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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


You are probably right. My memories are of using Firefox on a PC with a mechanical hard drive. Back then Chrome seemed to have the upper hand. But these days Firefox loads instantly when you have an SSD. So yes, please ignore my earlier argument.

How about Spookie’s House of Jumpscares?

At least I think that’s what it’s called?

I remember Chrome starting nearly instantly. But that could be that it’s doing some preloading. I haven’t used Chrome in years though. 2 seconds for Firefox startup sounds about right yes.

As for memory, I wouldn’t say Firefox is great. But I often have a lot of tabs open at once while I am researching some things and Firefox is just rock solid for me. It has had some memory leaks in the past but they seem to be mostly gone now. You’d probably find browsers that use less memory but I dare to question if they would use less memory than Firefox in my usecase.

In an unrelated note I am curious which modern browser (in Linux) uses the fewest amount of memory.

My advice would be the latter. That case you can always use the same browser, no matter what OS you decide to use in the future.

Firefox has been slower to startup for a long time. Maybe a few seconds slower compared to Chrome. But it has always made up for it in it’s memory usage. The more tabs you open, the worse Chrome gets.

I think I started using it in the 1.x times. I remember all the flaws it’s had since. I’ve given lots of other browsers a try in the meantime but none come close to Firefox. They might be good enough for others but for power users Firefox is the way to go.

I was expecting someone to mention all the bugs and crashing of the game, hehe. That is something I would not miss allright.

If they give it fair weather, I’m in.


And reintroduce features from Daggerfall that have since been removed.

I never got through the first mission, sadly. It seems like there is never enough time.

What is there to talk about? We only know what’s being shared outside of China. Which is not a lot. I watch the China show, which seems one of the few sources that doesn’t just regurgitate the government propaganda but we can only do so much.

The best course of action for her is to leave China. Maybe not an option for her due to personal reasons, but staying in Shenzhen is her choice.

They have a nice discount on their games on their own webpage. Too bad it requires a credit card or paysafecard.

I’ll probably be pirating for now.

The problem I have with this is that if he’s known for these things and he knows it, why not hire someone to do the communication for him instead of making the same mistakes every time. Or is he too stubborn or not smart enough to realise the damage he is doing to his brand?

This is the main issue I have with Linus. Doubling down on dumb takes.

I’m wondering why they would think one would pay to (still) see ads or have a lower resolution stream.

I’m pirating since I want to have a copy I can use without an internet connection without weird compression, ads, or low resolution. And not even everything is released on blu-ray these days.

Now that you mention the older games you own. It might be worth it to make some backups in the form of iso’s or copies. In case they get disk rot at some point. I think some of them must be close to 30 years old now.

Funny you mention Strife. I never really knew about Strife until much later when I found out about it. I have played the shareware version of Heretic quite a lot. But what really fascinated me back then where the early Grand Theft Auto and Carmageddon games. I guess my interest for cars translated into my games as well. Since those are technically open world driving games beside other things.

If you have the codes with the cd you might be able to claim it on Steam. Doesn’t always work but I’m told it works for some games.

I agree. The game starts off really good. Too bad they made it like this.

I will take your example and just pretend the second part didn’t happen.

Oh unskippable cutscenes really are my pet peeve!

I hate stealth. I want to go everywhere guns blazing. This is what ruined the Farcry series for me. Having unskippable stealth sections.

Interesting! Not exactly what I would think of but this seems right up my alley. Thank you!

I liked the point and click games when they were 2d hand drawn and not (3d) rendered. It seems to be a thing that has now been lost to time.

Ah, okay. I guess I missed that or read over it.

I thank you for writing the guide because it’s always nice to try different methods of consuming content.

I am seeing this black and white thinking a lot. Just because I don’t do the thing you want me to do, I am supposedly “fuckin stupid”. Very mature bud, very mature.

I find this discussion to be quite interesting because it seems like you cannot handle people disagreeing with you very well. Maybe this is a returning thing in your life and if it is, I advise you to get help. It’s not normal to respond in the way you are responding to a simple disagreement. All the best with that.

Thanks for the write. I’ve been playing with that search engine for a bit and most I can find is recent tv shows and movies. And some random stuff (mostly in german).

Could be usefull for some of us.

Thing is… if I have to do that for every time someone linkdrops an article, I’ll have no time left in my day.

And it seems I was right that I have no real reason to use tor.

Goes to show I am getting tired. Why didn’t I think of that. Ofcourse meta wants to keep you on their platform as long as possible. Thanks for pointing that out to me.

While I agree with you, I’m wondering what the benefit is of watching youtube and posting/reading lemmy/mastodon through a tor network. Because those are the main things I do. While I do understand that in some countries and also in public wifi networks the chances of traffic being intercepted and man in the middle attacks are higher, I do not expect that to happen to my fibre connection in my western country.

Thanks for the confirmation. I bet they don’t even notice it happening. Though this could happen to anyone on any side of the spectrum. It’s sad that this is what the internet has become.

I’d rather not waste my time reading an article about a program I’m not currently using to find out if I should use it our not. I’d rather see a post that has bulletpoints with pre’s and cons. My time is limited enough as it is.

[edit] I realise that my comment will probably come across as unfriendly so I will add some explaining to it.

I am currently in a western country using a fibre landline and I trust my internet provider to not intercept my data or use things like a man in the middle attack. Am I right for assuming that and if so, would tor prevent that? Will tor slow down my internet? I mostly watch youtube videos and read/post on lemmy/mastodon. I am not against using tor at all, but my energy and time are limited so I don’t feel like reading a whole article just for an app I do not feel the need to use. I am currently very happy with my firefox browser and all the add-ons I use. And with all the modifications I have put into it to make it work just the way I like. Would I loose all that by switching to tor? I am prepared to change to tor but I am not in the camp of “protect privacy at all costs, even if it greatly inconveniences me”. Especially if the risks of not using tor seem quite low in my situation.

The actual problem is that they think they should just force one or the other on us. Give us a choice to sort our feed and we’ll figure out what we like best.