Decentralise everything!

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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2021


No criteria. Everyone gets the same exact stipend, whether they have 0$ to their name or 1 billion dollars. Its not necessary for UBI to not have criteria, but it should, because:

  1. No criteria means its much cheaper, theoretetically, to administer it.
  2. There’s no weird “subsidy” issues. For instance, if only jobless get UBI, then UBI might incentivize people to not get work.
  3. It may feel weird to give billionaires the same stipend, but it doesnt really matter. In the US, for instance, less than 1% make more than 1 million dollars a year (or was it less than 1% have less assets than 1 million?). That means, stopping paymwnts for those people would reduce the cost by no more than 1%, theoretically. Of course, it could be targetted towards another bracket, say 50000$. Im not sure, but i suspect that it would still be cheaper to give it to everyone, assuming the removal of checks to greatly reduce the cost of administering it.
  4. Further to point 3, giving everyone the same amount could (arguably) make it seem more fair to most people.

I think its in reference to Canadians (British at the time) setting fire to the White House in the, 19th century I think?

I agree that that’s useful information. I wonder though, if it is that useful, if Lemmy or the Lemmy app does that automatically?