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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


I know, I have seen them.

I was sysadmin for a Bankruptcy and Insolvency Firm for more than a decade and walked into 100s of businesses on the point of failure. Many of them could not be saved simply because their systems were so bad it was better for a buyer to buy their equipment and start with a clean sheet.

The ice cream business was going under because the partner who had been the access self starter had an argument with the others and had walked out 18months ago.

The access system ran the entire business (accounting and wages were on other programs but the db feed them data) and he was the only one who had any idea.

Shit started to go wrong and they had no idea what to do.

I believe you. I can even guess the story.

In the late 80s/early 90s a staff member (self taught in office/access) quickly threw together something at the request of a manager as a stop gap wile a new proper system was specked out.

The person learned as they went and the system grew in functionality and complexity until the term spaghetti code was a massive understatement. It became their job.

The new proper system never arrived and they have been making do for the past 30-40 years.

I ran into the same thing a decade or so ago and it was a nightmare, but it was just an ice cream franchise, not prison related

The prisoner transport system ran on MS access lol

This is just…Well, if you wrote a prison escape movie that involved accessing an Access DB to reroute a transport you would be laughed at.

True but the problem is that they see 1,000,000s of people using the free version and think they are leaving money on the table by not charging and assume ~50% will happily pay for it when the conversion rate from free to paid is usually closer to 1% than it is to 50%.

Giving something away for free then expecting to make people pay for it is always a winning strategy…

I am very comfortable with never owning a ubisoft game ever again.

firefox and ublock, which works for me. From what I have read this is happening to chrome users.

Or Newpipe

or Revanced

or Freetube.

True, but when tied to an IP address known to be used by a suspected person, it can be used as evidence.

Evidence of what?

That someone was making shit up on reddit? That is all that it proves.

It proves nothing else.

It does not prove that what was written is true.

It does not prove who wrote the comment.

Legally, not really. A username is also not a person.

This is a fishing expedition by the producers, nothing more.

From the article:

Another reason Reddit refuses to comply with the film producers’ request is that “none of the posts depicted in Exhibit A to the subpoena appear to relate to movies that we understand are the subject of" the copyright infringement claims.

The users made no reference to pirating IP owned by the producers.

Our local library makes you log in to use the wifi, so theoretically they know who is doing it and the terms of use you agree to would probably cover them.

If you are using a VPN they wouldn’t know what the traffic is and most public wifi has pretty strict usage caps so I doubt it would be worth your while.

If you use public wifi without a VPN…

It still works

Yes and allowing beeper to MaInTheMiddle your messages does not present any security issues at all.

No. That is beeper.

Beeper mini is a stand alone app that was acquired by beeper that does not do the MITM shit.

See the comment by @cm0002 for details.

Still don’t think it is a good idea. As another comment stated I expected apple to block it in the near future.

They have a few roos loose in the top paddock - Aussie euphemism for a person who is somewhere between a bit strange and totally fucking insane.

The video quotes 400ppm, and that was seen as catastrophic at the time.

Yesterday it was 420.59 ppm

We are so far passed fucked it is not funny.

If you currently have more than the allotted 50 notes or one notebook, Evernote says that you’ll still be able to “view, edit, export, share, and delete existing notes and notebooks.”

But you will not be able to create any new ones…

But given that, right now, free users can have up to 100,000 notes and up to 250 notebooks, heavy users who have relied on the free version might immediately run into the new limits once December 4th rolls around.

Welp, time to export your notes while you still can. My prediction is this will change within 12 months when they fail to convert free accounts into paid subs.

EG: As of 1 july 2024 export of notes will require a paid subscription.

The North Atlantic Fella Organization is trying to shut down Trump’s flailing social media platform before the 2024 election—by shitposting.

Cheers for the heads up.

beeper does look interesting but I am weary of sign up and we will tell you when you can join type apps.

And this rings a few alarm bells for me:

if you send a message from Beeper to a friend on WhatsApp, the message is encrypted on your Beeper client, sent to the Beeper web service, which decrypts and re-encrypts the message with WhatsApp’s proprietary encryption protocol.

I would love for this to work but that alone has a host of issues around third party trust.

New European legislation is coming into effect in 2024 and will force iMessage and WhatsApp to expose an interoperable end-to-end-encrypted API. Our servers are located in Europe, and we will switch to this open interface as soon as it is ready.

Sadly, not being in the EU means I will likely pass on this but is sounds great for EU residents when the above is implemented.

Log in with your existing Apple ID username or create a new account to start sending and receiving blue bubbles.

So I need an apple ID to use this?


If you’re a Phone (2) user in one of the select countries where Nothing Chats is available, you can download the messaging app from the Google Play Store.

So it only works in a few countries?


And it only works on one OEM’s phones?

Massive Pass.

Wisdom is knowing not to put them in a fruit salad.

A Greek salad is not a fruit salad, it is a…Greek salad.

Intelligence is knowing Tomatoes are fruits.

Wisdom is knowing not to put them in a fruit salad.

Most MAGA Americans forget Alaska exists. Especially those who reside in Texas as it is an existential threat to their self image.

If protecting teen safety was not generating a profit or avoiding a cost, they would have no incentive to do so.

This is not a defence of them but a comment on the lack of regulation they operate under.

ublock origion, if anyone needs to know which one to use…

Probably not.

A contract term that is illegal under local laws cannot be enforced.

If the process they are using to detect adblockers breaches EU laws, they cannot use the EULA to allow them to break the law.

I’m am still not having any issues with FF and ublock but I do not log into youtube and apparently that has been an issue.

As much as I don;t like to point people to reddit, reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/ is the best place to go for advice.

This is the thread to check:


Why do I get the feeling that Netflix would be raising prices this year even if the writers and actors strikes had never happened.

This stinks of the suits using the strike as something to blame the price rise on.

I had a lecture on that at university.

A group of students were given a car manual and told to follow the operating instructions in a completely literal manner.

He gave several examples that were pretty funny. The only incident I remember was the instruction to “Remove Handbrake” as part of the staring the car and moving off.

Remove Handbrake…The student pulled out a screw driver and started disassembling the handbrake and removing it from the car.

And it say “Hold your finger” not “Place your finger on the screen.”

I know this is a joke but I have seen designers make these sort of mistakes.

algorithmic content

That’s my point. I am not knocking the feature, just the marketing push now to call an algorithm feed AI.

I doubt there has been any actual change in the feed just the term.

It is buzzword bullshit.

I’m really getting tired of every new product announcement having AI tacked on in some way.