• 46 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


Option A modified: get a router, install OpenWRT, install wireguard, get a VPS, create a tunnel, profit

Well, whatever works. Your example wouldn’t need a reverse-proxy.

Well, running your own DNS server will also give you eSNI. And Cloudflare still doesn’t know anything

People already talked about hosting your own DNS, let me add that a reverse proxy would be used for something like mapping myhome.local:8000 to myhome.local/jellyfin.

You might want to study more about SNI. Your ISP knows anyway

I wonder if mpd in a container with a front-end can solve your problems

UART to USB adapter, use a terminal multiplexer on your laptop

How do you reach into your server with SSH disabled without lugging a monitor and keyboard around?

I’m using k8s at work and am planning to set up k3s at home, because even though PVCs and Ingresses are not the easiest to grasp and write in templates, I think the way I want to do storage is beyond the capabilities of podman which I used earlier. Also, Kubernetes on either end so knowledge transfer is ready

You can run a VPN and tunnel your outbound DNS queries over that. Heck, you could tunnel your DNS queries over TOR

It’s actually better privacy since it talks directly to the root servers instead of cloudflare knowing all of your DNS traffic. Quad9 is a good alternative with better data policies

K3s is an embedded Kubernetes distribution by a Californian company called Rancher, which is owned by the Enterprise Linux Giant SUSE.

Kubernetes works on the idea of masters and workers. I.e. you usually cannot bring up (“schedule”) containers (pods) on the master nodes (control nodes for brevity). K3s does away with such limitations, meaning you can just run one VM with k3s and run containers on top.

Although if Kubernetes is too hard I would push you towards Podman.

I do not know the extrapolation for CSI but Longhorn is a storage backend of Kubernetes for persistent storage across nodes

It’s a coincidence, I was thinking about a PiKVM myself, although with much more modest hardware (a Raxda/Banana Pi Zero at best - I wonder if these can actually hold up). I’m not very familiar with PiKVM setup; do I need to compile the repository from source on whatever I run on these machines? Is there a minimum requirement for specs?

Arch linux install wouldn’t be a problem really because the way the install is done. Pretty sure I could it all over SSH. Unfortunately, Debian isn’t exactly that…

I’m planning to use a Raxda Zero 3W/Banana Pi Zero for this. Do you think this will suffice? I don’t need speed or power, it just needs to be usable.

Thank you, having a serial port would be amazing but unfortunately, unlike UART on microcontrollers I’m using x86. Sometimes I think I should just have stuck to a laptop as a server with some SSDs in it and the other machines being ARM/RISC-V. Definitely would have been more fun

I guess so. It’s just going to be junk that I can’t take with me when I move though

I did look at Preseed and it’s probably a good idea if I’m doing many installs at once. I will still look at it but I’ll likely have to purchase a monitor anyway. It is unfortunate because I don’t have any thrift stores nearby

True, it’s just that I’d like to avoid purchasing more useless stuff. I might move in a few months and maybe carry these computers but I definitely won’t be able to take my monitor. Just going to be a waste of money, and I’m trying to be frugal.

I am planning to build a small cheap DIY KVM using PiKVM and cheap Aliexpress parts (Raxda’s Zero 3W or the Banana Pi Zero, not sure if they are supported though) in about $25 which I can probably carry around

Wow that’s expensive. But thanks something to keep in mind. I’m planning to build my own $25 KVM with Chinese parts off of Aliexpress and PiKVM (if that’s possible)

All I have is a laptop. I’m getting these machines for free from a friend

How do I do a bare-metal install (Debian) without a monitor+keyboard?
I don't have spare peripherals like a monitor and a keyboard. How do you suggest I do a bare-metal install of Debian on a computer (meant to be a server)?

You’re right, except the problem was that I was on an old version of Podman (Debian problems lol) where Quadlet wasn’t even available

Apologies for not answering earlier. I have since switched over to podman generate kube and podman play kube for managing my podman infrastructure. This plays in well with my plans since I can’t be dependent on systemd going forward. Thank you for your help.

