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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


Ya unfortunately I went the same school as her and it’s my area (Portage-lisgar) that kept voting her in for some reason, despite her having the IQ of a wet sock.

We know. One of our conservative MP’s even ran around with a MAGA hat at one point.

at 50, everyone has the face he deserves.

Welp, I’m screwed.

Normally it’s blocked by default which is pretty easy to get around (It’s just a setting toggle) but apparently Samsung added a second “safety” autoblocker to a recent update. (Which can also be turned off, so I’m not sure what all the fuss is about, aside from being a mild inconvenience.) https://www.androidauthority.com/enable-sideloading-one-ui-6-1-1-3463446/

Unrelated but have you looked on Anna’s Archive? They have a bunch of Bande dessinée on there that may be what you’re looking for.

I actually built one of the “sovcits” his first computer, a Pentium dx66 IIRC. Thankfully when he was on the net he was mostly distracted by porn. Unfortunately I was also the first call he’d make when he picked up a virus.

The “sovcit” thing has been here for a long time, I’ve known two here since the 90’s. (I think they’re both dead now.)

They were a bit more tame back then before they had the internet to feed their stupidity though.

Things like this are why I think the whole Facebook “encrypted messaging” thing is just a scam to try and look like they respect your privacy. It doesn’t matter if you have the best encryption out there if the doors are wide open for them on either end and they’re keylogging everything you do.

Ya, it seems every time they take a step or two forward they somehow end up taking a step back again.

I’m kind of disappointed that the Ndp voted in favor of this bullshit plan.

I’m in my 50’s and never had issues finding porn/alcohol/drugs when I was under 18, even though I was in a religious area for part of it.

These people are sniffing glue if they actually think this bill will do anything other than erode privacy.

At best all it will do is lead kids away from normal sites and towards the sketchy parts of the web where things get even weirder.

I for one am quite comfortable not giving them any more of my money either.

Exactly, Facebook doesn’t do anything unless they see money in it or they’re trying to protect their bottom line.

It’s all about the shareholders, nothing else matters to the corporate world, no matter how nice of a bow they try to wrap it in.

I can’t imagine the shock of someone after being out on a Friday night and trying to wobble their way home, only to come across a giant Bugs Bunny on crack in the dark.

They like to whine and cry that piracy makes them lose money, but the opposite is true (at least in my case.) I wouldn’t have bought half the games I did if I hadn’t first pirated them to try them out. I’m certainly not tossing $60+ dollars on something I “might” like otherwise.

Ya hopefully that’s all it is and not something malicious…but I wouldn’t trust anything off it.

1337x.to not xx.to

I have no idea who xx.to is… it’s not on the list of alternate domains so I’m a bit leery of that one.

Although I’m not finding dutch there, bt4gprx.com has it but I’d be cautious with some of those.

Yup, that almost makes too much sense to implement.

Some smart tvs’s will whine incessantly about not having the internet.

Thankfully mine (Philips) only bitched about it for about a week, and gave up. Now the only real complaint I have with it is that it takes forever to boot, considering it has to fire up android after it’s been off.

To be honest I don’t find wd-40 all that great to start with, there are better options, although usually pricier. But I don’t think it’s near as bad as you’re making it out to be.

The states pushed a similar law through years ago, and The wd-40 sold in the states already complies with the new Canadian laws of less than 25% (It has 10-20% as per https://files.wd40.com/pdf/sds/specialist/canada/english/wd-40_specialist_spray_stay_gel_lubricant_can_ghs_sds.pdf ) and there hasn’t been any problems with its effectiveness.

Canada’s new regulations calls for no more than 25% VOC. The states enacted the same kind of law years ago, and the wd-40 down there is only at 10-15%.

So in other words, this new law is still behind the US regulations and we’re only starting to catch up.

American wd-40 already complies with the new Canadian standard of no more than 25% voc. (The states has 10-15%)

You can already buy pump spray bottles of wd-40 since at least the 90’s, and they can adapt the straw.

besides, Wd-40 in the US already complies with the new Canadian standard. Canada is just slow updating the regulations compared to the states.

Oh so that’s what killed the 80’s incredibly flammable hairstyles /s

Why would it be any less effective? WD-40 sold in the U.S. already complies with Canadian new voc rule of no more than 25%


It’s a clickbait headline designed to anger people who can’t be bothered to actually read past the title. They’re not banning wd-40 and it will still be available after 2024

And it’s bleeding into Canada.

Same. I’ve been using proton for 6 or 7 years now.

The way I see it is if a company has to spend a shit ton of money advertising, they’re probably not all that good to begin with.

If a product is legitimately good people will be beating down their door.

The “proof” going to be one of his indictment papers with his name crossed out and Biden’s written beside it in red crayon.