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Cake day: Sep 27, 2023


I’ve played rescue ranger a couple of times, legit one incident I intervened in was some poor bastard running for their life across the entirety of Liurnia Lake while the invader was leading an angry mob of enemies chasing them

Night and Flame got a workout that day, lemme tell y’all.

I’ve been saying for a while now that the singularity isn’t going to be based in an AGI, ot will be minimizing quantum computing not just to a commercial scale, but to an implantable scale, and creating a neural “third hemisphere” implant which allows the user to basically have all the capabilities that human thought excels at over machines calculation, as well as all the capabilities of the reverse.

If we hit that point before inequality is addressed, it will lead to the classes literally becoming different species from each other, an overlord owning class that has financial access to such expanded mental capacity, and the peasant working classes that are financially shut out of the expanded career potential the implants would provide.

Not to mention the terroristic horror that could come from the implant not being solidly air gapped from the internet. Might be cool to perfectly calculate an optimal frisby toss, but it’ll be less cool if someone changed the trajectory you’re aiming along to turn the thing into a murder weapon by hitting a rando at just the right angle.

Questions of how a gun got past the metal detectors have me wondering if this was a Shinzo Abe scenario and someone hid a makeshift weapon or ghost gun somewhere that wouldn’t get checked in the security checks before they got in

Edit: looks like I’m paying out to the betting pool, the idiot just hid on a roof outside where the feds were stationed.

If the executives could have just had less pay, yes, cutting someone off from their entire livelihood is theft. Especially if there wasn’t even cause like criminal behavior or inexcusable misconduct.

And I think it’s perfectly fair to just assume executives are lying about everything they say since *gestures wildly at all the everything since as far back as Smedly Butler.

I feel like schemes like this warrant a law that you’re failing your fiduciary duty as a company owner and can be sued by any of the stakeholders for it if you can’t prove failure to at least break even is due to genuine misfortune. Not even gross incompetence, that should just get you sacked with a dunce cap on top of having the company broken off and sold to a bidder that isn’t hellbent on stripping it for parts.

That or company owners are only allowed to draw funds from the company’s profits and funds coming from anywhere else, including from layoffs and corner cutting, are seized at 150% the value stolen and the company owners involved get treated as though they had committed embezzling so long as the books can indicate that the executives and owners drew more in compensation than was recorded as profit.

Yeah because Tony Soprano definitely has the time to come break your pipes specifically over not buying some dude’s flood insurance.

That definitely checks Occam’s razer. What is your salmonella from the pasteurization mafia now too?

Shock of shocks, a company that refuses to work with a D&I consulting firm is soon found to have serious D&I problems.

Bro this is like saying there’s a conspiracy afoot because the cops “magically” showed up to arrest me just days after I shot someone in broad daylight, or that the tree “magically” only fell through your roof after you told the insurance salesman to fuck off, or that your house only flooded “magically” right after you told the plumbers you could handle the burst pipe yourself.

Hi there, you seem to be equating death threats and harassment with voting with your wallet, which is wrong and stupid and you should fucking know better.

Also, if everybody else doesn’t need to feel pandered to in order to feel good buying a game with a protag that looks like you, you being so “principled” and “vote with your wallet” about games featuring characters that look like everyone else is pretty fucking sus.

You don’t live in a bubble of no context, where this energy at defending black consumers who aren’t interested in yet another generic brunette white male dudebrotagonist with the snarky quips even Spidey and Joss Whedon would be cringing at.

At that level of ammosexual, it’s compensating for more than just the fact that they’re a terrible shot

People’s right to be forgotten effectively amounts to a right to make the internet remove content of your copyrightable data.

And I was asking how that violated copyright, because the article above is about how the EU courts decided copyright is more important that privacy rights so there’s no right to internet anonymity.

How tf does protection of anonymity violate copyrights? Doesn’t it, if anything, enhance copyrightability since it gives users better control over their own copyrightable information?

It refers to bureaucracy but specifically in a negative way, as in unnecessary and obstructive bureaucracy that just serves as busy work between people and getting what they want or need from the government in terms of services or approvals.

Worst part of that 10 ft stack is that it’s actually just a single paragraph that makes reference to like 50 obscure german legal concepts that are named with contractions of like 180 words apiece.

Bro you just posted this caution against tone policing resistance to tone police a call to resistance.

Freedom never comes through surrender, and climate justice will never come through catering calls to resistance to people saying they’re tired and burnt out. We’re all tired and burnt out, shit’s still gotta get done.

Remember everyone, pessimism and cynicism are what the owners want from us.

Resistance to fatalism is resistance to the status quo, if you can’t keep the fire alive with genuine hope for the future anymore then at least keep it going with the spite every second you don’t give up inflicts on the status quo.

