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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


it wasn’t abandoned, they are developing an overhaul with a more efficient sync API that required them to rethink how it works internally

there are moderation abilities, but instead of all-seeing global moderators it must be done by the little poor room owner, and the mods they have granted permission.

if the existing owner/mods don’t do that, and disgusting content starts appearing in the room, that means they probably aren’t active anymore, and that it’s time to make a new room with the still active members before something even more damaging happens, like an uncontrollable high volume spammer, at which point you won’t be able to tell the others that you have made a new room.

It kinda gets different when you’re talking about a series of actors intermingling in an environment designed by the seller.

I think that gets problematic. We are very often “intermingling in an environment designed by the seller” for agood reason, which should not be denied. Let’s have a look at websites: changing the style, tracker and adblocking (or even just blocking all the scripts), … I want to be able to do the same with any other program I run, like I take steps on my Android phone to thwart apps tracking me when I can’t find a better, open source alternative, but if a judge would use your argument, they would probably say that even using firewall software to deny network connections to the program is unlawful.

I don’t agree with cheaters using aimbots, wallhacks and whatnot, but it’s because it directly destroys the experience of other players.

All I can think of about “the scene” is game/software crackers. Do you mean that? And the music in their installers and cracktros.
Probably not, though, these are often embedded in the program executable.

Is there a peak for this? I feel like subscriptions are becoming more of a rule than an exception. Having the ability to directly purchase digital goods seems more like a thing of the past.

You may have heard the saying: “you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”. Maybe there’s some real agenda supporting this way of life for us peasants, and this is the manifestation of it.

Several of them could be ran over there, including Matrix.

Probably there are already some chat services. notbob.i2p should list them if so.

Probably not, but discord is far worse. Not in functionality, before you say, but in everything else. While it’s questionable whether telegram is private in any level, with discord that’s not a question at all.

I don’t think a fork will solve anything. I’m pretty sure the reason they did this is to cover their asses (don’t forget that it was very near to being taken down just a few years ago).

Further, yt-dlp has implemented plugin support, for this exact reason. I think that’s a new feature compared to youtube-dl. You can add your own extractors as plugins, wherever you find them. As I remember there are a few plugins that are even maintained by a yt-dlp maintainer.

If you find this to be ok or better, please consider changing the title to let those know about what’s happening who have already read the post, because they wouldn’t know it otherwise.

Well, tracker2.postman.i2p just told me upon loading it that it’s under heavy load. In the past few days it seems to have a steady 1-2 dozen new torrents a day. The site has statistics but seemingly only for the past day, however this is roughly what I expected, or maybe less.

Hmm. I’m new enough that I don’t know past trends, so possibly. How far in the past you mean?

It would be interesting, if there was some kind of metric of activity, to see what effect it had when qbittorrent added support. Unfortunately it’s still very clucky and incomplete, but that’s mostly on libtorrent as I understand. Sometimes I wonder how would it be if it worked better, with DHT support.

I don’t use biglybt because I don’t have that much RAM. That is, I do have, but fucking windows is fucking aggressive with swapping for some fucking reason.

What’s with “anymore”? It’s still actively developed, there are regular releases of both the original Java I2P router and the 3rd party C++ router, if you mean that.

If you mean that it lacks content, please do upload there if you have something. If you already have the content on disk, it should only really take effort while you’re just starting to create torrents.

Don’t forget that

  • I2P is the only semi-popular mixnet that’s suitable for torrents
  • nobody will know it’s you who are uploading, so unless you upload info about yourself or you’re living in an extremely nonfree country (in which case the Java based router will set itself to restricted mode), you can’t really get into trouble for that

Will be blocked just as well. These users need encrypted DNS, and honestly, not just them but everyone else too because of ISP tracking. dnscrypt or DoH is the solution.

You may also try to run qb in a container that somehow has a basic graphical environment, and waypipe it to your desktop pc.

Never done that, but having been wanted to try it out.

Yeah, they have proven that they don’t release garbage, in multiple separate ways. They are the among the best game devs ever

I wanted to search for the postman tracker’s address, so went to check on notbob.i2p. website unreachable. Isn’t this a relatively fairly popular site here?

Edit: on a second try it now loaded in ~10 seconds.
This latency is probably not to much of a problem, but two things:

  • the instability that it couldn’t even start loading the site, and it’s regularity
  • if a text site with few graphics takes this much time to transfer, bittorrent and movies will be even worse because that’s often not compressible

1-2 days is slow but acceptable I think. It’s a compromise.