With that said, I wanted to ask another question: when I try to run a container with podman run debian, it automatically pulls the debian container without a problem, however how is it that when I type podman pull docker.io/debian/debian it requires auth?

[PODMAN] Unable to run systemd services with quadlet systemd-generator
Hi everyone, This would seem to be a basic question (I've been on this for a few hours and can't seem to get it working). This is my file for my pod: ``` $ cat backup.pod [Unit] Description=backup pod [Pod] Network=slirp4netns:port_handler=slirp4netns PodmanArgs=--userns=auto:size=10000 PodName=backup ``` And this is the file for my container which is supposed to be part of the pod: ``` $ cat backup.container [Unit] Description=backup container [Container] Image=docker.io/debian/debian:latest ContainerName=backup-container Entrypoint=/bin/bash Exec=/bin/bash -c "apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install rclone vim -y && exec bash" Pod=backup GlobalArgs=-d -t [Service] Restart=always [Install] # Start by default on boot WantedBy=multi-user.target default.target ``` 1. Podman's `systemd-generator` doesn't seem to create any service file for `backup.pod` in `/run/user/$(id -u user)`. I do see a service file for `backup.container`, `backup.service`. 2. Regardless, `systemctl start backup.service` errors out anyway. I'm unable to understand how to use `quadlet` from the documentation. AFAIK I did everything they asked (https://docs.podman.io/en/latest/markdown/podman-systemd.unit.5.html). The primary reason why I tried this was because I couldn't figure out how to create a pod using `compose.yaml` either. If someone has answers to these questions, they would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Security considerations between Xen vs KVM?
To be completely open, this is *not* a question about XCP-ng vs Proxmox. I'm open to doing everything in the cli, comparing two platforms is not my intention here. I'm very interested in the security benefits one has over the other though. AFAIK Xen has a dedicated for security? I'd like to think that both are reasonably secure by default, but I do not get many hits for "KVM hardening", for example, only OS-level hardening advice. Do both protect equally against attacks that try to escape the VM? Is there anything in terms of security that one has and the other doesn't? I know this is not the usual kind of question that is asked on this sub, any help is greatly appreciated!

I plan to reencode on the fly before I push the files to the Cloud. This would have to happen in real-time though, since I don’t have the space to cache files (and slow upload speeds)

Thank you for the tip, I’ll keep a look out for VAAPI/VDPAU support. Thanks!

I was considering the usual BananaPi/OrangePi/Raxda/Pine64 SBCs, are those not enough horsepower? I’d like to stay under $80 for my SBC purchase, and it will be doing double duty with managing some services like DNS and music scrobbling alongside uploading to the cloud

Transparent compression layer on Linux?
My use-case: streaming video to a Linux virtual mount and want compression of said video files on the fly. Rclone has an experimental remote for compression but this stuff is important to me so that's no good. I know rsync can do it but will it work for video files, and how I get rsync to warch the virtual mount-point and automatically compress and move over each individual file to rclone for upload to the Cloud? This is mostly to save on upload bandwidth and storage costs. Thanks! Edit: I'm stupid for not mentioning this, but the problem I'm facing is that I don't have much local storage, which is why I wanted a transparent compression layer and directly push everything to the Cloud. This might not be worth it though since video files are already compressed. I will take a look at handbrake though, thanks!

