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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


We fight him because he’s behind a fog wall.

Zero-code has been about to make us all redundant for about five decades running so far.

Their definition of “secret” seems very different from mine.

So proud. Their first step toward being bought out by a massive publisher and then made redundant after a year.

New edition is just an incoherent rant about the “woke mind virus” trying to destroy him for “just saying what everyone is thinking”.

Couldn’t you all just vanish into the tundra if the Yanks stormed the border? They’d soon get bored and go home.

They could figure this out more easily by simply playing the game and deciding if they enjoyed it or not.

“It’s a Fortran system; I know this!”

We do this to ourselves first thing every day even though it’s been shown in studies that the start of the day is when you’re at your most productive.

Used to drag the zip file into the network drive, unpack it into the www folder (IIS restart triggered by a chance to the web.config file), and then used Beyond Compare to sync the changes across to the other server.

Humans, conversely, are incredibly talented at deciphering nuance, except when they don’t want to.

It’d be super easy to replace Sam Altman with a bot that spits out keywords known to increase OpenAI shares.

Waitaminute… Sam alt-man?

Even more often the monolith bits are pulled out but continue to share the same monolithic database. The horizontal scanning is void, because while you can make any number of stateless service instances their operations performance is mostly databound and the (relational) database cannot horizontally scale.

True, but the microservice concept was introduced to perform a kind of reverse-Conway Manoeuvre and make the architecture fit the team topology. Whether this has ever worked is still unclear to me, but I’ve seen it not work a few times now.

We only have ten logins a day, but what if UserBirthdayEmailer suddenly needs to go Web scale?

Crazy idea maybe, but what if the senior justiciary of his country weren’t political appointees?

Latest Nvidia co-processor can perform 60 million curly brace instructions a second.

The proliferation of libraries that exist only to fix the problems introduced by making everything an SPA is hilarious. Everything in web tech from the last decade is basically “there was an old lady who swallowed a fly”*.

*see also Cloud and container DevOps

Diablo isn’t an ARPG, it’s an inventory management simulator with light action elements.

None of these actually have any role-playing in them though.

He should have it nearly built by now then.

I thought the point of Samaritans were that they were supposedly all awful people apart from the good one in the story.

Looking forward to them getting smashed by Fortnite and Evony instead of Baldur’s Gate and Zelda.