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Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


Then be mad that Putin is forcing them into this situation

You don’t have to say you’re anti-war before saying you support supplying Ukraine. Giving Ukraine the means to defend themselves from warmongering is a form of being anti-war.

You: “I’m not Russian. I’m not a troll.”

Also you: immediately proceeds to pretend supplying Ukraine with the weapons they need to defend from a warmongering Russia is itself warmongering

Next you’ll say that a rape victim defending themself is aggression

Interesting, thanks for the info. I’ll have to google around about this when I have some free time today

Eh this is a much harder topic than you make it seem. For people like you and me, this may be the best approach to change our minds on things, but we also are the type of people to look at the facts around Musk and already come to the conclusion that he’s a far-right, duplicitous manchild.

The people that flock to him and others like him, however, are not the type to respond to just the facts. They’re invested emotionally into some aspect of what Musk is “selling” them. I don’t know what the correct response is to try and win these people over to reality, but calm, reasoned responses to the monkey throwing its shit around the interview room isn’t how you win over the people on the monkey’s side. They already know he throws his shit around and they like it

Republicans hate her now so clearly she’s an extremist leftist /s

As Far-Right IDEOLOGY Surges in US and Germany, Debate Rages Over Disqualification of Those Who Would Destroy Democracy

Added a word and a comma to make it a lot more readable

He’s looking for someone in the first column, but created this nice little second column for them to move all their justifications into

Well I’ve never heard of a religious person claiming AI could have a soul in the religious sense, and “soul” has other meanings than the religiously literal one, so yes?

“That’s "suppressing theft masquerading as art is awesome” you hear in that comment."

Emphasis mine. The context clues make the intended meaning pretty obvious

Oh buddy come on you can’t actually be misunderstanding how they used “horrible.” They’re not saying it’s bad quality they’re saying it’s bad morally

I’m curious what you mean by soul here, if you’re using it in a metaphorical sense or the religious sense

If you’re talking about politicians then I’d agree with you. If you’re talking about their wealthy donors like the Koche Brothers, Heritage Foundation, etc, they absolutely do. I would not say it’s the above person’s guess about forcing more births due to lowering birth rates, but they definitely have societal goals in mind

While two things can be true simultaneously, I just still don’t agree that it should be considered a shame they didn’t get to experience retirement, as that heavily implies they were at some level swept into that shame of a scenario by other forces. To make an extreme comparison, it’d be like saying it’s a shame hitler didn’t get to transition into a peaceful retirement. He (and they) created the destructive environment that closed that option off; it’s not a shame they couldn’t retire, it’s a shame they’re the kind of people in power in the first place.

Just because they’re being inhumane doesn’t mean we need to be.

It’s not inhumane to lack sympathy for someone who actively hurt the system everyone relies on, for their own personal gain, just because they didn’t also get a cherry on the top of their sundae

Oh please, don’t act like the powers that be responsible for marginalizing women consider trans men to be men. The subtext of the conversation is supporting marginalized groups, and women are just an easy shorthand to that subtext.

No, it’s not that it’s not the only reason to vote for someone, it’s that it’s not a reason to vote for someone. Hypothetically if we could create identical clones of a person’s mind, with literally the only difference between them being their gender, one doesn’t get an extra pat on the back because they’re a woman. It “being time” is not an argument to boost someone past their actual accomplishments. What it does show is that there’s still a large contingent of the populace that are sexist enough that sex and gender matter to them. When a woman eventually becomes president, it’ll be a good marker for when enough of the country sees the genders as equal, not as one needing a handicap to perform equally.

really 99% of women will be better at the job than Trump.

Lmfao you haven’t met any maga women then. And there’s sadly a lot of them.

Pretty sure they’ve shown nitrogen asphyxiation on pigs hasn’t caused any discernible stress or uncomfort. This execution not only taking this long but also being that stressful, and the facility’s track record of fucking up executing this guy, makes me think some bullshit by Alabama happened to make this a painful death. Needs to be promptly and thoroughly investigated imo

Edit yea here’s a link: mild content warning I guess, but it just shows a pig very briefly passing out and then coming to again: https://youtu.be/fPhH4nha4QA

Apathetic and depressed is not what I’d call the voter turnout in the elections since 2020. The R’s blew their load too fast on overturning Roe v Wade and it’s been consistently fucking them in the ass since.

where rather than getting to retire in peace these people are kept in the system and paraded instead of being allowed to gracefully give up their position. I say that with respect to her autonomy, it’s abysmal that she never reached retirement because of how politics has been forcefully designed to be an old person’s game. These people should have been out of politics 20 years ago :(

My guy why are you acting like retiring was stolen from her? She was a walking mummy long before her mental faculties took a nose dive, and chose to stay in politics. Honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if a sane Feinstein would’ve told her team to keep her around the way they did if her mind declined. She was not a victim here; she was part of the problem

Didn’t like 90+% of the online parts of the trucker convoy nonsense come from like 2 Facebook accounts? Small groups can get the ball rolling far more than you seem to think

Being a woman or trans (not sure why you excluded trans men there) isn’t a political accomplishment. Yes, it’s bad that so many people vote against them just because of their gender, but similarly it’s bad to vote for someone just because of their gender

Yea it seems pretty par for the course. As much as I really don’t like the US’s prison system, I personally think this kinda shit needs to see harsh punishments. Supporters of places like China and Russia need to know that this shit will not fly and that at least while they’re here, they need to suck it the fuck up

Ideally? Something like worker cooperatives or similar where profit and decision-making is more democratically spread through businesses.

Realistically? Probably capitalists by another name

renamed themselves to “Russian Federation”,

By this logic the Roman empire should just be called the Roman republic. The systems of governance might be similar and both be abhorrent, but the USSR isn’t the same as the Russian federation

Asmongold is fucking weird who cares what he thinks about random preferences like this

Hmm interesting, I guess I figured it was some kind of all in one case that was trying to handle culpability + legal repercussions. Doesn’t seem possible to bar someone from being on the ballot if they haven’t also legally judged on culpability, but I guess thats why this is going to the SCOTUS

So I haven’t been following this lawsuit at all, so this is a genuine question. If the lawsuit is about barring trump from the ballot due to starting an insurrection, I would assume part of the trial was to argue for and against the claim that he started or otherwise participated in an insurrection, no? If that’s not the case, then I’d agree with you. If that is the case, however, then I don’t see how this trial wasn’t the due process you’re talking about

Hey now that’s not all they are. A concerning number of them also don’t like statutory rape laws

Absolutely not, federating with Threads is the first step in the Embrace, Extend, Extinguish process that businesses have used in the past to kill things like the fediverse. This is a win for businesses that want to see the fediverse dead and buried

Yes yes, encouraging EEE is totally a win-win…

he’s convinced that white hetero men are the most repressed “minority” right now,

By his own logic, wouldn’t that mean he should think the world would be a better place if white hetero men like himself didn’t exist?