[Repost] Reliable alternatives to AWS Deep Glacier for ~5TB?
Hi everyone, As always, every time I look at the AWS Glacier egress fee calculator I get fairly irked at how much they charge. Was wondering if anyone knew of any alternatives for cold storage in the cloud without such egregious charges. I will likely not access it ever because I have another offset backup, but just in case I do, I wouldn't want to fork over thousands, really. I don't know how reliable Scaleway's service is, and Cloudflare's R2 doesn't have a Archive offering. I would be interested in the Azure if anyone can convince me that I won't go bankrupt trying to retrieve my data from them. I don't want to go with Google with the recent stuff they have been doing with data on their servers. Thanks!

publication croisée depuis : https://lemmy.world/post/14573897 > I'm asking this because I'm very new to the Yocto project. I'm going through the documentation but it's a bit overwhelming to me, looking at what `Fishwaldo` has achieved (link embedded in the title). I would like to learn how he did it and how I could create my own image based on a supported kernel with necessary drivers and boot the `Star64` board. > > From what I understand, he: > > 1. Forked the kernel tree and created his own branch. > 2. Put in the necessary drivers (including OEM drivers) - I'm not really sure how he did it since I'm new to Linux (any tips would be appreciated!). > 3. I can't quite make out the layers he used to build the minimal image (I will study the guide more to figure this out). > 4. Finally, he compiled it, alongside compiling U-boot, partitioned the SD-card and booted the device. > > Am I right? I'm missing a lot of steps in the middle, would really appreciate any help in understanding this. Thanks!

Backblaze B2 vs other storage providers to store legally ripped media
Hi everyone, I would like to ask your opinions on reliable cloud storage providers for media. I have a media collection that isn't too big (about 2-3TB) that I'd like to store on the cloud since I'll be moving in the future and don't think I can handle multiple hard drives. What do you suggest? Any issues I should be looking at? I came across Wasabi too, along with the more expensive Scaleway and Cloudflare R2 offerings. For now Backblaze seems fine in terms of reliability, but has anyone come across complaints from them regarding what is stored on their servers? Thanks!

How do I use an OpenWRT device as both an extender (for the main router) as well as a firewall + NAT box?
Conceptually, it's fairly easy to understand - `nftables`, `relayd`, likely some firewall application. However, is it as simple as configuring the WAN port as the WiFi interface and leaving it at that? Note that I'm *not* bothered about double NAT since I won't be opening any ports, and the main router cannot be touched. I do want my own SSIDs, my VLANs, control over the firewall etc. Basically, my own network space. If anyone has done this/has an idea of the problems I might run into, please do comment! Appreciate the help!

List of known older tower servers which fit standard PSUs/general upgrade availability for OEM PSUs?
Hi everyone, Was just going through tower server listings on Ebay. I'm seeing my options decrease mainly due to not being able to fit a standard ATX/SFX PSU into some of these systems. For example: 1. Dell Precision T3600/T3610/T5810/T7820 series: PSU with a short height, seems to have about the length of a standard PSU. 2. Lenovo ThinkStation P520 - although this looks like a TFX PSU from the outside, it's actually a very different way to connect to the components inside. 3. HP Z440: strange size of the PSU. I don't think an ATX PSU can fit in there. Now, I have failed in trying to find brackets to place normal PSUs in these configurations. The reason why I don't purchase PSUs on Ebay is because I can't exactly be sure if they are used or not, and I prefer purchasing new PSUs. With that said, for everyone who purchases these tower workstations - how do you replace your PSUs? Thanks.

I really wish Proxmox had an official Terraform provider
I might not deserve to say this, but I really wish Proxmox GmbH maintained an "official" terraform provider instead of relying on the community completely for it, à la Vates (XCP-ng). To be fair, it was the same with VMWare, so I'm not putting the blame on them. For example, neither one out of the two well known Terraform providers (Telemate and bpg) support the newer SDN capabilities. Now, of course, it's new so I completely understand that it would take time to write code for said functionality. Especially when it's a community effort. It's just that if Proxmox handled it directly I feel like the community would be able to better support them by supplementing features on top of a base that they create instead of going from scratch. I believe Proxmox has said that Terraform is not their priority, and I understand. It's a bad economy and companies are looking to downsize anyway. With that said, I hope I do get to see this someday. Speaking of which, which IaC tool do you use for your Proxmox install/cluster?

