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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023


I think the first season was pretty excellent. The mystique disappeared a little bit after that, which definitely changed how the episodes felt going forward, but it was still good

The word cis or cisgender is right there my friend. Trans people are still biological, after all.

How dare you cook dinner for yourself when McDonald’s is right there? How will the franchise owners or the brand owners be able to buy meals for their children!?

I mean it’s still possibly copyright and/or trademark infringement, but…

I mean I always knew digital renting was kind of a lame idea, but I didn’t put together how monumentally bad it is until you said that…

You heard OP, remove the question if it’s allowed! Only banned questions may stay! Does the set of all sets that don’t contain themselves contain itself!?

It’s technically illegal to make a copy of that data for yourself and then to sell the original (while keeping the copy). That obviously doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, but…

People who use sponsorblock or other kinds of adblock are the kinds of people who get annoyed by watching ads. I suppose it’s possible some of those are short because the ads are working and they keep spending money, but in my experience and the experiences I’ve seen discussed elsewhere, it seems to generally be that they are annoyed because they’re not interested in what the ads are selling and wouldn’t be sold on them anyway.

The thread is about grayjay saying that using sponsorblock on grayjay will hurt creators. If grayjay doesn’t send metrics, then any metrics sponsorblock might mess up are already messed up by watching on grayjay.

Why do they have to prove that? You backed up the assertion that sponsorblock hurts creators with the mere unlikely possibility that sponsors might be able to see metrics, how does their single anecdotal bit of evidence that people using sponsorblock are the kinds of people that won’t click ads anyway not pass the same muster?

Admittedly they’re both bad evidence, so why are we treating yours as better?

As far as I’m aware, creator sponsorships rarely care about whether or not you watch the segments, but about how many people follow the link or whatnot. So you could make the argument that sponsorblock makes you never follow the links, but that really assumes you would otherwise, which…

OP said they received the “I appreciate your interest but I prefer not to continue this conversation” message and then were blocked.