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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


TL;DR they think he should look at electoral reform again

A huge wedge of the liberal voter base were disenfranchised when Trudeau promised electoral reform, practically guaranteed it, and then just announced they weren’t going to do it but don’t worry here’s legal weed. Many of them were youth voting for the first time, and that betrayal set the tone. If he set it in motion before the election, is it possible they’d recapture at least some of that base? Sure. Would I vote for him? Not a chance.

Splatoon 1 let you play five different minigames on the wii u pad, including a pretty solid rhythm game, while waiting, nothing else has come close for me

Is it chilling? I was already going to stay where I am, whether I made a copy or not. Sharding off a replica to go on for me would be strictly better than not doing that

But like… do I care? “I” will survive, even if I’m not the one who does the surviving.

Surely they mean entirety as in “the entire monthly player numbers of every game on steam”, not “the quantity of accounts that’ve ever been created”

No, you see, you just get every citizen to pay a little bit into the bridge, and then everyone can use it. Maybe we put some of that money aside and establish a group of people to care for the bridge, upkeep and whatnot. It wouldn’t be fair to just pick them arbitrarily, so we should probably hold some kind of vote. And, well, I guess the money will run out, so maybe we take a little more from everyone every year, just to keep it in good shape

Huh? That sounds like what? Gov–

Oh fuck wait shit i mean DONT TREAD ON ME

It’s hardly nitpicking. It’s the foundation of the entire first paragraph.

My point is that you implied it’s that the game industry isn’t putting out demos. “The occasional game here and there every other year or so”. But that’s a false statement, the lack of demos in your life is your own doing

And even if they don’t have a demo, Steam’s refund system makes basically any game a demo; since you can refund for any reason in the first 2 hours, you can play the first ~90 minutes for free

I know the occasional game has released a demo here and there every other year or so, but I think I remember the last demo I played was Skate 3’s back in 2010.

That’s… pretty on-you, I have to say. Something like 2/3 of my gaming time is free demos off steam or the nintendo eshop. Steam just had their yearly Next Fest, with over 900 games dropping demos this month.

God, they even want to make leisure time into a side hustle. Is it so much to ask that they let me not think about my participation in capital for like, two hours?

Imagine if it’s not AI lol

Imagine being a graphic artist and waking up to find the internet is dragging you for being ‘fake’. “A HUMAN WOULDN’T MAKE THESE MISTAKES”


Wear a facemask with and/or /24 sharpied on it and if anyone asks, tell them you’re complying with mask mandates

Among other things, it powered legacy extensions, and let them do far more than the essentially crippled WebExtensions

I don’t, tbh. I did, for 15 years, because it was the most customizable and feature-rich browser on the market, but when they killed XUL support all my important shit broke, 15 years of customizations and getting things just how I wanted them, and instead of spending that again I migrated to Vivaldi essentially out of spite.

Yo, is C# named that because a # is made of four plusses?

Well I hate that. Is there a reason m=1 wouldn’t be the same thing as m=!0?

They missed an important one. If it’s distance related to COVID, it’s measured in hockey sticks.

I got a Logitech MMO mouse, and it’s great, I can play onehanded for most things!

Yesss I’ve been playing since Guild Wars 1, I was there when the last day dawned on the kingdom of Ascalon, and I looove how they’ve evolved the setting over the decades! I’ve run D&D games set in it, and it’s a great great time

Umurangi Generation! It’s a really cool game about punk photography in a near-future capitalist dystopia.

So the gimmick is like, there’s a lot of deceptive mobile ads that show simple but satisfying puzzle games, like unjamming a traffic jam or pulling pins the right order to let a guy free, butthen when you click on it, it’s some totally unrelated trashfire of a game. The irony is that a lot of people would actually like to play the games shown in the ads, but they’re entirely made up to trick you.

Until now; this game is a collection of the made-up games that appear in cell phone ads.

There was an ooooold, like, older than me, game like that called Street Rod, and I still end up going back to it time to time because there’s nothing quite like it.

Nah, make it a keybind like alt-shift-click and give it a deafening sound like throwing an industrial breaker.

I’m on Vivaldi so I don’t know how many of these are available to Firefox. Leaving out all the obvious ones like adblocker, password manager, userscripts, etc.

Privacy Pass; do less captchas. Every time you solve a captcha, it stores a few “tokens” in your browser, essentially verifying you as human extra times at once. The next few times you encounter the same brand of catcha, your browser will “spend” one of those tokens to automatically be treated as high confidence, skipping the captcha.

Bot Sentinel; puts a little score next to people’s names on Twitter, showing how often they’ve been reported to the Bot Sentinel site for various things like spam, trolling, or hatespeech; it’s nice to know at a glance when you just shouldn’t engage with someone.

Jiffy Reader; when it’s enabled, hilights the first couple letters of every word, which is great for ADHD because it makes your automatic reflex be to look at each word one at a time, rather than skim the whole section.

Teleparty; watch netflix, etc, with friends, with a little built-in chatroom

Trim; show IMDB/Rotten Tomato ratings on netflix, etc, thumbnails; a real minor tweak, but I’m a big fan

Beyond20 and the VTT Enhancement Suite; specialized D&D addons that made playing online so much easier during the pandemic. Beyond20 pipes your character sheet macro rolls from D&D Beyond directly into Roll20, and VTTES adds all sorts of bonus functionality to Roll20.

It’s only a zero-sum game on trackers that don’t enact counterbalancing policies, which most do, so it’s braindead easy to keep a good ratio. Usually some combination of freeleech torrents and bonus points for seeding even when nobody’s downloading, which can be spent to boost your ratio. I’ve never owned a seedbox in my life, and my ratio is over 10 on most sites I’m on, even when my “real” ratio is closer to 1 or 2.