How would I automate (VM/LXC)-agnostic templates in Proxmox without creating golden images?
For context: I want to automatically enable Intel SGX for every VM and LXC in Proxmox, but it doesn't seem like there's a way to do it using APIs AFAIK (so Terraform is out of the question unless I've missed something) other than editing the template for the individual LXC/VM. I'd like to know if there's a tool that can automate this. I could potentially write a shell script but I'd like to know if there's something that's mature software before I go do this. I have been reading about Packer, Vagrant and cloud-init but I don't think this is something in their scope of usage. Thanks!

Let’s talk about free/FOSS routing platforms for the homelab
I am going to intentionally exclude Unifi and Mikrotik along with the vendors like Cisco, Juniper, Aruba etc from this discussion as I don't think they are relevant (especially since you can't run them on your hardware). 1. OPNsense: Considered the superior alternative to PFSense. Great firewall, routing capabilities, IDS and certificate authority, advanced features, can be a DNS server etc. Best option all around for x86, but BSD based - take note of available drivers. Don't even think about running random WiFi antennas unless you confirm good support for them (use a distinct WAP). 2. OpenWRT: built for consumer router + switch + WAP boxes on embedded hardware. Great OS and uses very little resources with many features, but doesn't compete in features with OPNsense if you have x86. 3. VyOS: Debian based router + firewall. Linux makes it easier for people to pick up the CLI but I've heard complaints about it being difficult to follow. Currently CLI only, at least without third-party solutions, but is powerful and competes directly with OPNsense for features for the most part. Edit: I made a mistake - LTS versions also have their source available for free, you'd just need to compile it with the instructions on their website. Seems to be stable. 4. Debian + FRRouting + nftables + heavy SELinux for the paranoid/analogous alternatives on OpenBSD (the latter is considered more secure but YMMV, configuration plays a big part here). 5. Freemium: Sophos free version for home use. Which one of these do you run, and why? What have been your issues with one or the other, and what have you settled on? Any niche customisations that you might have made? I'm very interested to know! Cheers --- Edit: it would seem that OPNsense is a big winner in this space for stability. OpenWRT comes next because of it's very light nature and ability to run on consumer routers.

Anybody here running AD on-prem in your homelab?
I'm curious as to why someone would need to do that short of having a bunch of users and a small office at home. Or maybe managing the family's computers is easier that way? I was considering a domain controller (biased towards linux since most servers/VMs are linux) but right now, for the homelab, it just seems like a shiny new toy to play with rather than something that can make life easier/more secure. There's also the problem of HA and being locked out of your computer if the DC is down. Tell me why you're running it and the setup you've got that makes having a DC worth it. Thanks!

What are the most paranoid network/OS security measures you’ve implemented in your homelab?
As the title says, I want to know the most paranoid security measures you've implemented in your homelab. I can think of SDN solutions with firewalls covering every interface, ACLs, locked-down/hardened OSes etc but not much beyond that. I'm wondering how deep this paranoia can go (and maybe even go down my own route too!). Thanks!

Encrypted fileshares in the local network?
Hello everyone, I've been thinking about this for a bit and am looking for opinions/alternatives. Essentially, I'd like to encrypt my shares (NFS/Samba) on my local network. I'm awake that Kerberos is a good option with NFS, but I was hoping for something simpler. The other idea I have right now is to use `stunnel` with NFSv3/Samba to encrypt my traffic but I don't know if this is a good idea. How are you doing it? What do you suggest? Thanks!

Do the Lenovo P500/P510 support TFX PSUs?
Hi community, I've been looking at the older Lenovo P310/P500/P510 workstations as an alternative to Dell optiplexes on the used market. What I'm worried about is the PSU specifications required for the P500/P510 - do these support TFX PSUs? Can someone confirm? Thanks!

