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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


When pay is basically non existent is there a reason to be on spotify? Or is it for “exposure” in hopes of finding new fans.

It pushed me more towards degoogling. Was already using newpipe on Android and ignoring the YouTube app, and now I’m on freetube on desktop. No need for Google account anymore to look at the feed I want.

I stopped after season 2 and choose to only remember the first season, since ending to season 1 is a pretty satisfying wrap up the series. Season 1 is a fantastic standalone mini series.

Old habits die hard from reddit of coming for the comments than the article.

Yeah, it is interesting that with the exception of GPUs, PC parts like SSDs, hard drives, CPUs, and so on actually have felt like they haven’t increased in price in comparison to phones. If anything prices have dropped and capacities increased and speeds gotten faster for SSDs for example. Same with televisions and monitors where stuff like resolution and hz has seen improvements while being cheaper than in the past.

Game industry is bigger than movies and music combined which was not the case back in the NES era. Game industry has become a juggernaut with a huge consumer target base, and lower barrier to entry that allows for even random people being able to publish games instead of a few larger companies. Rise in production costs has been one that has been self imposed the way some studios go for big special effects blockbusters because they are targeting billions. Meanwhile like with movies you get these indie 2D and last gen 3D looking games being hits right alongside these billion dollar company attempts.

I guess one area you can look at is how niche products get priced lower like mechanical keyboards, and then once productions starts ramping up and things go mainstream suddenly these niche expensive ventures with a few fans becomes more affordable as larger quantities are now being distributed.

You same thing with tech like SSDs and hard drives actually falling price over time while capacities offered grows. Lot of PC parts actually with the exception of GPUs.

Because famous figures or organizations are the primary draw for the mainstream audience over random users. And many use it because they themselves hope to use the huge platform to promote or try to become an influencer.

Only good I see is pc ports, but then I see Microsoft having Nintendo shoving in mtx and potentially less quality Nintendo titles so overall bad.

I was upset when PS4 moved to paid online and never ever paid for PS+, and only got single player exclusives for it. But as time passed saw that I was in the minority and that other people fell in line and paid for PS+ and even argued for why paying for online was necessary.

So I expect the same to happen. When this is people complaining about a price increase a opposed to being against paying for online I expect people to keep financially supporting the subscription model enough for Sony to keep moving forward and be happy with the money.

Yeah, looking for non video game related reasons to make use of the hardware makes me appreciate the flexibility that more open hardware allows.

“rentals” since they cease to work once the subscription lapses. Just like how Netflix isn’t giving away free movies and TV shows.

And it’s capable of productivity with free tools like blender, visual studio code, and da vinci resolve. So that extra hardware can be used beyond just gaming.

I stopped being amazed when console gamers argued on behalf of a billion dollar corporation for why online multiplayer had to be paid.

I never did. I only got a PS4 for single player exclusives back in the day. Refused to pay for online access and had no interest in paying a monthly fee for rentals when I already had a backlog. And had my PC for everything else.

At the very least even if it runs beautifully it ends up being an annoyance on Steam Deck and offline play interrupting your game session as though you are the pirate as opposed to an actual customer who paid. While the pirates laugh at the experience you should be getting.

I hope it’s not a single person but a group mascarding as one deranged individual so it means that capable crackers are more widespread than one singular genius holding it down.

Like Resident Evil Village before they fixed it.


It shouldn’t be a problem if it’s properly implemented, but games are so broken these days and take months to fix if lucky that it’s insulting to paying customers. Properly implemented DRM is not a guarantee when games have been unoptimized even without it.

Yeah, and switch sometimes stutter too already without Denuvo. Games are already being pushed to their limit on the switch just trying to hit 30 fps whole not even targeting 1080p in the more heavy games.

Thanks for the link. Yeah, just length alone isn’t a good reason to dismiss a video since if something is interesting I’ll watch it like that NFT video.

More just when it comes to the coverage around LTT it is at the end of the day just some YouTube channel being called out and the PR response getting whole flood of talking heads jumping on the bandwagon. It’s one of the topics now that feels so run to the ground for what is gossip or opinion pieces that until there’s either more concrete new evidence from within the organization or new content from LTT to talk about it’s not the most engaging topic for a long exposé with there being no new revelation to be attention grabbing.

