• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Just keep goimg back in time until they do. I think I had to go 2-3 snapshots back.

It has full support for Audiobooks, eBooks, and Podcasts as well as the usual Music/TV/Movies.

My music is stored on my real-debrid account, and I use Lidarr and Debrid Media Manager to manage it. For a player/streaming server I’m currently using Jellyfin, but I’ve used Navidrome and Plex in the past and found them to work great.

All my local music is stored on a NAS which Jellyfin also has access to.

edit: For the lazy there’s always SpotifyX for Desktop, and XManager for Android.

But then how would they get all the tech blogs to write about them?

A cheaper, albeit less secure alternative, is purchasing a domain and setting up a Cloudflare tunnel.

I did. That’s how I ended up with 300GB of Music. In the end my storage space was more valuable to me, and it frees up some of my server’s resources as well.

Once I discovered the Ad-Free patch for Spotify I shutdown my Lidarr. Much less hassle, and it freed up a solid 300GB of space on my NAS.

Does this still require you to get the Windows App from the Windows Store? Thats the main reason I ditched.

As someone who lived with awful 4G internet for 8 years, I strongly recommend getting a Blu Ray drive, MakeMKV, and A Library Card.

I just use Beeper. I had my own Matrix server up but getting all the bridges to work was cumbersome.

A lot of rural Ontario as well. My house is on oil, and while we could switch to propane it’s prohibitively expensive.

Plex isn’t allowed on Cloudflare. Itll work, but you’ll get your account flagged.

Use Tailscale instead.

Is it particularly different from LibreX?

You can name the title, that’s fine. The only thing you can’t do here is openly share links to that content (it must be encoded with base64).

When it comes to old media, especially from the early 2000’s and earlier, I start with Archive.org and YouTube.

Like /u/Sharpiemaker suggested, your library would also be a good spot to check. If you have a reference library in your system they are a goldmine for that sort of thing.

Alternatively, you can pick up a cheap capture card and record the tape to your PC.

Nope. His mods are his own code, and he has the right to sell it. I don’t agree with what they’re doing, but that’s a separate conversation.

Because the series hasn’t done anything new since Saints Row 3. It’s just the same game over and over again, and even that was just a more polished version of Crackdown.

Quite true. I personally like having a physical handheld to play on, but a Steam Deck would do the job just fine.

With Microsoft and now Sony releasing their first party games on PC, there really isn’t much point to own a console outside of Nintendo.

Do I need to play the new Spider-Man or God of War right now? No, I’m happy to wait for them to release on Steam.

Im all for continuing communities 9utsideof Reddit, but porting posts/content is like putting up pictures of your ex everywhere. Why is everyone still so obsessed with this?

To point your domain to your machine you can use Cloudflare tunnels. If you don’t want it publicly available, you can use a VPN.

Sounds like their editor is too busy/lazy to check that kind of stuff.

I would actually suggest buying one of Netgate’s prebuilt routers. They’re pricey, but it brings the peace of mind knowing that device is handling it exclusively, and with appropriate hardware. It doesn’t come with a Switch or AP though.

This is a pretty poorly written article.

Brazil reinstated its visitor visa requirements for Canada — so did Australia, Japan and the US in March.

This implies that Canadians need a VISA to enter Aus, Japan and the US as well. I’m not sure if that’s the case in Japan, but it certainly isn’t in the US or Australia. I assume they meant to say that Australians, Japanese and Americans also need a VISA to enter Brazil.

Bored of using Lorem Ipsum for your mockups? Check out Hipster Ipsum!
One of my Professors shared this with me today, and I thought that some of you would appreciate this.

Good. The less Google does the better the internet will be.

There is nothing worse about living in Ontario than its severe lack of donair. God what I’d give for a teleporter to Tony’s.

Yes but they’re still correct. The specific hardware varies, but the underlying architecture is the same.

I’m not involved in crypto to begin with. That’s good to know though, it makes much more sense than someone being that careless.

Best source for the upcoming XGames/ESPN?
I checked the megathread for an ESPN stream and haven't been able to find anything conclusive. Does anyone know off-hand the best way to get an ESPN stream?