Follow-up question to mounting encrypted drives
Hi everyone, I found the great question on booting encrypted drives, and since I'm somewhat paranoid I'd like to ask a follow-up: When the key to decrypt the drive is input into the system, I'm assuming it stays in the RAM till the time the computer shuts downs. We know that one could, in theory, get a dump of the contents of the RAM in such a state, if done correctly. How would you deal with this problem? Is there some way to insert the USB, decrypt the drive, and then remove the USB and all traces of the key from the system? Thanks! --- Edit: link to the question I referenced: https://feddit.de/post/6735667

What do you use to manage secrets in your network?
Hi everyone, I was perusing through Conjur and Vault documentation, since I'm starting to think that learning a secret-management system might be a worthwhile investment with the app secrets and SSH keys and CA certificates around. I was wondering, what do you use in your network? I plan to take a look at Teleport's documentation too, was curious about what the community uses at home. Thanks!

Are PrimeBuy and Insight.com trusted for server parts (and any ATX PSUs with the fan at the back)?
Hi everyone. Basically the question; has anyone bought server parts off of PrimeBuy and Insight.com? Are they trustworthy? I was looking for the Seasonic ES2, which has a fan at the back, to be used in a server, but the only places I could find it are at these two websites. They look fine to me but I thought I'd take the community's opinion on it (would be great if Seasonic sold it themselves but I don't think that's the case). Thanks!
Are PrimeBuy and Insight.com trusted for server parts (and any ATX PSUs with the fan at the back)?

Do you run a private CA? Could you tell me about your certificate setup if you do?
Hi, I was looking at private CAs since I don't want to pay for a domain to use in my homelab. What is everyone using for their private CA? I've been looking at plain OpenSSL with some automation scripts but would like more ideas. Also, if you have multiple reverse-proxy instances, how do you distribute domain-specific signed certificates to them? I'm not planning to use a wildcard, and would like to rotate certificates often. Thanks! --- Edit: thank you for everyone who commented! I would like to say that I recognise the technical difficulty in getting such a setup working compared to a simple certbot setup to Let's Encrypt, but it's a personal choice that I have made.

Does anybody here use Terraform with SolusVM?
Hi everyone, I just came across SolusVM's terraform provider, [terraform-provider-solus](https://github.com/solusio/terraform-provider-solus) - SolusVM is what a lot of budget VPS providers use to provide access to infrastructure for their users. I wanted to know if anyone has used this before? I can't seem to see this on the Terraform registry, but the GitHub seems OK (except I can't figure out how to use it). Thanks!

Review of LessPass?
Hi everyone, I just came across this project called LessPass, which doesn't require a database as a back-end and can compute passwords on the fly instead of storing them. The idea really intrigued me, and I wanted to know from the community about the experience of using it - did you run into any troubles with it? How does it compare to more traditional password managers (which would need me to think of a back-up strategy)? Is it possible to back up your passwords from LessPass? Can you use your own passwords when you prefer to? How are the client programs? Thanks!

Questions on backing up to S3 Glacier Deep Archive.
Hi everyone. I was considering backup options to Glacier Deep Archive, and wanted to know: 1. Which software do you use to encrypt client-side, obfuscate, compress and deduplicate the data before you send it to S3? 2. What is the difference between `Restore Requests (bulk)` and `Outbound data transfer` and which one will I be using when I want to pull my data from AWS? I'll be storing approximately 8TB or so of data, which is why I was looking at inexpensive ways to back it up other than buying an HDD outright. Thanks!

Security considerations of WiFi vs Zigbee for self-hosted IoT
Hi everyone. Before anything else, I would like to mention that I do not plan to expose absolutely anything to the internet other than using a VPN, and that's if necessary. Now, if I understand it correctly, ZigBee compatible devices need a controller attached to the computer to decipher messages? Since we are talking about security, it seems that the ZigBee network has its own encryption technology. Coming to WiFi which was my original plan, we have established protocols like WPA2. I had intended for all of my IoT devices to be locked in a separate VLAN with no external access. Which one of them do you think is better for privacy and longevity? I am going to use the basics such as lights, temperature/motion sensors (would like to flash with custom firmware like Tasmota if possible) - alongside some custom devices, which would also be programmed from scratch (ESP32 based). The problem I have with the devices from the latter proposition is that I have to keep on top of security trends myself, but I suppose that's the trade-off one makes with custom devices. Please tell me what you use at home and why, between Zigbee and WiFi? Thanks

