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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 26, 2023


Oh, because if the month you chose has less than 31 days, it’ll assume the 31st of September is the 1st of October? That’s reasonable.

The utopia of Star Trek was only able to happen because they had a WWIII and the communists won

I never forgot that I had Warframe but I just got back into it after 7 years of not playing and it’s still great.

Swiping can be hard for a 90 year old with arthritis or anyone with a lot of other physical disabilities. For all the work Apple has put into marketing the iPhone as the accessible option, I’d rather give great grandpa an android in 2023.

You forgot about the third side of the conflict again. The innocent civlians Israel (and Hamas) are killing are the good guys. The two theocratic pro-genocide states are exactly the same and both on the same side. That side is war and death.

The problem is very simple. Israel and their neoliberal allies want you to think the only sides are Israel and Hamas. But you and I support the third side, the civilians. You simply have to redefine the argument. You tell them, “I am against Israel. And I’m against Hamas too. I’ve picked my side, and it’s the innocents”.

Israel wants you to think the only two sides in this conflict are Israel and Hamas

There are three sides: Israel, Hamas, and the innocent civilians dying.

I don’t think they think it. I think they got computers slightly faster, because a large corporation drew on the resources its home country had stolen from those places to leverage a monopoly.

Your data shows desktops, but it doesn’t show laptops. It’s not news that laptops are more common than desktops.

It’s great that you’re so open minded to seeing things from another perspective.

I don’t blame the artist who originally drew that poster, but I do think she could have played it smarter than to give a AAA gaming company the rights to a controversial and nuanced satire of transphobia. The result of that is kind of inevitable when you consider the capitalist context of big companies like CDPR. I totally want to see political media exploring these issues in indie games, but trusting big corporations to have a nuanced discussion of the most delicate trans issues is a bad idea. A cis woman with a glowing dildo up her pants on CDPR’s Twitter was kind of inevitable

I agree on the count of Chang, but not Pierce. The group allowed him to use his “shwami” act as part of a plot-crucial heist while taking Greendale back from Chang’s army. And besides, I’ve heard rumours that Chevy Chase really was like that offstage too. Apparently the rest of the cast hated him.

I agree that preserving the bigotries of the past to show people what they were like critically is important. Although I don’t think Cyberpunk counts in this instance. Yes, the artist who originally drew that poster had the intention of satirising the way capitalist companies use trans bodies to sell anything. The problem is, then CD Projekt Red, the capitalist company, used the poster to sell their game. They did the exact thing they were trying to satirise. At one point they held a cosplay contest, and the winner was a cis woman who stuck a glowing dildo up her pants to cosplay as the woman in that poster. And CDPR put images of her cosplay all over their twitter. A cis woman dressed up as a satire of the commodification of trans bodies to win a contest, and a company used her image to sell a video game. You can’t have effective satire while doing the very thing you “satirised”. I believe the original artist intended to satirise, but the company that owns the rights to the image just played it straight and did the horrible thing in sincerity.

I think an Asian man wearing drowface is a complicated issue with no right answers. But the multiple times Pierce wears explicit brownface are way worse, and if anything was to be removed, they should have gone first.

Random transphobia mixed in amongst a good point.

That sounds dangerous. Most people don’t reach their ideas through reason. I don’t want to lose empathy for all humanity no matter how ignorant they are.

Yeah, so why is Bill Gates 5G microchip the conspiracy? Why not Elon Musk Starlink Neuralink? There is an actual evil mad scientist selling the technologies they are actually scared of, why don’t they just point their fears at the actual danger?

In my country, your birth certificate has both your deadname and your new name on it if you changed your name. When I signed up for PayPal, I had already transitioned, so I put in my current, legal name. PayPal asked for proof that I am who I claim to be, to prevent fraud. Fair enough, I gave them my birth certificate. They looked at it, and then changed the name on my account to my deadname, which was no longer my legal name. When I told them to change it back, they said I’d have to submit a change of name form.

I knew Musk was transphobic sooner than most of the public did after that experience.

Large language Models (which people keep calling AI)

As my AI teacher used to say, it’s AI until someone builds it.

Nah, the safety measure is designed to make sure they can quit vim. Now they can quit vim.

A teenager who plays a violent video game is not engaging in an act of violence as recognised by his brain. He is not going into a fight or flight response and getting trauma from the experience as he would in a real fight. His brain doesn’t think he’s in a fight.

When you masturbate, your body goes through the same chemical and neurological processes as if you were really having sex.

I got bored of Elite Dangerous when I remembered I don’t like trucking simulators.

Anyway, No Man’s Sky is more fun.