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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Outer Worlds has no space-based content. Yes, you have a spaceship, but it’s essentially a fast-travel device. One of the locations is a space station, but it’s no different than a large building (e.g. it’s not shaped like a torus or anything interesting like that).

Outer Worlds is a really fun take on the Firefly space western concept, though, as long as you understand all of your activities will take place on worlds/moons with basically the same gravity & atmosphere.

Oh good, now when I search I’ll have to wade through the effluent of AI-produced pablum to find an actual human journalism product.

Remember when Substack, the home of many excellent journalists, started to defend fascist and white supremacist content on their platform?

Oh, wait, that’s happening right now.

\3. Asserting that their IT system is a “separate legal entity” and that they are not responsible for the accuracy of the system. They are eating legal loco weed.

Sure, I guess that’s a… very long term?.. solution to the OP’s problem.

I’d like a citation on the funding from Iran. Iran is mostly Shi’ite, and doesn’t generally get involved in Arab or Sunni affairs. And this article from 2021 (prior to the current conflict) points out that the bulk of Hamas funding comes from Qatar and Turkey, respectively.


Can you explain in more detail? I’m unclear on what First Past the Post voting has to do with the OP’s concerns.

If I remember correctly, at the time Valve justified the 30% by pointing out that Apple was charging the same for music and video content. And Valve immediately started building value-added services like forums, updaters, multiplayer support, achievements, etc. to justify the price.

If you compare what Valve was doing to the physical media distribution methods of the period, it was a MASSIVE improvement. Back then, you could sell 10000 units to Ingram Micro or PC Mall, or whatever, and you only got paid if they sold. And any unsold inventory would be destroyed and the reseller would never pay for it. And if you actually wanted anything other than a single-line entry in their catalogs, you paid a promotional fee. Those video games featured with a standup display or a poster in the window at the computer store? None of that was free; the developer was nickeled and dimed for every moment their game was featured in any premium store space.

Huh. So, I actually own Lugaru, which I purchased through Humble Bundle in May 2010.

It… was not a good game. Basically anthropomorphic rabbits beating the crap out of each other, which SOUNDS good, but was not executed well.

It’s not “inexplicable”.

DIMM mounting brackets introduce significant limitations to maximum bandwidth. SOC RAM offers huge benefits in bandwidth improvement and latency reduction. Memory bandwidth on the M2 Max is 400GB/second, compared to a max of 64GB/sec for DDR5 DIMMs.

It may not be optimizing for the compute problem that you have, and that’s fine. But it’s definitely optimizing for compute problems that Apple believes to be high priority for its customers.

Eh, I was there. The games were OK.

The biggest change is that we put up with a lot more repetitive gameplay back then, just because that’s how games were and there wasn’t enough horsepower to make complex stuff.

Today, you blow through a level of a modern first person game, or whatever, and see only a tiny fraction of what the game makers created for you. I played Titanfall 2 for the first time recently, and after playing the same level a few times, I noticed that a room that appears only briefly as you take an elevator past it has an extension cord coiled up on the floor. You can only see it if you look down as the elevator goes up, so you can see the floor of the room.

Old games didn’t have the room for those kinds of indulgences.

Before reading the article, I just assumed that N. Korea had hacked a game with loot boxes.

Your math is off somewhere. Wikipedia claims that NYC has 302 square miles of land, while Singapore has 283.

This article estimates that the cost of owning a car in NYC is $3000-$5000 per month. So, you pay for the privilege, perhaps not as much up front.

But NYC is surrounded by places you can drive to. Singapore is not. The mainland city of Johor Bahru is a relatively poor city of only 500K people, and beyond that it’s farmland until you get to the Malaysian captial, more than 4 hours away. So I wouldn’t expect the two cities to have the same preferences for car ownership in any case.

And it won’t need to exist locally on the phone anyway. Higher bandwidth cell and wifi signals mean more and more exotic AI processing can be offloaded onto cloud resources.

It’s great when you have an app that works well when not connected to a network, of course. But most phone buyers don’t really care.

Is this news? Singapore is a city of 6 million on an island that is only 45km across at its widest point.

The sentence makes sense in context of the article. Detained in Dubai is asking the US State Department to warn travelers of the risk of unjust arrest and extortion, even though Ms. Polanco’s ordeal has ended.

ChatGPT, program a Metroidvania 2d retro 16 bit graphics video game featuring a naked Emilia Clarke.

Do people still use emacs to code, for example?

Umm. Yes.

Capcom has absolute authority to price its games however they see fit.

If they make choices that put them out of business, that’s on them.

it’s basically impossible to tell where parts of the model came from

AIs are deterministic.

  1. Train the AI on data without the copyrighted work.

  2. Train the same AI on data with the copyrighted work.

  3. Ask the two instances the same question.

  4. The difference is the contribution of the copyrighted work.

There may be larger questions of precisely how an AI produces one answer when trained with a copyrighted work, and another answer when not trained with the copyrighted work. But we know why the answers are different, and we can show precisely what contribution the copyrighted work makes to the response to any prompt, just by running the AI twice.

What even is his complaint?

