If you’re reading this, take a deep dive into a sea of shit.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 13, 2023


I can smell the Linux crowd rushing to suggest a better method.

That’s just how living in Europe sounds to people who live in America/Canada.

You sound miserable if you need to make everything about money, even outside of work.

Welcome to the real world where primary income doesn’t come from donations.

We all know this is a side hustle. No one pirates or repacks as a main source of income, donations are way too volatile for that.

So no, I won’t tip someone for their hobby.

Well he’s dead isn’t he, so all you’re doing is antagonising.

And those same bus drivers would receive warnings or be laid off for “wasting time” or “company resources” by their managers. Making them out to be selfish when they could have their own family to feed is just a plain old retarded strawman.

Dude you have issues, the only conscience I see here is yours being butthurt on behalf of an already dead man. If you would like to do something about it it definitely doesn’t involve online arguments that you’re clearly losing from a self-preservation point of view.

Get out of your own head, maybe if you spent less time being a keyboard douchebag you’d see someone who could use the help you’re preaching like a rabid dog.

Dude you’re sending this to the wrong person. Check who you’re replying to in this thread 😅.

What he said was abrasive but not entirely wrong. Tempted to say you’re the troll for looking up people’s histories as your only proof of anything.

Anyone who calls any customer “bitchy” for not staying after raising prices deserves to jump off a cliff.