Software Developer, Switzerland
Languages: German, Allemanic (Swiss German), English
Hobbies: Gaming, Anime

I almost only watch seasonal anime.
As for games, I currently mostly play Star Rail, Noita, and Shotgun King.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


It it like he can see us but we can’t see him?

Opposite way around. We can see him but he can’t see us.

The reason you can’t see him is because you’re on Lemmy which will only display microblog posts if they’re (1) a reply to a Lemmy post, (2) made from kbin/mbin, or (3) replied to by someone from kbin/mbin (not entirely sure about this one).

Twitter has taught me that nowadays people are too adaptable, 90% of people will stick with Reddit no matter what they do.

Depends on what the purpose of the button is.

A setting should show the current state, but an action (referring to the play button example) should show the state it’ll transition to.

Maybe in comparison to the US layout? I’m not having any trouble with them.

If you mean the [] (and {}), they just use the right alt key, which is close enough to them.

I just use the Swiss keyboard layout. Here’s an image from Wikipedia.

Don’t have any experience with any others.

As I understand it, the message here is that any decently savvy user of Firefox turns off telemetry, so mozilla doesn’t know of them using extensions. hence why they say 80% don’t use them, people who do use them don’t give them their usage data.

Not sure, I’m not familiar with the test, just figured I’d tell the results from asking the AI.

I think based on what you said about it

AI will actually TRY to solve it.
Human nature would be to ask if the person asking the question is having a stroke or requires medical attention.

That the Balanced style didn’t fail, because while it didn’t ask about strokes or medical attention, it did point out I’m asking a nonsense question and refused to engage with it.

The Precise style did try to find an answer and the Creative style didn’t realize I’m fucking with it, so I do think based on the criteria they’d fail the test.

Though, honestly, I’d fail the test too. When asked such a question, I’d think there has to be an answer and it’s stupid of me not to see it and I’d look for it. I think the Precise style’s answer is very much where I’d end up.

So, I asked this to the three different conversation styles of Bing Chat.

The Precise style actually tried to solve it, came to the conclusion the question might be of philosophical nature, including some potential meanings, and asked for clarification.

The Balanced style told me basically the same as the other reply by admiralteal, that the question makes no sense and I should give more context if I actually want it answered.

The Creative style told me it didn’t understand the first part, but then answered the second part (the turtles being blue) seriously.

but maybe that was a short experiment

Could be, I don’t click on Twitter/X links often so I could have easily missed that.

it looks like they decided to start forwarding links to the version now. That’s new.

That was always the behavior for me from the start. I click on an link, it brings me to Never was any different.

It hasn’t happened, am I accidentally doing something awesome to evade their traps so far?

Probably A/B testing.

I’m using Adblock Plus on Edge and have the same experience like you. No reaction from Youtube yet to my adblocker.

For example, I finally learned how something works after months of trying to wrap my head around it. Didn’t end up using it for a few months more, and now I forgot it again. I’m back to square one, trying to relearn things I already learned.

If this is such a frequent problem, start writing down what you’ve learnt. Get a notetaking app (my personal choice is obsidian) and record any knowledge that took you work to acquire. Then next time you need it you can just check your notes and there it is, instead of having to put all that work into it again.

around the world

fully blocking ad blockers

One of those two has to be false, because I’m still not seeing any anti-adblocker measures on my end.

Fully blocking only if you aren’t using uBlock Origin

Not even that, I use Adblock Plus and have no trouble accessing Youtube and watching videos. Didn’t even need to update any filters, it just keeps working as-is.

I’m not using the most popular one (I use Adblock Plus, which iirc most people hate) and I can also freely use Youtube with it turned on. So it’s not about ublock.