The two biggest reasons driving me to get a be headset! I played beat saber at a friends a bit and I just love it

And I played super hot on my Mac years ago, and got to play it a bit in vr at a con and can’t wait to actually be able to play the whole thing

I generally use a for each type loop or a map because I am usually applying some function across a collection, and in both cases I use the singular name from the collections plural.

’Cities.map(city -> …)’

For (val city in cities)

If I actually need the index for some reason I still prefer loop structures that give me the index and the item together

*note syntax pulled out of my head and not necessarily belonging to any specific language.

For ( city, index in cities)

cities.map((city, index) -> … )

If I need to double loop a matrix array I would use rowIndex and ColIndex for the indexes.