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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 06, 2023


Heheh I’m ddossing them right now. Unfortunately the computer I’m doing it on is having a few connection issues

I mean it kind of ends up being a Skinner box anyway just because of the loop of scrolling, seeing a post, looking at it and repeating. But I agree nobody is actively trying to trap you in one.

This would be so fucking annoying, I don’t use reddit day to day anymore but it’s still a useful research tool when I see results from it on Google. I don’t hate their search feature quite as much as some but I still don’t want to use it most of the time.

This seems so dumb for them to do, I feel like having their content listed on search engines is s major advantage they have over Facebook et al.

I looked into it briefly after hearing this news and saw people talking about Godot. It’s for 2D and 3D multi-platform games and you can use C#, C++ and others. Sounds pretty cool


It makes complete sense given the other behaviour landlords exhibit, and how they make money.

False dicotomy. People talk shit about landlords because of how they’re treated by them. Landlords talk shit about tenants because they’re pieces of shit which is the same reason they treat tenants like shit.

Because people need housing to live in, so it’s in the interest of the vast majority of people to make sure the few that own property can’t increase rent by 100s of % for no good reason. Additionally we live in a democracy so usually the interests of the majority are supposed to guide policy making even if it upsets the minority that control access to resources because they won’t profit quite as much as otherwise.

Wow that is crazy that it runs Linux and is less than $3, that guy would put the executives from the scene in American Psycho to shame with that business card.

What I had in mind was a program with a GUI that had text, some images and you can click through the pages and maybe do something else. I suppose you could pull off something similar to what you linked with a compact arduino-type device, some kind of flat 5v battery and maybe an e-paper display that you can print scrolling text to and maybe a little graphic. I suppose not very similar to what you linked, but would be cool in its own right

Console.WriteLine(“Happy Birthday!”);