But for some reason for me it’s much slower, even though I run a router that participates in routing and usually has 50+ or even 3 digit share ratios, with ~80 GB traffic a day in both directions, so it must be integrated well.

Now I realized I have only tried a single I2P torrent yet, and it was just 2 MB, and my experience was coming from both i2p sites and outproxies often being very slow or unreachable with the common tunnel settings.

I apologize for the confusion

Meta is working to address these concerns

Sure, they are working to solve these concerns by teaching their LLM to lie and obfuscate, and by becoming so big nobody sues them anymore. I’m sick of this.

It’s pretty hard to not use their services when among else even fucking university courses only upload their content there.

Fixed a word, it was supposed to be unavoidable, not unavailable.

I2P and it’s sub 100 kb/s speed? Series, games would never finish downloading, but then also only those torrents are accessible through I2P that are published to an I2P tracker, there is no DHT (yet?). Clearnet torrents and clearnet peers are not accessible through I2P.

Or is it something on my end that makes it that slow? ISP download bandwidth is stable and much higher.

I can’t morally justify blocking ads and viewing their content for free.

I can’t morally justify anything they are doing, and have been doing for many many years already. Yet I use their public services because they are unavoidable. But I would never give money to such a company.

Ads need to be tailored to the user when delivered

  1. It does not. If you install a new browser and open YouTube the first time, they’ll be able to show ads to you
  2. They could be tailored based on other factors too, like country, region, or even household by the IP

I think the backend could just generate the ad ridden video feed for the specific user. Most probably it would be very resource intensive, but I can only hope so… but then I also don’t know much about HLS and other fragmented streams so it might not be a performance problem at all.

like a linked list

I think the full list of chunks is (currently) known beforehand. That’s how yt-dlp can download on multiple threads, but also how it can show the number of total fragments relatively quickly on the progress bar

In the end their name, their achievements and their reputation has been transferred, and nothing else. I feel they (the studios’ teams) have been made use of to then deceive people who trust the names.

I’m sure you’re building the best business you can.

The player does not have to be elevated. With an unelevated player the file exploiting such a vuln would be able to execute code with the privileges and access of the player

The way I understood was that it’s not a problem if the system does something bad because the newcomer I directed there won’t know anyway.

Sorry if that is not what you meant, but the comment has read like that.

Did you read my comment in it’s entirety?

For programs, that is not a problem.
This is a problem for data.

Why? Because you very rarely need to read the program’s “content”, and when you do, you’ll instead go look at the source code anyways. But for binary data files there is no source code that is the equivalent of the contents in readable form.

If you want to read it as a human in your text editor, good luck with making sense of it. If you want to read it with your program it’ll have to pull in a tree of dependencies out of questionable necessity, and any of that dependencies could have a severe bug or a security vulnerability that affects your program and it’s users. And the only reason you needed to import that lib is to be able to parse this binary format. It’s not even a common one like an archive format, but a totally custom made format of systemd.
And then there’s another problem. You may be able to make sense of the binary data with your bare hands and a text editor, but you better not edit it that way, because you may mess up the delicate offsets, or you may wanted to replace a value (e.g. a string, out some kind of list) with a longer one but you can’t because of the former problem.

Binary is ok for programs, and you know what, it’s also fine for data in transit (network) and of course archives.
But for data, whether it’s a log file or configuration, or some other that would be totally fine in text format, it’s just annoying, limiting, and overcomplicated.

That’s a bad point. What that logic introducing someone to windows is not bad because they don’t know about it’s data mining components anyway.

I’m not saying systemd does that. I’m saying that you basically said: “they wouldn’t know even if that was true, so it’s fine!”

Nothing is hidden, it’s all there

Yeah, of course, it’s all there in binary. For programs of course that’s not a problem, but for data that you may need to look at any time, it is. It’s harder to interpret both for humans (significantly) and both for any program that want to make use of it (unless they use the specific library that came up with the format, and by that also pulling in all its libs transitively)

Binary data is not much less obfuscated than the system files of windows. It’s all there, you can read it

I’m not sure I totally agree with him, what I’m sure is that I don’t agree with you, because you clearly haven’t read his comment.

Hmm, this is interesting, it looks like if it was a multiboot solution

Theft Detection Lock is a powerful new feature that uses Google AI to sense if someone snatches your phone from your hand and tries to run, bike or drive away. If a common motion associated with theft is detected, your phone screen quickly locks – which helps keep thieves from easily accessing your data.

Why would we need AI for that? That just makes the function unpredictable. There must be a real solution to detecting this.

Google’s Web Environment Integrity made me remember this video
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