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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Yup. Business logic for things that cost millions or billions should not be run by an approximation machine.

I used to use JQuery (and I still do occasionally when doing scripts for WordPress where its included natively), but modern vanilla JS has solved 90+ % of the reason why we needed JQuery back then.

I was specifying my backend of choice to pair with HTMX.

Me too! I’ve been working with JS for more than 10 years but HTMX + Go has been a welcome transition.

You been playing with asterisk?

That class of storage is very expensive to get your data back. Buying a drive will be cheaper.

Wireshark is the best FOSS for packet inspection, but you’ll have to test the efficacy of your solution on enterprise hardware directly if you’d like to know which ones it works for. You can virtualize many of these FW on Azure cloud for an hour and it won’t cost much, but you’d need to know what you’re doing.

What languages did you come to rust from?

You don’t need to buy server hardware, although it is nice. Depending on where you live you might be able to buy some decent second hand server hardware.

If it was me, I would buy new desktop hardware. Here is a fairly decent server that will do almost anything: Go for around 16 or 24 core CPU with high Ghz per core. 64GB or 128GB DDR5 RAM. Your most important factor will be storage speed. Go with NVMe drives. You have some choices here. JBOD: One or more independent M.2 key drives. Software RAID: Use your CPU to manage the RAID configuration. Hardware RAID: Use a RAID controller HBA card to manage the RAID (faster but single point of failure). Use RAID 1 for data protection (can lose one drive and still have all your data), RAID 0 (double the speed of your drives), RAID 10 (best of both but needs double the drives). Choose a motherboard that suits your choices.

Things to take into account: If you go with a RAID controller card, make sure that the PCIe lanes it uses can take the full speed of your RAID configuration or you might be bottlenecked there. Choosing an Intel or AMD CPU doesn’t make much difference. If you are not good with linux distros and don’t want a learning curve, stick with something like Ubuntu LTS 22.04 server. You most likely won’t need any graphics card, but it depends what you want to do.

You can run a minecraft server on an old laptop, so these specs might be overkill, I just put what I would get and it will do almost anything you want to do with it. An 8 core CPU, 16GB RAM, with 1 NVMe drive will also be capable of all your described needs just fine.

Cosmic radiation! Bit flips! Quantum tunneling! Who TF knows…

The UniFi controller software has always been a garbage java project. It feels a bit better these days though.

You see, that’s why you divide all the smaller distinct batches of logic into their own functions and then give the wrapper function a name like blahBlahOrchestrator or blahBlahManager waves hands mysteriously

Hello sane friend! You used your joke to great effect!

Did you like my useEffect joke haha

I’m good with my Vue, thanks. I hate React though. I can see htmx simplifying some things and being adopted by front-end frameworks. The same way improvements in HTML and CSS have been adopted.

I may get downvoted to hell for this, but besides the shady business practices, Unity sucks as a game engine. You can just feel the engine eating resources for no good reason and the gfx don’t come close to UE5.

Right, paying for managed services whether cloud native or not is pretty much the same thing, it hurts in the pocket. Spinning up your own RabbitMQ on a VM is both cheap and cloud agnostic, especially if sized right.

I would argue that most cloud native services existed in their standalone forms way before public clouds made their own versions. For example there are loads of message queue systems that are just as easy to incorporate and are cloud agnostic, some of them are FOSS. Sure you can reinvent the wheel but in most cases something like RabbitMQ will work OK depending on the use case. Having cloud vendor lock in is where cost catches up with you. Complexity is arbitrary since there are ways to make anything overcomplicated.

Yup, if your solution is not cloud agnostic you’ve fucked up.

You’re a couple years behind the SSR craze. We’re back to what they were doing with PHP in the 00s except it’s now done with Next, Nuxt etc.