Alt account of for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


For real. Those morons didn’t mask up when they gathered a lynch mob in the capital building when covid was at its highest. There was every reason to mask up and still they didn’t bother

So… Be an activist in a way that works for performative white liberals? Is that the overall message you’re gunning for? Because I mask up to protect my brethren when we go to fight back against police injustice and fascism. I’m signing my shit by showing up and risking arrest. We mask up because some of us are more vulnerable to wrongful arrest and conviction than others. Stop telling people the way they’re fighting fascists is wrong and hiding behind saying who you’re actually standing against is the proud boys. Your stance is cowardice. Your stance is to paint within the lines, to be polite, and to ask nicely for the lives we were born into this world with a right to but aren’t always given.

And what do you think I’m talking about? Cops and fascists want to hurt me for saying it’s not okay for their boys to kill a member of my community. I don’t wanna give them any opportunity to come arrest me for some made up bullshit about how I was doing disorderly conduct in public, and then resisted arrest, and then assaulted an officer. If you’re getting out in public with your face in view and not worried, congrats. You’ve won the racial lottery. Meanwhile the rest of us gotta keep our heads on a swivel because of our facial features, hair texture, and skin color depending on what the cops find to hate in us.

If you live in a society that lives under mass surveilance, it is not a free society. You’re not making me think you know what protesting is. You’re describing petition, and you’re really making it sound like maybe you have access to the kinds of privilege that are hard to imagine within an overall hierarchical society. It sounds like you don’t want countries your nations companies profit from to rise up in rejection of the fossil fuel profiteering that gives you access to these things. Please realize the “free society” you live in is the same tortured society the rest of us are trying to dismantle that you’re saying don’t have enough freedom to qualify for your masks off argument.

Which is to say nothing about that this whole discussion has pulled us off the original accessibility concern immunocomprimised people experience. Your masks off argument would see these people stripped of access to the right to petition that you hold dear. When I think about it it genuinely makes me angry just how dismissive of what everyone else is saying. We’re telling you about a REAL and present threat and your response is just to say if we lived in a free society we wouldn’t have to fight for our rights. We know! We know that! That’s why we fight. But what’s frustrating is that your society isn’t as free as you’re saying. You live in a country with active neo Nazi and white supremacist factions. What are you going to do if they gain access to that mass surveilance mechanism. How are you going to tell them you don’t want the descendants of slaves in your country to get lynched? You gonna ask politely?

What is this info graphic even saying, I don’t understand

That’s where I’m at too. Philosophically its a bummer. For the majority of users of their codebase however, this presents zero changes and the only entity I known of who would be impacted by this change going forward is AWS

Its still open source. You can still view the source code. That’s what open source is. The change here is the restriction on providing Terraform as a service in the form of a Terraform Cloud competitor. This seems to be a very direct response to Amazon introducing a service for hosting terraform modules, storing terraform state, and applying changes.

I don’t love this, but they’re also not restricting anyone’s comercial ability to develop products using terraform like a banking app, a link aggregator, or a e-commerce platform. All you’re restricted on is providing an IaC service where you directly profit from running someone else’s terraform for them. This is the same license the MariaDB creators came up with when they felt burned by Oracle but did want people to be able to build closed source products using their database without profiting from providing their db as a service (this is why many self hosted projects use Maria instead of MySQL) which is why AWS can’t offer maria RDS instances.

AGPL wouldn’t help them keep developing terraform the way BSL would because their business problem isn’t that no one is contributing back to the code, their problem is a $1T market disruptor just turned their Sauron eye towards Hashicorp’s $5B shire and offered their own shire for less money behind the black gates. All after for many years directly benefitting from Hashicorp’s existence and giving them white glove treatment as a result. And yes I’m aware that in this analogy Hashicorp is probably one of the Nazghul being corrupted.

Like I said. I don’t love this license change. But like I said. Hashicorp doesn’t have a code contributions to Terraform problem. They have a funding their business and development problem

Click the Github link in the original post. Google has an RFC open right now about “web integrity” about ensuring users don’t modify the content they see. They claim it’s not to block plugins but… It’s hard to think what else they could possibly be thinking of.

Yeah, if your work uses a website like ADP and ADP starts requiring it, you’re suddenly minorly fucked

So here’s the thing. This web integrity nonsense isn’t about locking people into Chrome, it’s about locking people into seeing what they’d see if they were using Chrome. The result might be more people using chrome if a website decides to DRM their content and their ads, but if you switch from one Chromium-based browser that forces you to see the ads like Chrome does to another Chromium-based browser that forces you to see the content that the website originator wants you to, like Opera, that’s still a win for Google who are more interested in forcing you to see ads for this cause than for you to use Chrome.

The solution is voice objections to Google implementing this, to not use websites that implement DRM, and to not use web browsers that let Google dictate what the future of the web through their control of the Chromium engine

if (a < b) {
    return true;
} else if (b < a) {
    return false;
} else {
    return "A == B, bro"

  • Brave while performing well on benchmarks does not have an auditable codebase, and most privacy experts would recommend a privacy-focused firefox fork like librewolf or arkenfox
  • Their cloud storage recommendations make no mention of rolling your own with syncthing or nextcloud
  • Apple mail is part of Apple’s spyware ecosystem to collect data about you for the purposes of advertising

I will say, it’s much improved over what it used to be

It’s gotten less reddit heavy over the past couple weeks, and will probably get more reddit heavy for a bit, before eventually normalizing into the tone it always will be. People have just lost something they spent a lot of time on and they kinda need to talk it out

Beehaw has been riddled with crashes. Its a growing pain, but kind of a good thing

I like that this community is dedicated to the concept of piracy based on their principals. I’m not involved, but I appreciate it

No, you’re right, and that’s absolutely what I’m saying. Presently, the only avenue if you want to relive the old Pokémon games is to steal them. That, if you ask me, is big dumb

Especially their back catalog. Nintendo is sitting on tons of lost money for reasons I don’t really understand

There are always two things in combative balance when dealing with liberatory politics. They are the benefits of sticking around and having conversations about liberatory politics, and the costs of sticking around when there’s little to no productive discussion going on. Reddit, I do not believe, is currently in a place where anyone but the most anti-capitalist or anti-moderation advocates will believe that continued participation on the platform will remain beneficial. For me, I’m in the former super anti-capitalist group, and I no longer wish to provide monetary value to a platform that’s being run in a non-inclusive manner. I, however, am self-aware enough to realize I might be bailing from communities that could still benefit from discussion early, so I won’t hold it against anyone who still wants to stay there and keep fighting. Worth noting, the anti-capitalist and the anti-moderation free speech absolutist are not necessarily friends, and in fact probably aren’t.

Anyway. The second position. The position where things are too far gone that the most beneficial thing to do is to leave and to advocate for leaving, and to advocate for external intervention. This is where I view Twitter as being. The benefit of staying on Twitter to keep it from becoming an alt-right echo chamber has evaporated, and the platform can no longer be saved from the abusive and exploitative owner and ownership group. By staying on Twitter, you are no longer helping guide conversations in a positive direction, you are only giving people a hook to keep them on a harmful platform.

It’s hard, possibly impossible, to recognize where on the sliding scale of beneficial to stay and beneficial to leave any community is on. I don’t have a good sign-off for this. I guess all I have to say in conclusion is that it’s hard.