Wait, the ZimaCube has a private GPT implementation?
Hi everyone, was just going over the ZimaCube page on ZimaBoard's website: https://www.zimaboard.com/zimacube/ They mention a "private GPT" for one's files: I'm interested in how they implemented it, if the process is open source, and if self-hosting something like this is possible. Thanks!

Question on SSL traffic between podman containers and clients (should I run k3s?)
Hi everyone. I was trying to research about how to implement SSL on the traffic between my clients and the containers that I host on my server. Basically, my plan was to use upstream SSL in HAProxy to attempt to achieve this, but in order for that to work, each individual container on my server needs to be able to decrypt SSL. I do not think that is possible and that every container has the necessary libraries for it. This puts a halt on my idea for upstream encryption of traffic from my reverse-proxy to my containers. With that said, ChatGPT suggested I use Kubernetes with a service mesh like Istio. The idea was intriguing so I started to read about it; but before I dive head-first into using k3s (TBH it's overkill for my setup), is there any way to implement server-side encryption with podman containers and a reverse-proxy? After writing all of this, I think I'm missing the point about a reverse-proxy being an SSL termination endpoint, but if my question makes sense to you, please let me know your thoughts! Thanks!

FOSS Deep Packet Inspection software?
Hi everyone, this is a continuation of my previous post: https://lemmy.world/post/7542500 *Tl;Dr*: Do Suricata/snort/Security onion have mechanisms to perform DPI if one provides them with a valid certificate? Any other open source software I should be looking at that can do DPI? --- ## Background: I have been trying to find ways to masquerade Wireguard traffic as normal HTTPS traffic to circumvent blocks by networks which do not like such traffic. It is quite easy to identify Wireguard traffic with a default setup because their method of implementing SSL is different from normal HTTPS, and most packet analysers can pick up that Wireguard traffic is passing through. With that said, I have come across 3 methods to alleviate this problem: (before you implement these, make sure to convert Wireguard traffic into TCP using `udp2raw` or `updtunnel` and force operations on port 443) 1. Use `stunnel` - seems to be a project that has been around for a while. Encrypts data using SSL, makes it look like HTTPS. 2. Use `obfsproxy` - created by the TOR project, can be used alongside OpenVPN. 3. Use `wstunnel` - refer to [this](https://nerdonthestreet.com/wiki?find=Set+Up+a+WireGuard+VPN+Server+with+WebSocket+Tunneling) tutorial. The alternatives are mainly: use OpenVPN (which can use `stunnel` or `obfsproxy`) or Softether (which uses SSL for its VPN). --- Question: I would like to test said software in a comparison of their efficacy against firewalls employing DPI. Which is why I'm looking at FOSS which can do DPI. Does anyone do this for their network at home? This will be for private use only, I won't be allowing any external access on my network. Thanks! --- Edit: I realise that this might not be much of a problem for a lot of people, but regardless of whether one is facing this problem or not, I believe it is important to keep abreast of such technology and engage with it to improve one's digital privacy. There is no doubt that such networks exist, and whether one actively engages with them or not is up to the user. In fact, the question is about DPIs, so I'd like to know if anyone has any experience working with FOSS DPIs in their homelab/at work. Thanks!

How do you mask Wireguard traffic?
ChatGPT led me to `tunsafe` however the project seems to be abandoned? I'm trying to find ways to convert wireguard traffic into plain HTTPS so as to not trigger some advanced DPI. So far, I have come across `udp2raw` and `updtunnel` which convert the traffic to TCP, but AFAIK the SSL used in Wireguard triggers DPIs. Does anyone have a workaround? Thanks! --- Everyone, there seems to be a way go achieve this: Wireguard (change port to 443) + `udp2raw` or `udptunnel` to convert packets to TCP + stunnel (configured on both client and server - used by OpenVPN to encapsulate traffic in TLS). This is basically what OpenVPN does, and theoretically this should do OK. I haven't tested it however, so if you have, please let us know!