That he doesn’t a fraction of the talent required to make a game this good.

There’s also a strong argument that the Indiana licensing board that censured Dr. Bernard were activists who were bowing to public pressure. Many external authorities who reviewed Dr. Bernard’s case do not believe that she committed any unethical disclosure.



It’s literally not possible to be exposed to the history of art and not have everything you output be derivative in some manner.

I respectfully disagree. You may learn methods from prior art, but there are plenty of ways to insure that content is generated only from new information. If you mean to argue that a rendering of landscape that a human is actually looking at is meaningfully derivative of someone else’s art, then I think you need to make a more compelling argument than “it just is”.

There is literally not one single piece of art that is not derived from prior art in the past thousand years.

This is false. Somebody who looks at a landscape, for example, and renders that scene in visual media is not deriving anything important from prior art. Taking a video of a cat is an original creation. This kind of creation happens every day.

Their output may seem similar to prior art, perhaps their methods were developed previously. But the inputs are original and clean. They’re not using some existing art as the sole inputs.

AI only uses existing art as sole inputs. This is a crucial distinction. I would have no problem at all with AI that worked exclusively from verified public domain/copyright not enforced and original inputs, although I don’t know if I’d consider the outputs themselves to be copyrightable (as that is a right attached to a human author).

Straight up copying someone else’s work directly

And that’s what the training set is. Verbatim copies, often including copyrighted works.

That’s ultimately the question that we’re faced with. If there is no useful output without the copyrighted inputs, how can the output be non-infringing? Copyright defines transformative work as the product of human creativity, so we have to make some decisions about AI.

This issue is easily resolved. Create the AI that produces useful output without using copyrighted works, and we don’t have a problem.

If you take the copyrighted work out of the input training set, and the algorithm can no longer produce the output, then I’m confident saying that the output was derived from the inputs.

a derivative work is an expressive creation that includes major copyrightable elements of a first, previously created original work

What was fed into the algorithm? A human decided which major copyrighted elements of previously created original work would seed the algorithm. That’s how we know it’s derivative.

If I take somebody’s copyrighted artwork, and apply Photoshop filters that change the color of every single pixel, have I made an expressive creation that does not include copyrightable elements of a previously created original work? The courts have said “no”, and I think the burden is on AI proponents to show how they fed copyrighted work into an mechanical algorithm, and produced a new expressive creation free of copyrightable elements.

No, I get it. I’m not really arguing that what separates humans from machines is “libertarian free will” or some such.

But we can properly argue that LLM output is derivative because we know it’s derivative, because we designed it. As humans, we have the privilege of recognizing transformative human creativity in our laws as a separate entity from derivative algorithmic output.

And yet, we know that the work is mechanically derivative.

When you figure out how to train an AI without bias, let us know.

Two things:

  1. Many of these LLMs – perhaps all of them – have been trained on datasets that include books that were absolutely NOT released into the public domain.

  2. Ethically, we would ask any author who parrots the work of others to provide citations to original references. That rarely happens with AI language models, and if they do provide citations, they often do it wrong.

Avram Piltch is the editor in chief of Tom's Hardware, and he's written a thoroughly researched article breaking down the promises and failures of LLM AIs.

unlike HZD you actually have a limit to amount of traps you can set

Err. Hmm. One of my complaints about HZD was that it put an arbitrary limit on the number of traps you could set. Somewhere around ~25, the first trap disappears when you lay the next trap.

Reducing the number of traps is a con, not a pro. If I’m willing to gather materials and craft traps, let me use them as I see fit.

I hope it’s decent. One of the things that bugged me about the DLC for the original HZD was that they turned most combat areas into flat, contained arenas where you couldn’t really take advantage of geography and use planning to kill your targets.

Bottlenecking, laying traps, getting advantage of ground, taking advantage of limited mobility of the robots, stealth… all the gameplay videos I’ve seen look SO BORING.

“Who could possibly be responsible for the catastrophic loss of value of one of the Internet’s most beloved brands? Could it be me, the owner, and the decisions I’ve made?”

“No. The Jews are responsible.”

A “stash” that is only accessible outside combat mostly preserves that balance, IMO.

Most games come up with a range of ways to get around the problem, even when they do have a strictly limited inventory with encumbrance:

  • Zero weight quest items

  • Ability to run or fast travel while encumbered (FO4 selectable perk)

  • A pet or NPC capable of carrying your less valuable stuff back to the vendor for sale (Torchlight had this, did Diablo? I haven’t played in decades.)

  • Pack animals/robots

  • Portable vendors (Skyrim had a demon vendor you could summon once a day)

  • Bags of holding (or similar)

  • Warp chests (many chests with same contents/inventory around map)

etc. ad infinitum. The fact that most games implement a variety of ways to deal with absence of an infinite inventory is kind of a tipoff that it’s more of a burden than a desirable aspect of gameplay. Most of these games are holding up a carrot (or several) to get you to pursue certain achievements just to reduce the monotony of inventory management.

Season 29… of a video game?

I’m kind of glad I don’t play in whatever ecosystem that is. It sounds exhausting.