The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 24, 2023


Both seem reasonable. The banning is (AFAIK) mostly to prevent cheaters from making made-up familymember steam -accounts, and cheating in games as them. Once one made-up family member is banned, make another.

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles … but with the caveats that a) it’s only PARTLY like stardew/portia/harvestmoon and b) For the life of me I can’t remember if the game had money or not.

The game is partly farm-life-sim, but the other part is “zelda-like” adventuring and getting rid of “dark smoke thing” that does bad things to the world.

Okay, sure, when given the fps camera, closest things to the camera are getting noticed. Duh?

But all things considered, who cares about a single goblin toe? Im much more scarred about the thongs happening in nearby shed. Bleach please.

But at that scale there’s always gonna be compromises. Duh. Does somebody actually expect full fidelity between 3rd person and closeups all the time? Might be showing my age but I sure don’t. What kind of madnes is that?

Games don’t need the show everything, leave a bit to imagination. Sure visuals ate cool, but don’t let that be all there is to it.

man, it’s been ages since I last saw this movie. Sober me’s todo for tomorrow: meaning of life, python. GET. ON. IT. this? and the fact that most of my programming breakthroughs have come while in “two beers” territory.

edit: actually, no. MOST of my programming breakthroughs have dawned on me while sitting on the can. But second most is “two beers down”.

I’ve always thought the “buy me a cup of coffee” was a thinly veiled euphemism for “give me beer”

edit: also, I have contributed. There’s this one android app that works to translate between different wargaming/miniature painting paint brands (as in color matching), the dev straight up asks for a contribution for beer. It was so brutally honest I had to.

I haven’t played many SNES games, but the ones I have have been pretty good. Fairly sure there’s quite a bit of stinkers in there too.

while all of those qualities are great, they alone don’t make game great.

Dunno if it is good or bad, but Warframe has this loading screen where you see players’ ships and you can steer them a bit. No real point to it, but at least it’s something to do when waiting for someone to load in.

Got to play it with someone for a bit, they seemed to know where all the neat things were (iirc, the murals, scarf lengthening thingies, etc). But due to the inability to communicate more than just “dings” I couldn’t convey that I needed a quick toilet break. They were gone after I came back, which was a bit sad but I probably wouldn’t have stayed waiting either, tbh.

It was quite okay, I recall playing it through twice, but the second round didn’t really offer much in terms of “value” over the first. Cool visuals and concept, though.

Other somewhat similar vibing games which I somewhat relate to Journey:

  • Sable - Somewhat similar character designs, quite a bit more scifi and some dialogue. Pretty cool 3d platformer puzzle.
  • Proteus - walking-sim, graphics are those “if atari 2600 could do 3d”. Kinda cool experience, but also kinda one-and-done.

good to hear. But, either way all my current stuff is on offline and none of my friends have the game, so moot point.

Last Epoch

playing offline because that’s where all my stuff is as last I checked the online was a disaster. Other than that, it’s pretty cool ARPG. Though I have some thoughts about some “gearcheck” -type bosses. After ~180h (since beta) or whatever, I’m still thinking it’s a solid 7/10. Fairly enjoyable, but not greatest of all time by any stretch.

Content Warning

It’s completely stupid and I love it. Essentially wannabe-“spööktubers” take a camera and few flashlights into dark, abandoned industrial complex to film something spooky, just to gain views on “Spööktube”. Views gain you money, money buys you gear.

The dives to the industrial complex are very short too, as you can only film so much (90s max, it seems), and the monsters are hella deadly. Either the camera gets filled or everyone is dead in minutes.

The footage can be saved as .webm -videos to desktop, which is GREAT

Under a steel sky

Is there a third game in the series I’m not aware of or did you mean Beneath a steel sky?

Ah, man of culture.

Omf2097 was the dopest thing ever to grace my 486 back in the day.

Battlegrounds later on tho… Yikes.

worked fine on my android phone, using Connect.

worked fine on firefox & linux, the file shows as .webp to me.

Decided to investigate this a bit: when opened to new window, the image url has ?format=webp query argument, if I change that to ?format=jxl then it breaks as the server actually provides a .jxl file. At least I had to TRY to break it :P

% file c6ca4c8c-20a2-4105-8e6c-833d8c7d3e52.*
c6ca4c8c-20a2-4105-8e6c-833d8c7d3e52.jxl:  JPEG XL codestream
c6ca4c8c-20a2-4105-8e6c-833d8c7d3e52.webp: RIFF (little-endian) data, Web/P image, VP8 encoding, 623x700, Scaling: [none]x[none], YUV color, decoders should clamp

Its pretty close, but ideally I’d want to have it fit fin/swe layout without using modifiers to type ö and ä, and have them more or less where they’d be on normie layout. (I can live without å, so that already gives 1 key more leeway).

So far pretty much no ortho split allows this, I think. Unless I move enter key to the thumb keys or so. But then again that might be the default for eego/split keebs anyway, I dunno.

Going to have to read up on these a bit more.

oh wow. I have preonic, but I’ve more or less given up on learning to type with it. It’s way too narrow. I like the concept but a split ortho would be better, as I wouldn’t have to “hunch down” on it so much.

Fairly common to use en/us-layouts with highend mechanical keybards, as parts for those are more readily available.

But outside of the mech keebs or other niches, yea, people use the regional keyboard variants. Because it’s just easier if you can see the weirdo ümlâuts/etc regional characters on the keycaps when you’re not a touch typist. Over here (finland) it’s actually pretty hard to even get ansi/us layout keyboard unless you really go about your way and seek one out, basically all keyboards in stores are fin/swe iso layout. I’d assume the same is true to most euro countries.

probably true for ansi/english keyboards

for all/most (?) euro/iso keyboards altgr+4 for $. Shift+4 for ¤

but what about programmers with problems hearing? An alternative of webcam video with sign language, pantomime and subtitles is needed!

edit: OOH! Use AI to generate the sign language videos. Could be wild, considering how good AI is at drawing hands.