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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 19, 2021


I would not trust that the pills he was throwing out to the crowd were legit. But if an independent third party could verify the drug, why not.

Also, I am not suffering from anything that is too expensive to fix. Maybe if I was desperate and not rich, I’d have a different opinion.

I tried to read the attack on titan manga years ago. I bought a manga at Barnes and noble and thought it was a decent price. But then I read the entire book in like 20 minutes and thought to myself that I way over spent on the book.

I regretted that purchase. Maybe it’s worth while if you want to look at the art for a long time, but I just wanted the story.

Apple did something a while back to limit nsfw stuff on iOS. There was a setting in discord that you had to change to see nsfw stuff and some communities you had to join it from the desktop before you could view it on the phone.


I’m remembering more now, Apple had a policy that was like we might block your app if it’s for nsfw. So some apps got worried and limited nsfw stuff on iOS.

I could be wrong, but I think Jellyfin has an option to give something a sort name. So while it would display the Italian name it would be sorted alphabetically by the name you type in.

This is so movies will be sorted in order. I’m not sure if it will work, but please give it a try and let us know.

I live in a region that has decently low YouTube premium pricing. If it’s ads or nothing, I may get a subscription. But I haven’t checked pricing in a while, so maybe it’s gone up too much.

I live in a region that has decently low YouTube premium pricing. If it’s ads or nothing, I may get a subscription. But I haven’t checked pricing in a while, so maybe it’s gone up too much.

Linus tech tips did a video about this where he had his team use other tools. Essentially he was like, it would end up costing him more or the same as it would take his team longer to do the same stuff and relearn.

It might have been a shortsighted video, but you can look it up if you want to.

Yeah, I needed to have it on for a week for work stuff. And it kept giving me random notifications about news and stuff. I couldn’t figure it out.

For me, apps do not get to notify me unless it’s time sensitive.

The problem is when my food delivery app, or LinkedIn sends me ads when I just want messages.

It’s annoying to not be able to only receive messages.

I guess this just demonstrates that a fun kind of captcha could be made.

I’m done with Nintendo. I’ll not buy their games or consoles moving forward.

I still have every Nintendo console back to the nes, not counting the virtual boy.

I buy their games. I know yuzu can be used for piracy but it’s not the only use. Nintendo should have gone after pirates instead of the emulator developer.

I’d like to read into it a bit.

It said they put a lawyer on retainer which tells me they are planning to fight it.

If they just wanted a lawyer to review the case, they would have just paid for legal research or a consultation.

So I think this tells us a bit.

The fact that they put the lawyer on retainer tells me that they want to fight it.

Otherwise they would have just paid for the consultation and shutdown the project.

I wish I didn’t have such a dependence on coffee. I’m about to go on a trip and am brining instant coffee with me to the airport in case the shops are closed during my early flight and I’m not able to get coffee until after checking in which is like an hour and a half from the airport.

As a side note, I’m in a third world country and going to an island. They will totally have coffee there, but i might not have access until later in the day.

I totally bought stardew valley and recommened this game a bunch of times to people after “trying” it. In fact, I have bought it twice on PC, once on Switch, and on iOS.

I would also like to add that piracy does not equate to a loss in sales.

There are plenty of things I would never spend money on, but I would check/try them out of they were free.

For example, a VR headset. I will never buy one since I get dizzy too easily generally. But, if there was one that I could try for free I’d try it.

So, If im using one at a library, it does not mean that a sale was lost. It just means I find the value of this thing to be less than what you are charging for it.

Yuzu did not pirate the game. Other people did. What did Yuzu do that was illegal?

Did the movie studies sue dvd player makers because people ran pirated movies on them?

I’m not in the US, so the options I had here were either expensive or didn’t have any reviews.

I’ve been wanting a steamdeck for some time and that is what pushed me to get one.

The switch also allows people to unlawfully play pirated games.

Nintendo is basically saying that they are guilty of enabling piracy.

That same argument would paint gun makers as guilty of enabling murder and crime. Nintendo should really be going after rom sharing sites. That’s totally legit, but not the emulation devs.

If they have a fund for legal costs I’ll donate.

You know why I played the games on yuzu? It’s because the joycons suck and they are expensive to replace.

I did the stick drift repair on my own, but the L and R buttons are soldiered to the main board so it can’t be repaired.

I bought a right joycon on its own and then the next week the left joycon had the same issue.

I wasn’t going to spend about $90 for an unreliable controller when an entire steamdeck costs $500.

It really paints the picture that the controllers are way over priced how can they alone be 20% the cost of the entire steamdeck.

If Nintendo made decent joycons, then I would not be using Yuzu.

Additionally, I dumped my own games and keys, so they got their money and through some effort, I got a better experience.

I’d like to add that the joycons were not heavily used either.

Why wouldn’t it connect?

Unless they block my specific IP address then? It will work. And if they block my ip address, then I can just get a new one pretty easily.

I’m not an Italian citizen and I don’t live there.

Their laws do not apply to me. An Italian citizen or resident can go online and buy vpn service from me. There is not law im subjected to that says I can’t sell vpn services to Italians.

What tools do you use to rip the audio? I’m just wondering so I don’t accidentally do it.

It’s the Streisand effect. Now I want to see out of curiosity. Not that I’m going to, but all this talk has me wondering why it’s suddenly being spoken about.

I’m against deepfaking others without their consent, but all this coverage has me wondering what the big deal is. Things like this have always existed, what is the difference this time?

First of all, I can evaluate whether I like the game or not, see if it runs well enough for me. I know Steam has a 2 hour window for a refund, but that it less convenient than testing the. Game in other ways.

That’s less convenient and doesn’t give much time to evaluate the game tbh.

Thanks! I thought it was weird to get that message on this thread.

I intend to buy it, but I wanted to see how it runs on steamdeck first.

What is the upgrade path for Baldurs Gate3?
If someone had the Rune version of the game, what do they need to run the updates to get to at least have fsr2 in the game?

He better get used to not making money…

But who am I kidding gamers have 0 impulse control.

Either way I have enough retro games to last me a lifetime.