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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


Yea i got the 3900xt when i built my pc during covid. Love it but i had to disable a bunch of shit to prevent bluescreens from hypervisor shit

things can change dude, have some faith, fight the fight, wait and see.

Ive had conversations with boomers and millennials about the same topics and the sentiments have been very different in my experience.

Also its easy to be complacent and conservative when you have money and a comfortable lifestyle, which most of the milenials I know have never had.

What payout?

If your a conservative gen-x then you’ve been winning this whole time, if you’re a progressive genx then things are about to go your way.

Plus I’ve never heard anyone make fun of genx anyways, millennials mostly blame boomers and recognize that genx never had a chance.

I already said at the beginning I don’t use the word, yall are so fucking sensitive. Get a life, touch some grass.

Look dude it doesn’t matter what word you use, there will always be a word or phrase to convey the essence of what the r-word represents. Its all just a treadmil of expressions, you can cancel the r-word and then in 20 years we can have this exact conversation about “stupid” and “dumb”.

I would argue words change meaning and if you dont like that word you also shouldn’t use “stupid” or “dumb”. I’ve never heard anyone disparage a person with intellectual disabilities using that term so in my mind it just means… How should I phrase this for someone so sensitive… “Very much not smart”. Idiot should be fine since it comes from a word meaning “common person”. I don’t use the word anymore because i don’t want to push even sensitive people away, but I do think the whole thing is pretty silly.

I can’t imagine being someone who not only doesn’t experience personal growth but also refuses to learn from the changing world around them. If you wanna act like an inconsiderate dumbass go ahead but you should keep that dumb shit to yourself dumbass.