Normally it’s blocked by default which is pretty easy to get around (It’s just a setting toggle) but apparently Samsung added a second “safety” autoblocker to a recent update. (Which can also be turned off, so I’m not sure what all the fuss is about, aside from being a mild inconvenience.)
I’m in my 50’s and never had issues finding porn/alcohol/drugs when I was under 18, even though I was in a religious area for part of it.
These people are sniffing glue if they actually think this bill will do anything other than erode privacy.
At best all it will do is lead kids away from normal sites and towards the sketchy parts of the web where things get even weirder.
I have no idea who is… it’s not on the list of alternate domains so I’m a bit leery of that one.
Although I’m not finding dutch there, has it but I’d be cautious with some of those.
To be honest I don’t find wd-40 all that great to start with, there are better options, although usually pricier. But I don’t think it’s near as bad as you’re making it out to be.
The states pushed a similar law through years ago, and The wd-40 sold in the states already complies with the new Canadian laws of less than 25% (It has 10-20% as per ) and there hasn’t been any problems with its effectiveness.
Why would it be any less effective? WD-40 sold in the U.S. already complies with Canadian new voc rule of no more than 25%
A shrinking ozone hole?
You think that’s a bad thing?
Ya unfortunately I went the same school as her and it’s my area (Portage-lisgar) that kept voting her in for some reason, despite her having the IQ of a wet sock.