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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


It’s about time! POGOs are also home to China’s secret police. Horrid places. Hopefully they fight loopholes that could keep these places running.

Looks like there’s a metasploit available. You can use that on your router to see if it’s susceptible. A quick google search indicates that this is only successful on older routers without input validation.

In general, follow good cyber security hygiene, and update the firmware on your router. If your router no longer is supported by the vendor (no more firmware updates for vulnerabilities found), then it’s old and you should upgrade.

It’s clever enough to show success in many countries and latch on to MAGA. They’ll use those countries as the experiment and use the successful methods in the countries they oppose.

I found it interesting that these programs are trying to unite the extreme right and extreme left together.

Being on the defense of these ever changing methods will exhaust us, and they will be successful if they keep at it long enough.

And most news papers were acquired by the same handful of media companies. In turn these companies ravaged local markets and there’s just no coverage of the actual truth, even on local happenings.

There’s an article about my hometown covered by NY times or something (I forget, it’s been a few years). We had a flourishing newspaper that employed a decent amount of the community, when that article came out (2010ish) the same company had 3 reporters and 5 staff. The newspaper would cover legitimate issues locally and nationally. They had amazing journalists that promoted great things happening too (local studies, non profits doing the hard work to benefit the community, etc). Basically, the boring stuff that isn’t flashy enough for social media. And now it’s all gone.

I legitimately have a difficult time finding news stories on any platform that I can trust.

Edit: I just read this, different angle to the same problem https://web.archive.org/web/20240512160438mp_/https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/06/china-russia-republican-party-relations/678271/

I was going to try to explain it, but realized I’m not very good at calling menus and such their proper names. So whatever I tell you wouldn’t be very helpful.


Apple also has a YouTube video that’s about 5 minutes long. The article is probably faster.

I’m not a power user, so I don’t use the majority of features on my phone. I generally set my “do not disturb” at bedtime. It allows calls through from my favorite contact list and my morning alarm. I have friends that set focus time and they love it.

Edit to add to the conversation. I disable all notifications, except for things I really want: calls, FaceTime, texts and to update my food diary if I haven’t done so before 2pm.

When I need to use Uber, I just keep watch on the app. I guess I’m a bit of a psychopath. But when I’m waiting for a car, I like to watch it move on the map. There’s nothing else I would use that would need me to have a notification.

If I remember correctly, as I’m no expert in the affairs of Israel; the right wing people vote for this stuff. But they themselves have a religious exemption, so they don’t need to send their own kids to mandatory service.

Very messed up for the youth who have no say. War only affects the civilians who suffer for the goals of their overlords.

Gross. Can we start making fines meaningful? % of revenue maybe? I’m not an expert on this. But these fines should be more than enough to discourage behavior and not be “cost of doing business”.

I don’t understand why some people work so hard to fight others on this. I share your opinion. The victims are the civilians who end up suffering for these terrorists who don’t represent them.

If you’re this angry, then by all means, please leave.

In the less developed world Covid was dubbed “rich man’s sickness” because only people who were affected were those who had the means to travel. But those few rich brought it back, and made it everyone’s problem. Am I angry with those people? No.

Most governments were not handing this well. Your anger towards only one country’s government is misguided.

It’s hard to measure happiness, but maybe they should study mental health and happiness of people who don’t use social media. Then compare the groups.

It’s also probably difficult to determine impact of social media in persons who never experienced life without social media. I would liken it to the this is fine, dog on fire meme.

Probably not, or at least to the people who could make a difference.

The life long suffering and consequences of pollution this brings to people - This is a horrible situation. I’m honestly surprised there’s not better reporting of the people dying from this.

I remember the smoke from the Canadian fires. I couldn’t go outside (not that inside was better) and there was no getting a workout in without inducing burning in my lungs.

Only one who’s a clown is the one who doesn’t have the self reflection to understand everyone wrongs someone else in life. Life isn’t black and white. Stay safe out there and be kind.

Do you have access to actually launch missiles at things when you’re trying to be a monster?

Because unless you do, it makes your point really silly. Most individuals don’t have an option to launch a missile to be a monster. But I know some people who absolutely would use one (or more) if they had access.

People are monsters. Period. Nobody is perfect. And I’m sure you’ve justified some actions that are less than pure in your lifetime. Just because you don’t launch missiles at people doesn’t make it better.

War sucks, civilians loose while the elite get more wealthy.

Not a piracy answer, but email the author(s). Most are excited that someone is taking interest in their work and will gladly send you the paper.

In Baltimore, they read The Banner. That’s Fenton’s new home after the sun went under. This site is def questionable.

If anything is bloated, it’s the defense budget. Many of these agencies have websites and services that were designed in the 90s. They need to be updated. No idea why that would be defunded for these small niche projects.

But I’d be happy dellocating some of the military budget for agencies that actually help Americans.

I don’t use instagram. The article touches on the privacy issues of Meta, but doesn’t really explain why Pixelfed is a better alternative or if it’s more privacy focused. Or even why I should use this platform other than “hey, it’s not Instagram”.

I’d trust some random people running an activity pub server just as much as I’d trust Meta with my personal photos: I won’t.

Coming from Wired, I’d hope the article would have a more technology focused approach, explaining to people they could host their own server so they take back control of their own data. Isn’t that the part of the point of the fediverse?

This is a big deal and we (the public) need ways to fight back. Without competition, horrible companies can continue to get worse.

My area thankfully has municipal internet. It’s more expensive, but it’s better.

The city I came from, it was banned because of Comcast’s bribery and lobbying efforts.

Hard to take this review seriously if they didn’t test Polar. The gold standard of HRM and excellent Garmin competitor.