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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


I value the quality of a human life more than the profit of a corporation.


Looks like there’s a demo. I’ll check it out sometime.

Is anyone else bothered by how often things are reiterated in this reply?

I thought you were going to say that it’s embarrassing to buy a $5,500 MacBook. Lol

I don’t think I’ve ever heard what my TV speakers even sound like. I’ve never used them.

Because most people, like myself, probably just watch a few of the entertaining videos and leave it at that.
How is that hard to understand?

Not that i will ever watch any LMG media again.

This needs an obvious and uncommon spelling error. lol

People always say DDG search isn’t good but I never have any trouble. Can you give me an example?