• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


I LOVE NOT FOR BROADCAST! I was there when it was just episode one. I really need to finish it but I haven’t found the time

That’s…really bad 😭 Even Mastodon allows you to search by hashtags (I know it supports full-text search but most instances turn that off because it’s pricey)

His apology “for the pain his donation in support of prop 8 caused” was also kind of undercut by following up by calling criticism of his views as a “political litmus test”.

He’s shocked that his support of a political organization makes people think that he agrees with their movement and he gets criticized for holding those views?

How do you know which language to use? And how do you know if you should stick to a language that you already know or if you should learn a new one?

Sorry if this is a dumb question I only just finished my first year of being a comp sci major

Threads had no discovery features?! Jesus Christ…

I have one of those, except it can play other old retro games too!

It’s pretty shitty for a company to force someone to use a phone app or go to something as vital as a bank just because they won’t let the customer access the website. And there are plenty of reasons why someone wouldn’t be able to go to the bank in person every time they needed to, or at least it’d be extremely inconvenient to (especially for small things like checking your balance or transactions). Not everyone has a phone either.

Change your email provider? Run your own email like people should?

I’ve never deleted my email before but I’m pretty sure that means losing access to your entire inbox that you’ve likely had for years and having to update your contacts, the emails for all the accounts you have under it, etc. And being blocked from the website means you won’t be able to do any of those things through the official website. Does device atteststion prevent you from accessing your email through third party clients?

Also, it’s not exactly easy or practical to host your own email. And for many people that would mean spending money on servers. I read a blog post last year of someone who gave up hosting their own email after 23 years doing so.

Isn’t that a common symbol for all medical related things?

Apple stopped giving their new products the"i" prefix because they weren’t able to trademark it because “you can’t trademark a letter.”

I doubt that they’ll allow Elon Musk to trademark the letter “x”

I finished Killer Frequency today and goddamn was it a fun game.
Basically you're a radio host in a small town and there is a killer on the lose. The sheriff is dead and phone extensions won't work so one of the only officers this town has has to go out of town to get help, so now all the 911 calls are being redirected to you and you need to give people advice and guide them to avoid the killer. You need to look around the radio station building for clues and information on how to help the callers escape the killer. It even involves mystery solving skills in a few parts. It also takes place in 1987 and it definitely has the 80s aesthetic and theme throughout. It's about 6 hours long and somewhat pricey (it's on sale until July 31st for $20 USD as opposed to its normal $25 price tag), but I definitely don't regret spending that money because it was so fun and engaging the entire time. One of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.

I was curious about Calckey/Firefish, I’m even more curious now haha.

Call Me Kevin’s videos are golden. I’ve rewatched his Comedy Night series so many times. Iconic. His Sims videos are always a riot.

One of my favorite videos of his is this video he made in “The Movies.” The final result is at the end of the video and it is a glorious experience.

I’ve also been watching a lot of short horror game playthroughs from Markiplier and Kubz Scouts, like the ones where they play 3 random scary games. They both have an episode where they play Bad Ben and it’s so good. It’s the first game in both episodes. The game is fucking hilarious, has a specific feature that I think all horror games should have now, and actually has a really cool ending. Apparently it’s based on a film by Nigel Bach.

Markiplier’s video

Kubz Scouts’ video

I also enjoyed watching them react to analog horror based games, especially ones inspired by The Mandela Catalogue. The aforementioned Kubz Scouts video includes Maple County. There’s also The Fear Assessment and the video Markiplier did on it is…chaotic. I couldn’t stop laughing.

**Image Description:** A screenshot from the game *Papers, Please* that shows a man as the current entrant. His passport is on the player's desk. The passport says that his name is "Parabol, Stanislav".

It’s completely local unless you specifically opt into cloud options. There is Obsidian Sync but that’s completely optional, and your files are still on the computer. I know some people make their vaults Google Drive folders, which, again, is something you have to deliberately do.

I highly recommend checking out the Obsidian Discord server and Eleanor Konik’s Obsidian Roundup. The community around Obsidian is insane and they’re so dedicated.

God I love Obsidian. Especially the community around it.

Obsidian honestly spoiled me with the fact that my vault is literally just a folder of markdown files.

YES. I know exactly how you feel. ADHD really prevents me from actually hitting play.

I’m using it right now and it’s really cool!

…Why isn’t the bookmark button working though?

OH. Wow I feel stupid for writing that whole wall of text. 😅

Well yeah but is it a bad thing in this case? I mean, one of the main reasons devs don’t support Linux is because it’s a small community and it doesn’t seem worth the time and money to support it. It’s fantastic that Valve is spending the time, resources and money to improve gaming on Linux, which is obviously a smaller market than Windows in a lot of cases. Yes, the main reason is probably because that makes their Steam Deck more viable and thus increases sales for them. But this benefits the entire Linux ecosystem, so I don’t think that really matters.

It is the coolest thing to see a major corporation contributing so much to Linux gaming. Linux gaming is more viable than ever and it’s amazing!!!