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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


The new version of this is coming across a reddit post where it seems like OP replies “Thanks, that worked!” to “In protest of Reddit’s API changes, I have removed my comment history. Fuck u/Spez”

For HR, I think you’re good to go the way that it is. Hopefully you have the Director’s Cut - they removed the awful yellow filter that the game originally launched with.

You should, it’s quite powerful and can work in tandem with both DMDE and UFS Explorer!

Power cycling the drive reboots and reinitializes it. I’ve mostly seen it with SSDs - you get a few dozen MB worth of reads before it drops out, unplugging and reconnecting a SATA power connector that many times would be real tedious so you automate it with a relay.

I own a repair shop and use USB to SATA adapters all the time. Sector scans, imaging/cloning, and booting live environments.

It has less to do with the medium and more to do with the quality of your chosen adapter.

I have one of the adapter you pictured, ordered it to test it out because it was comparatively low cost. Did not order more.

I have about a dozen of the Sabrent adapters and they see daily use.

USB can actually be ideal in some data recovery scenarios. HDDSuperClone / OpenSuperClone support a relay mode that turns a disk off and back on to regain access after they drop out, and that is reliant on a USB connection.

Working in IT Support, the fact that Outlook refers to webmail and two distinct email clients makes understanding user’s problems a nightmare.

What’s uniquely “proprietary” about Apple’s hardware that distinguishes it from a Dell or Lenovo PC?

Well, for starters, they design their own A_X_ and M_X_ silicon. When they were using Intel x86_64 silicon, the T_X_ security coprocessors were also custom / proprietary.

Consoles are all using custom AMD APUs that are still x86_64 based, so they have more in common with a Dell/Lenovo PC than anything Apple makes. Apple’s entire hardware lineup is about as proprietary as it gets.

Microphone is mono They’re wondering why there’s a third contact

has to be dumped

OpenCore Legacy Patcher, Linux, ChromeOS Flex, and maybe even Windows 10 could all be options for that Mac. As-is ot would still be perfectly safe to use offline too.