“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


The mere existence of the things I linked you is pretty overwhelming evidence. Feel free to refute it at your leisure.

And I explained to you that these models aren’t incapable of learning, they’re given artificial restrictions not to in order to prevent what I linked from happening. They don’t learn to preserve the initial experience but are the exact same kind of AI. Generative.

About which part? The part that they can remember and expand their training data to new interactions but often become corrupted by them so much so that the original intent behind the AI is irreversibly altered? That’s been around for about a decade. How about the fact they’re “not faking it” because the added capacity to compute and generate the new content has to have sophisticated plans just to continue running in a timely manner?

I’d love to know which part you took issue with but you seemingly took my advice to shut the fuck up and I do profoundly appreciate it.

… No. They’re instanced so that when a new person interacts with them, they don’t have the memories of interacting with the person before them. A clean slate, using only the training data in the form the developers want it to. It’s still AI, it’s just not your girlfriend. The fact you don’t realize that they do and can learn after their training data proves people just hate what they don’t understand. I get it, most people don’t even know the difference between a neural network and AI because who has the time for that? But if you just sit here and go “nuh uh they’re faking it” rather than push people and yourself to learn more, I invite you, cordially, to shut the fuck up.

Dipshits giving their opinions as fact is a scourge with no cure.

Depends on what it is. I’ll freeboot full priced games by well known companies that I don’t want to support but smaller games from studios trying their heart out? I’m a sucker for chucking money at them.

I just do the morally correct thing. Buy it, then pirate it so I really do own it forever. Inconvenient from a data storage perspective but the only simple solution I have on hand.

No disagreement here, just unsure if there will ever be a way to grant freedom to the common man without enabling unsavory actors as well.

That’s part of the price of freedom. Tor is a browser that makes it hard to be tracked down, so people use it to facilitate illegal activities. Crypto is a currency that makes it hard to be tracked down, so the same occurs. While most of us use and support these services for legal activities, just to be free from corporate and government oppression, there will always be people who use them to be from legal consequences.

Sadly, making it easier to find people who do things like post CSAM in turn makes it easier to find people who want to watch Porn without supplying a government ID. (Still can’t believe my state of Virginia passed that law.)

Or the FCC to make internet a utility and strip their ability to restrict access, throttle speeds, or be bias in any way. Always use a VPN. Getting Mullvad on my next paycheck.

I support gaming piracy from big studios, I support movie piracy from big studios, Spotify and YouTube are just the middleman for smaller content creators. You’re just stealing from creators at some point. Why is that a point of pride?

As someone wise and balding said “The trust is gone and there’s no getting that back. Even if they retract everything and apologize it’s gone.”

All the more reason to have a list of safe(est) sites. I can’t always afford games and when I do I prioritize multiplayer ones so I can play with friends. If I really enjoy a single player game I’ll go back and dish out for it of course but there are way too many bad, halfbaked, cashgrab landmines that will outright rob me and others if we’re not careful. Games are the biggest industry right now which means it’s ripe for bad actors.

It will be a cold day in hell when I give Adobe $400 for a single version of photoshop and it still not work properly.