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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Not judging (okay maybe a bit 😉), but how much clothing do you have in your wardrobe if that it necessary?

Of course it is. But admitting errors and avoiding to make them again is a pretty effective form of damage control, and it is the kind we should want from any company.

I am carefully optimistic about this. They addressed the problems and seem to take some time to fix them. I hope they will focus on quality over quantity as they promised.

For most services you will be referred to the web or app. Also you pretty much can’t insert cash to your account anymore

or, oh I don’t know, fucking go in?

Good luck with that in Denmark.

That reminds me of a university or company where they had a mission critical server that they couldn’t locate. It was running perfectly, but after numerous searches they still couldn’t find it. Finally it was found behind a wall…

I updated my RPi zero running pi hole today. I had to disable pi hole, and even then it took well past half an hour to update…

Well, I have no apple cables laying around, but plenty USB C. USB C has been used for many years as well.

Or Mathematica. The 0th item designates the data type…

It is with very good reason called Cracktorio

There may be some breach of contract and defamation of the Apollo developer.

BlackCat’s post also claims:

In our last email to them, we stated that we wanted $4.5 million in exchange for the deletion of the data and our silence. As we also stated, if we had to make this public, then we now demand that they also withdraw their API pricing changes along with our money or we will leak it.

We expect to leak the data.

LoL. I like how they try to play the good guys with this spin.

Lol. Unfortunately that won’t be possible to do using reddit after 1st of july :(