Could someone explain the networking behind transparent proxies and MiTM snooping using certificates to me?
Hi everyone, I've been trying to understand how MiTM setups like a transparent proxy work. Obviously, the use-case here is in a personal scope: I'd like to inspect the traffic of some of my machines. I am aware that Squid can be a transparent proxy, and some might use the Burp Suite to analyse network traffic. Could someone explain the basic networking and the concept of certificates in this scenario? I feel like I don't understand how certificates are used well enough. --- For example: I realise that if someone inserts a root certificate in the certificate store of an OS, the machine trusts said CA, thus allowing encrypted traffic from the machine to be decrypted. However, say the machine was trying to access Amazon; won't Amazon have its own certificate? I don't know how I'm confused about such a simple matter. Would really appreciate your help!

Is there a newer model of desktop/laptop/motherboard which supports Coreboot?
publication croisée depuis : https://lemmy.world/post/7133342 > As far as I can see, the T440p is the latest Thinkpad to support Coreboot/skulls. > > If I wanted something newer (say, something from 2019-2022 or so) under $400, what could I even get? I want to run my own choice of linux distribution on it, so most chromebooks are out of the question (also I'd like something more powerful and upgradeable). > > Thanks.

Running a Windows VM on KVM, how do I restrict network access to specific applications instead of the entire OS?
Hi everyone, Is there any way to restrict network access for a Windows VM using KVM other than a couple of applications (Windows explorer and Firefox)? ~~I don't want to get into configuring the Windows firewall and would like to do this using KVM/other linux utilities on the host machine if possible~~ As I thought, it is unlikely that I will be able to do this from the KVM side of things. Would anyone have an idea of how I could script this for subsequent Windows VMs? Thanks!

Is RackNerd reliable?
I see some very good deals on RackNerd through LowEndbox. Is the company reliable? I.e. I'm hoping there's not going to be a situation like NexusBytes. Could someone confirm?

Favourite VPS for multiple boxes?
Hi community, wanted to know your opinions on the various VPS companies offering compute boxes in the cloud. Which one do you use, why, and what do you recommend for someone who has a $15 budget for a decently powerful box(es)? Thanks!

I have embedded a link into the title where a person is frustrated with Cloudflare. I'm interested in knowing the extent of their telemetry and data collection. The user alleges that Cloudflare collects cookies from visitors when one visits a website using their proxy + CDN? Just to be transparent: I'm not looking to use Cloudflare, I'm going to use my own setup with a VPS, however it is important to know about such technologies, especially since I work in IT.

SBC with 2 SD card slots?
Hi, I'm looking for SBCs where I can run the OS on one storage device, and the applications on another. I believe a couple of Khadas boards have such features, but they also have some other peripherals that I don't need. I want something like a LibreComputing potato but with the capability to have 2 storage devices (not through USB please, it had proven to be unreliable). I plan to use this as an IOT/Network infrastructure server (Pi-Hole, Unbound, VPN etc). Any suggestions?

Can I run local LLMs on Intel ARC/AMD with 8GB of RAM?
publication croisée depuis : https://lemmy.world/post/1474932 > Hi there. > > I wanted to run LLMs locally on my server (for better privacy), and was wondering if: > > 1. I could use Intel ARC/AMD GPUs - these are often less expensive and AMD has open source drivers, which is something I like. > 2. If a PCIe x4 Gen 3 slot would be enough (it's an x16 slot with x4 speeds) - this is an important consideration. > 3. Would 8GB of RAM (in the GPU, I believe it's called VRAM?) be enough? > > > I'm looking at language models to train on my Reddit and Lemmy content, in an aim to make it write like me (and maybe even better than me? Who knows). I don't quite know which models I will train, or how I will do so (I certainly won't be writing anything from scratch), but I was wondering; with the explosion of FOSS AI models, maybe something like this would be possible with the hardware constraints I mentioned above? > > Does the speed of the connection between the GPU and the CPU really matter in such applications? > > Thanks!