Which is the main reason why for at least just LTT videos the duration was a turn off in the current offerings of LTT focused videos with it being so over saturated. Of course, if it had Linus or anyone from LTT being invited to interviewed then yeah that’d be interesting.

I need to play little nightmare 1. I got it in my Steam library.

First time hearing of that video. Is the name drop of that title meant to indicate it was a viral hit or something? Quantities of videos on YouTube are endless and constantly being churned out, so part of why people want some strong selling point when it comes to topics many others have covered and keep covering. Especially during phases when every youtuber seems to be covering the topic to take advantage of the algorithm.

Yeah, tech side is irrelevant.

Many people like worshiping prominent figures, and looking up to them for inspiration and socializing with other fans about their adoration and displaying signs of support for them. It’s nothing unique to tech.

Kardashians, Trump, Rogan, etc. List is endless in all spaces.


Any AI bot to summarize this. Highly doubt most people are going to want to watch 1.5 hours of this video.

That’s not what’s being discussed. It’s whether laws are being broken. That’s why the discussion is about piracy not payment.

People did move here from reddit after all. That’s why I recommend apps like lemmy connect on Android with keyword filtering. You can’t control what people post, but you can regain control by controlling what you see.

That’s a whole lot of words for what in the end is not piracy with no laws being broken. There’s a difference between a moral argument and law breaking.

Calling out the integrity of a channel after that channels spent millions trying to shed the perception of them as just an entertainment channel as opposed to a trustworthy and reliable review channel by investing in the lab? Who comes off here thinking LTT is even more trustworthy when it comes to their reviews which weren’t trusted in the community to begin with.

If this were just some personality driven non tech recommending channel I could agree, but LTT is a channel reviewing hardware like Intel and amd to name a few alongside their wacky lets build a teleporting PC. There’s just some channels where hits to reputation would hurt them as opposed to help.

Piracy I associate as an illegal act that carries penalties of fines and imprisonment. Like real piracy…

As blocking is legal and something even the FBI recommends. This is more a website shortcoming than an act of piracy. Which if blocking ads is piracy then at that point the word just becomes diluted, and at that point who even cares.

Yeah, these are not company run sites with monetization plans. People saying they’ll show them by leaving is funny, since these instances cost money as opposed to making money so I don’t think they’ll be sad about less overhead. People here aren’t paying customers but guests being invited to use another person’s instance over self hosting their own.

If people want uninterrupted access to this instance they can sign up to this instance, self host, or look for instances located in a country with less strict laws that might lower chances of defederation from here?

If you see the response to my comment that you responsed to you see that someone made a response along lines of what Gamers Nexus said near the end

I hope that people listened before they just jumped to the OMG drama wall comments

Found that funny, and does show why some of the comments are dismissive of the situation thinking it is just drama, and see it more as their favorite content creator being attacked than an assessment of the quality of reviews meant for consumers.

I think needing to write a wall of text to say Linus said this but he actually meant… shows a need for Linus to move away from off the cuff segments, and stick to scripted content.

It’s not just a Linus thing, but for those who are strongly associated with a company brand it’s the better move to start distancing personal opinion pieces from what can be associated with the company. He’s not just some random employee of LTT who can have their thoughts hand waived away as not representing the views of the company. LTT has a way to go before everything stops being associated with Linus when it comes to the good or the bad.

To me attempts to play up the charity angle in a mishap just comes off as emotionally manipulative, which is generally never going to be a good look for someone who isn’t a fan willing to give the benefit of the doubt. It doesn’t matter who it is from or what company.

He needs a PR team.

Yeah, once you stop playing up the entertainment angle, but try to be a go to resource for consumer buying decisions the kid gloves come off. Hashing things out privately in that area is how you lose legitimacy if trying to seem credible and not playing favorites is the image you are trying to project to viewers.

Maybe there should be a contest to see who can come up with the most cringe worthy label.

Is there any actual concrete sources? It’s what I believe to be true too, but would be nice to see something concrete. It is fascinating how a small percentage of gamers change the landscape for a huge majority of gamers.

It was interesting how quickly people fell in line with finding paying for online multiplayer normal too on the console side. Although some do try to hand wave it away by saying they aren’t paying for online, but to subscribe to game rentals.

But, yeah lot of these things people complain about eventually become the norm, and those who complain about it get seen as cranky entitled gamers over the long run.