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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


I don’t knowvwhat mtls is, but Joplin has mostvof what you want. It does not have card layout native, but there might be a plugin for that.

I sidestepped all this crap by buying Synology in 2014 and upgrading 2 years ago. Sure, it isn’t FOSS, but it is very nearly plug and play.

I configured OpenVPN for when I want to use it remotely, and self host my music, video, and family photos.

Having the 4 drive RAID-6 gives me some security from the danger of losing data between backups.

I store all my scanned documents, ocr’d, and keep the paper under control.

So far, DNS type blockers appear to be unaffected. I use adaway with magisk. In the other hand, I don’t generally use my browser to watch videos. I use Newpipe.

I toyed with i2p several years ago. Back then it was very frustrating - both slow as a snail and hard to find working, non-darknet resources.

I recently saw a c++ implementation, so I will toy with it again.

For now, a VPN is enough for me to be safe, and I can get speeds up to 15 MB on popular torrents.

They share responsibility in reality, but they will get promotions and bonuses while you will get fired.

I was thinking it is parody. The whole thing is management consultant speak. But honestly, I can’t tell any more. So much that would have been obvious parody in the 80s and 90s, are in fact serious today. Regardless, software architecture is really not that different from hard engineering. There are designs that work, and designs that don’t, business culture be damned.

This comes across as more of “fuck you, build it the way we feel it should be built” even though they have no fucking clue of the difference between a singleton and strategy, or SOLID and DRY. It is like a senator telling a Pratt and Whitney engineer the F-35 must be able to take a 90 degree turn at mach 3. Totally fucking ludicrous!

Currently, I am not living this hell. But I gotta tell you, you are supporting a pipe dream.

Literally, if I cannot describe a direct benefit to the so-called end user it won’t even be looked at. The development and engineering team are unimportant. The first part I was told directly, the second part was implicit.

Most corporate environments use scrum or agile as ceremony - decorations to make everybody think they’re doing something better than what they’re really doing. Then when it fails, they can go back to what they were really doing and claim agile was just a fad.

I earned certification in the early days. “Scrum Master” was supposed to be a team member who took on the role of interacting with external stakeholders, and help the team organize the work.

The scrum master protects the team from interruptions and un-scheduled work and facilitates planning meetings.

More recent iterations minimized the Scrum Master as a first class role. Scrum Manager sounds like a new role the process.

I did a search, came up with this gem.

All the other search results did not have “scrum manager”, and the end of the video indicates this is not an official role in Scrum, but a term used for managers who are all in on the values of the scrum process.

And one that requires several people to give up a weekend, too.

It’s interesting how people have different interpretations of mwmes. You took it as a reflection of a perfectly normal good thing, while I took it as a perfectly normal bad thing.

Iny experience, “put it on the backlog (and never look at it again)” is the response to someone raising a serious architectural problem.

I’m a Senior developer, and I’m still playing the part of the Junior in this meme.

I hate it when people insist on leaving their trash lying around where I work.

The problem with that, is that you now have to maintain virtual infrastructure in many different syntaxes. And features of one do not exist in another.

Plus things like cash and session do not cross those boundaries.

More accurately, it’s someone else’s network of pluggable computers. “The cloud” is just a convenient metaphor for “it’s up there,where someome else keeps it working”.

The point is to free up resources in individual companies that would otherwise be used maintaining the infrastructure.

In a lot of companies that translates to having fewer employees to pay. Enlightened companies keep those people and allocate them to other, profitable, activities.

A wonderful and Powerful effect of vitualization is the idea of declarative infrastructure. Individual companies can allocate those Cloud resources in specialized ways. It’s primary value is in economies of scale.

Absolutely. My only serious problem with it comes when an individual’s only option is to use someone else’s infrastructure.

The issues you describe are primarily business issues. Individuals generally don’t have to worry about that stuff. If the software requires using a host, then it should be able to run on a host we can set up on our own hardware.

Virtualization is wonderful, and powerful. But it can also be weaponized.

Just remember that whenever you convert, you are losing fidelity. The only exception is when you convert between lossless formats.

I suggest you get as much music as possible in FLAC, then make mp3 copies you use only for devices that require it. Upgrade equipment when finances allow.

For everything else, also keep your original, like m4a, to keep sound quality at the best you can.

KDE Connect utilizes SSHFS in order to securely and wirelessly mount your Android device’s file system to your computers. You will be able to browse all of the files on your device via your preferred file manager whether that be Dolphin, Nemo, Nautilus, Thunar, etc.

It’s gimped for me because it insists on using an insecure sftp algorithm, so I cannot use the file system browser to transfer files to/from my Android 13 devices. It probably can’t access the root anyway. I want to use it for backing up my device files, especially the Android folder.

Everything else seems to work though.

Ignoring the joke itself, I’d point out that she likes my income more than she likes me. Yeah, I’ve been burned, so sue me.

Not fact. It’s my opinion based on the actions I see, and the fact things started to go down hill after the investors gave money. One of the big ones was Chinese.

We’ve seen how things go down when China is involved - loans to poor nations, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the disputed islands with Japan, Tibet, the Urghurs.

We’ve seen the various iterations of the “oops how did that key logger get in there?” discoveries (Lenovo, i’m looking at you), corporate espionage, Huawei telecommunications infrastructure being used to tap communicatons, etc…

Strict control of pretty much everything is the pattern, in which disinformation is easily dispensed and difficult to identify.

Looks like the Chinese “investor” is the Communist Party. The actions Reddit is taking are pretty much how they take down all the companies and citizens they target.