If you’re building a whitebox server, you need to see this motherboard!
I'm sorry to disappoint you, in that this is a consumer motherboard. So yes, AMD PSP exists, no iLO. However, that's where the bad part ends. Behold, what is in my opinion, the most server-like MicroATX board released to the consumers: the [MSI PRO B550M-VC WIFI Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/tr4Ycf/msi-pro-b550m-vc-wifi-micro-atx-am4-motherboard-pro-b550m-vc-wifi)/[alternate link](https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/PRO-B550M-VC-WIFI). If you followed the link and read the specifications you would know exactly what I'm talking about, but for people who didn't, here is the summary: - 4 x16 ports (3 of them work at x1 speeds, the one closest to the CPU is `PCI Express 5.0 x16`). - 8 SATA3 ports (people who wanted to build a NAS should be visibly salivating at this point). Apart from that, there are 2 nice features that I would personally like to point out, as I look for these features in every board: - 128GB of RAM supported (no ECC, and I suppose a lot of motherboards support it now, but nice to have). - A `2230 E-key` slot. - I know a few of you might be wondering why I'm mentioning the slot used for a WiFi card in this post - I invite you to take a look at [this](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804497025928.html). - It's a link to an Aliexpress item, so if you don't want to click, here's a short version: It's an E-key to 2.5Gbe converter, using a `Realtek RTL8125B` chip. It's amazing, I learnt about these adapters from a random Level1Techs video. I think a lot of people could use this. And there you have it. If you're building a system that requires heavy PCIe access and a lot of SATA3 storage, I think this is the best value you can find when purchasing new. Cheers

Why learn to hack wireless signals in a homelab?
publication croisée depuis : https://lemmy.world/post/1122992 > Hi, I realise that this might not be a question for this community; that said, this community is fairly big so I'm sure plenty of people here are already doing this. > > I have been interested in hacking wireless infrastructure for a while now, but I'm struggling to find motivation in my day-to-day life to actually embark on said journey. Frankly speaking, I don't see a point to do so in a modern homelab. If someone is using WPA3, no unsecured wireless connections like Bluetooth, and uses strong passwords, how would someone realistically hack them without a good amount of time/resources? > > One avenue that I came up with, related to wireless hacking, is with IOT. I do not know much about the security of various wireless protocols like Zigbee, or if one can somehow decrypt MQTT messages (they are sent using TLS, yes?) or anything of the sort. Other than this, I'm really struggling to see a practical point in pursuing action in this field (other than the basics like upgrading to the most secure protocol and maintaining digital hygiene) unless one is interested in wireless hacking from pure interest (without any need for motivation stemming from problems in their lab). > > Thanks!

Is there any product that can act as a knowledge base for topics (materials will include archived versions of websites, documents, media)?
My apologies for the long title. I'm looking for something to organise the materials I collect on various topics. As mentioned, these usually include archived webpages, documents/manuals, media (pictures, videos, audio) etc. I know I could just create a directory system for this (and will likely do so if I can't find anything like what I describe), but just wanted to ask if anything like what I want exists. Thanks!

Can someone tell me the reason why these people don’t want to leave Reddit?
https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/14knc6t/got_r4d_for_pirating_someone_elses_john_oliver_so/ Pirates want to stay on Reddit? This is the last group I had expected to have such a reaction, but here we are. Yes, the mod could have worded it better, but these people actually want to stick around on Reddit. I personally find Lemmy to be a perfectly viable alternative to Reddit for such subs. I wonder about the reasons why these people still don't want to move.