• 2 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Feb 05, 2021


Changing stuff and seeing what happens!

The best part is remembering every change to revert it after XY change does it right.

That’s the correct answer.

All that kodi hassle killed my brain. Nowadays I have a jellyfin server and a wifi6 router streams everything to a roku device I bought for 11€. Never saw some buffering again.

That’s exactly my usecase. I was on a travel and used the offline-mode. Really easy to stay on progress without network.

Since I dropped my Mozilla account years ago, bookmarking over devices is a pain. Linkwarden is the first tool which sorts my chaos. The tagging feature, a PWA and the browser add-on are my reasons for using linkwarden.

Dude, its a selfhosting app. You arent literally download an App from a store and use it. You use it as an docker container on your own server and run it. (Which is nowadays as easy as downloading an app.)

Take a distro with a package manager you are familiar with. Debian should do it.

And try out docker it’s really easy to learn and straight forward.

Jellyfin has a well documented docker compose.yml which is just a textfile that points out the facts like used versions, environment and volume paths.

I did a transition from my docker compose tools to a new system in under an hour yesterday. All I had to do was backup the volumes or data paths. Firing up the containers looks like a new install but it’s just downloading the container and everything runs like before without losing any config.

CasaOS creates just a guest smb, have you tried “guest” without PW on port 445?

There are actually easy solutions out there. For example CasaOS, it’s a oneliner and you get a docker orchestration with an app-store and built-in file and smb management. I bet even non technicals could use this.

They backup them locally. Did you ever searched for something you know existed and it’s gone forever?

Linkwarden. Because it has a good design, tags, is selfhostable, has some nice integrations (browser-plugin, PWA) and saves backups of the bookmark in PDF.

I just pay Netflix because of guilty conscience. There was nothing interesting to watch in the last months.

As someone who used caddy over years, I can’t completely agree.

Caddy has some downsides (nextcloud needs special setup for example) and not everyone is familiar with writing a Caddyfile. (Json)

For someone new I would recommend “nginx proxy manager”. Easy to install with docker and self explained through GUI.

I know about the successful help being an alternative to apple/google. When I start degoogling (5 years ago) nextcloud was impressive. But I talk about my own experience. And nextcloud doesn’t work on their basics. Instead they’re following every hype with an alpha app which doesn’t get support when the hype ends (nextcloud social) for example.

Maybe they could fork owncloud again? Owncloud worked over years to get rid of php and released last year “infinity scale” its a single binary. You can run it nearly out of the box. And it is stable and fast. Nextcloud needs this, too.

The php part is something a newbie wouldn’t easy success with. The alternatives I recommend are all easy to install docker containers, which are simple to maintain and no worries about the next release could break everything.

I am driving away from nextcloud more and more. I would be back when they get rid of php and really develop even one plugin (the so called “apps”) which isn’t just an alpha version.

I don’t see any use case for this bloated all in one monster with crap performance. Someone needs his files in a browser and overall synced. Use syncthing and something like filebrowser or filestash. Photos? Immich. Documents? Paperless. Music, Movies, e-books? Jellyfin. Collaborative Docs? Onlyoffice, cryptpad. Notes? Joplin, trillium. etc.

Show me a docker compose file which I can simply start and don’t have to mess around more than deploy it, and I will discuss xmpp more often.

Ah my fault. I don’t want to tag a user, I want to tag a community. I changed “@” to “!”

Paperless was my docker training program. I did so many mistakes and end up losing my database 3 times. My fourth try, runs smooth and I backup everything regularly. Actually 1.300 documents.

After indexing everything, I learned loving the archive feature. Docs I scanned, and don’t want to trash in real got a number in paperless and the same number in the paper folder.

