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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 29, 2023


I only say Ramsey because it’s for people who can’t control their spending and like debt. Clark Howard is great if you’re actually smart

That is a great movie. Don’t let social justice warriors tell you it’s not. Sorry to hear about your dad.

If you belong to a very limited and kinda secret indexer, then this problem isn’t much of an issue

It used to be the opposite. But the normies showed up and the fight club rules are out the window.

Lol yep. They used to think the same way about Elon musk until he bought Twitter and started speaking his mind. Same with the orange man. They all loved him and then one day the software update went out and it was instant hate.

😂 this platform continues to make me laugh. Everybody worships steam but somehow all other businesses are bad.

I used to use the arr applications and use Usenet but as time went on I needed more and more space. I pay a guy once every six months to get access to a Plex library that has everything you can think of. I even have the ability to request things if they aren’t there.

I’ve bought gray market keys for years without an issue. Also, good key sellers have money back guarantees

My guess is Russia and China and other countries aren’t giving a fuck about laws of the USA and the UK

The music industry adapted for the most part.

The movie industry is hanging on by fingernails.

When will they learn?

Not just competitive but available without platform limitations and special streaming contracts. Sports is the only thing keeping traditional cable alive and also drives digital TV subscriptions. The rest of the crap on TV is trash. Even then, it should always be on demand without restrictions. And blackout areas.

The Internet Archive operates under the principle of fair use, which allows the use of copyrighted material for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. They also adhere to legal guidelines and protocols to avoid infringing on copyright laws. Additionally, they often rely on user-contributed content, public domain materials, and works with expired copyrights to build their digital library, which helps mitigate copyright issues. However, they do occasionally face legal challenges or takedown requests, and they respond to those according to the law.

The fuck sticks at Nintendo would love to take everything Nintendo related down for “copyright” if they could on the Internet archive.

I wasn’t gonna buy it anyways. Unless I’m a big fan. Then I’ll buy it. But it needs to be a decent price and the merch has to be worth it.

I’d rather rally around the real enemy of this group. Greedy mega corps that have been screwing over people for decades with media.

Usually go for More obscure rare stuff like video game sound tacks and underground lesser known artists that I find. Eventually, the top ones that pique my interest I will end up buying physical copies or purchased digital files because I wanna show My support.

Or, in my situation, it usually goes something like this.

[Woman] Hey honey, I wanna watch (insert movie name here)

[Man] Ok, gimme a bit and I’ll have it for you.

I could go into the technical details on how I aquirred the media, but it’s a waste of time and she doesn’t give a shit anyway.

20 minutes later it’s on Plex and things are balanced in the world.

The media corps have people hooked on non downloadable streaming services. Today’s youth don’t know what an mp3 or a flac file is. Hell, a lot of them have never owned a CD. They’re buying vinyl records (lol) and don’t even own a vinyl record player.

I’ve always said, if you can’t sell me something based on interest and quality entertainment, then I’m pirating it, because I never would have bought it anyways.

There’s many pod casts on Spotify I don’t like. I don’t attack Spotify. I just don’t listen to them.