I came here from reddit just before the blackout I am fully in support of the Fediverse. Such a cool idea.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Is it useful without piracy though? It would still be expensive to buy all that media? And usually you can’t even download movies etc that you buy online. Am I missing something?

Not much honestly. Still use Gmail and Drive

??? I was pointing your behaviour. I’m not the guy you were arguing with.

Now youre the one being condescending. How about you reevaluate your hypocrisy

The steamworld series is solid. Steamworld heist is really fun

Direct-to-consumer advertising is the promotion of prescription medicines to the general public. New Zealand and the USA are the only two countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that allow direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicines.1 Feb 2004

Every company in China has to surrender their data to China

I have slowly realised that Fast Travel ruins games for me

Exactly. I don’t get what was so great about being passive aggressive to a Meta employee

I don’t think they “destroyed” Meta. Meta was polite and they were passive aggressive? What is there to celebrate?

Wow from an outside perspective I must say you USians are very insane (at least when it comes to politics)

There are heaps of old people (60+) who play Elite Dangerous and Stardew Valley. Never stop gaming just because of your age!

I was going to explain what 2 girls 1 cup was, then i thought better of it as it is better off not being explained

I don’t know why NFTs ever took off

I have rediscovered Titanfall 2 and am playing using Northstar. very fun

I would have checked out Tildes as well if it wasn’t invite only

Thats what a lot of people don’t understand. There were always duplicates