Openwrt + stubby + DoQ
I want setup stubby with a QUIC resolver for testing purposes. My resolver is an external AdguardHome install on a VPS with certs for DoH, DoT and DoQ. Actually everything works with a DoT setup, and some research told me to replace "TLS" parts with "QUIC". ``` config stubby 'global' option manual '0' option trigger 'wan' # option triggerdelay '2' list dns_transport 'GETDNS_TRANSPORT_QUIC' option tls_authentication '1' option tls_query_padding_blocksize '128' # option tls_connection_retries '2' # option tls_backoff_time '3600' # option timeout '5000' # option dnssec_return_status '0' option appdata_dir '/var/lib/stubby' # option trust_anchors_backoff_time 2500 # option dnssec_trust_anchors '/var/lib/stubby/getdns-root.key' option edns_client_subnet_private '1' option idle_timeout '10000' option round_robin_upstreams '1' list listen_address '' list listen_address '0::1@5453' # option log_level '7' # option command_line_arguments '' # option tls_cipher_list 'EECDH+AESGCM:EECDH+CHACHA20' # option tls_ciphersuites 'TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256' option tls_min_version '1.2' # option tls_max_version '1.3' # Upstream resolvers are specified using 'resolver' sections. config resolver option address 'vps-ip' option quic_auth_name 'my.vpsdomain.com' option quic_port 853 ``` But this conf doesn't work. Does someone got something like this to work?

Yeah, had the same trouble with the f-droid version. Tried the github apk and there it isn’t greyed out.

it will ultimately look like a copy, and each successive copy from that copy will look worse. This is of course true with forms of tape media and a lot of others. But it isn’t true of digital media, where I could share a bit-for-bit copy of data that is absolutely identical to the original.

There is one exception: reposted memes, they are losing pixels more and more. /s

Yes, had some cool moment a few days ago, boss asked me face to face if I did this special training 5 years ago.

I took my phone out, open paperless, did a full text search and tada, there it is. The cert for this one.

Yes, that’s correct, mailcow runs on a vps outside with a static IP, I missed that op only asks for RPI hosted.

Idk, exactly I put near 500 pdfs in it, and after 3 days it was complete

  • Wireguard + wireguard-ui
  • Linkwarden
  • Filebrowser
  • Dockge
  • Trilium
  • Paperless-ngx
  • OCIS
  • AdGuard Home
  • Jellyfin
  • Rocket-Chat
  • Vaultwarden
  • Mailcow

That’s my actual mess.

You don’t need permanent backups of it. Vaultwarden is more like a secure “syncthing”. I crashed a system with vaultwarden had to rebuild everything but after connecting it to my devices I got the passwords from them back again and nothing was lost.

Not even bottom? That’s elementary school.

I was familiar with just organise my docker-compose containers without any frontend. But I discovered casaOS, which make things pretty simple. An AppStore and a SMB-Shared File manager gave me a really good workflow. Things that aren’t on the AppStore can be handled outside of Casa, too.

PS. But never make the mistake to integrate the outside handled containers, this mess things up.

Easy, I always mirror my cloud. My setting is: cloud is extern and in my network there is always the same copy of everything on a simple smb-nas.

  1. My house burns to the ground (or easier, the NAS is broken) = online backup

  2. The online provider got hacked = No problem, I have an backup at home.

  3. The hackers burned my house down at the same time they killed my cloud = Well fuck.

PS. Since the most syncs are going directly to the cloud its just an rclone cronjob every night to backup everything on the NAS.

TIL, docker has a snap package, and can’t stop laughing. What’s next? A flatpak or AppImage?

Yes, I know, but since it’s open source, I don’t ask for release dates. :-)

I tried to set this up beside my existing mailcow server. Mailcow runs smooth and has a web interface. And I am not on my way to ditch it just for jmap.

Idk, what’s happening earlier:

1.dovecot integrates jmap (I would stay with mailcow) 2. More clients support jmap (eventually switch to stalwart) 3. Stalwart get an webinterface (eventually switch to stalwart)

Actually I don’t even have cal-, or webdav activated. But for my usecase, simple cloud, it works really promising.

What happened to owncloud dev? I wish it would be the same at nextcloud! They fully get rid of PHP. Its called OCIS and is a single binary or docker container.

OCIS is in early stage and lacks some features, but it is really easy to install and works flawlessly on low resources.

Don’t use root@

Btw if there is no password for the smb share, then leave all password attempts blank.

Its the sharing function. If you add the sharing on a whole group of notes it will be transferred in a website with navigation, too.

CasaOS user here. This looks amazing, but let’s test before I kick my home.

Using it for a month actually, I like the idea of database-notes. And I use the sharing function a lot, because I wrote a lot of guides which I share with friends and colleagues. It just transfer a note into a website and now it replaced my wiki.js and my notes app.

What I miss is a cool app, but hey it’s open source I don’t complain.

Just a hint for people searching a tiny selfhosted messenger with encryption and apps for iOS and android.