Honestly at this point, if they’re gonna make designers spoon feed them, just make the default a secure password

Not splitting the profits, tracking bills, making sure they’re all paid on time, making sure the company is getting paid on time depending on your business plan, tracking any special taxes you gotta pay, tracking price increases in long term contracts, list goes on

Employee owned companies are more stable in economic downturns but they also require much more diversification to replace the owner/manager roles where there is actually shit to do. Big item being the book keeping it’s simple enough in theory but in practice even smaller companies can take hours just to understand where you’re starting from.

According to Bush Jr. And Cheney you are now capable of building a super computer dangerous enough to warrant a 20+ year invasion

Depending on the actual condition of all those computers and your own skill in building I’d say you could rig a pretty decent home server rack out of all of those for really most purposes you could imagine, including as a personal VPN, personal RDP to conduct work on, personal test server for experimental code and/or testing potentially unsafe downloads/links for viruses

Shit you could probably build your own OS that optimizes for all that computing power just for the funzies, or even use it to make money by contributing its computing power to a crowd sourced computing project where you dedicate memory bandwidth to the project for some grad student or research institute to do all their crazy math with. Easiest way to rack up academic citations if you ever want to be a researcher!

Pretty hilarious how I’m pretty sure more space was dedicated to demanding to not reveal the prompt than all the views the prompt is programming into it XD

Basically trying to bait a situation where they’re the ones in distress so that everyone stops being mad at them about all the baseless agressoring they’ve been up to as of late.

It’s beyond idiocy because even if it works it’ll end about as well for the Israeli right as taking US millitary families hostage did for the Turkish left.

Seriously, a good policy to actually press this issue would be to offer financial incentives to modernize code bases since the cost to replace those old COBOL files is usually the key deterrent

I agree with Mother’s Basement’s assessment, Aoi Todo is the icon we all ought to aspire to

Applause is an acclamation of the soul!

So that’s why I’ve been hearing non-stop crab rave music!

Well, at least I know from this that some folks give my résumé the first look! Not exactly more than cold comfort though, especially when I’ve already built a career in business management after a family friend gave me a leg up when the “I don’t want to do my job!” HR sorting bots kept discarding my resume for not having gone to Harvard for either my Bachelor’s or Master’s.

Doesn’t help that most software devs don’t have the social IQ to feel comfortable saying “no” when they’re offered something that they don’t feel comfortable with and just try making it work by learning it on the fly, even learning a company enforced format of code layout is often left for new hires to just figure out. If it weren’t for how notepad++ has an option to replace tabs with spaces, I’d have screwed my internship over when I figured out that IBM coding (at least at the time) requires all spaces instead of any tabs after a stern talking to from my supervisor!

That IT subject matter like cybersecurity and admin work is exactly the same as coding,

At least my dad was the one who bore the brunt of that mistake, and now I have a shiny master’s degree to show to all the recruiters that still don’t give my resume a second glance!

A VR/AR console would deffo be interesting if they could make it happen in a way that addresses the current issues with the hardware.

What the heck are they planning to package into this that isn’t on the original?

Like they’ve already fused their portable and console brands, what else are they going to be able to gimick onto it? 3D?

The theory probably revolves around there not being a transfer of the file as much as a copy paste of it.

Physical media can be copied but you need blank physical media to copy it to, in a purely digital eco system both the buyer and seller end up being able to have copies of the sold product, which effectively treats the seller as if they are a vendor of the product being sold.

Basically in a world built on copyright law, being able to buy and sell digital media the same as physical media looks a lot like someone scalping the original product to cut into the maker’s bottom line. Megacorps eating it is pretty dope but it significantly diminishes an individual developer’s ability to profit off their own work as well, especially when software development already encourages so much copy pasting to make software that should be working into software that is working.

Bet good money to see a full court press from China discouraging turnout in the 2024 election.

A Trump win is far better prospects for them being able to invade Taiwan before the demographics of it become impossible to overcome than a Biden win, and white TikTokkers aren’t gonna be convinced to vote Republican, expect a LOT of disinformation about how Biden doesn’t do anything or how he’s exactly the same as Trump and any other crock of shit you hear the twits spit out whenever they want to explain why not voting isn’t handing Trump the win or why doing that isn’t a fucking first order act of betrayal of the disemprivileged.

Sounds like you’ve never been to the American South, or to Rural Latin America, or to Poland, or to Hungary, or to Russia, or…

Honestly the fact anyone takes this twit seriously on the issue is ridiculous, his only issue with what Israel is doing is that it’s not the Allawite community doing it in the name of “Greater Syria” instead of the Zionists in the name of, “From the Nile to the Euphrates!”